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real meatshield

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Everything posted by real meatshield

  1. real meatshield

    Weapon ballance

    Sporter 22 (Ruger 10/22) will 1-shot zombies in the head.
  2. real meatshield

    Piano House & elektro looting

    Your vagina, it seems clotted with much sand.
  3. real meatshield

    Pistol Magazines

    Besides my mosin as primary, I have a magnum with 5 speedloaders +ammo, an FNX with a half-dozen spare mags +ammo, a 1911 with 2 spare mags, an amphib with no mag, and a CZ mag with no pistol. FNX mags and speedloaders seem to be the easiest to find. 1911 mags have been scarce, as have the CZ mags. Have yet to lay eyes on a mag for an amphib or the CZ itself. This is from almost 2 complete circumnavigation loot runs- solnich south and around the coast to balota, path of the warrior up to NWAF and then over to NEAF, thru svetlo and down through berezino... and then the same route all over again. Both times the server restarted midway through the run.
  4. real meatshield

    Confessing my Sins

    The carebear has become the KOSer. Welcome to the dark side. Bambis on the coast are SO much fun.
  5. real meatshield

    breaking legs to grief

    Now we get on the slippery slope of defining what exactly constitutes griefing. In my eyes, the only thing in game that constitutes griefing, is hacking. There is essentially no defense against it. Any other activity or interaction with other players has an alternative- generally starting with staying of the coast and away from 'population centers' or known high-pvp areas. Breaking someones legs and leaving them helpless? I think it is an integral part of the game, and a sound defensive measure for someone reluctant to outright kill someone.
  6. real meatshield

    breaking legs to grief

    How is it griefing? If I deem my life is at risk by the presence of other players, whether or not they know I am around at that moment, my risk aversion is to eliminate the risk. ANY player I see, I deem a risk. I choose to eliminate that risk. A freshies fists are as dangerous as any firearm in the game, and I refuse to allow him close. I think a freshie with nothing to lose and punching wildly is more of a dick than me with my mosin. To each his own.
  7. real meatshield

    Am I a bandit or KOSer?

    Play how you want to play, and fuck anyone elses criticism. You arent obligated to play any other way than that which YOU enjoy. Its one of the benefits of sandbox. In this community, you're either an alpha playtester, or a self-entitled child complaining daily about random shit on the forums. Playstyle has nothing to do with it.
  8. real meatshield

    DayZ App for smartphones from Roccat (neat idea)

    WTF Autorun? Want to know how the fuck they get that to work. Hacks, I tell you!
  9. real meatshield

    Why not three hour dayz?

    I used to play highttime when the gamma exploit worked for me. Something changed, and now my vid card (670 gtx) doesnt work with it. I used it because everyone else was. Now, everyone else still does, but mine is useless, even if i change the settings in nvidia control panel- so I am at a decided disadvantage, worse than the disadvantage of playing in the dark, This could actually work, with 30 minutes twilight either side (to make it a solid 8 hour cycle, which would repeat 3x daily). I could justify carrying weapon flashlights for more than just bling, and there would be a valid reason for carrying headtorches again.
  10. real meatshield

    The shy and oh so rare can opener

    not true at all. first floor office in the jail, desk to the left as you walk in will regularly have an m4 mag AND can opener, together.
  11. real meatshield

    breaking legs to grief

    So your personal definition of banditry is how the game ought to be played? No.
  12. omg how to recreate this...LOOL
  13. real meatshield

    breaking legs to grief

    They are likely nearby in the woods. Watch your ass. If they are not around to save me, looks like I am in for a long crawl to the beach to drown, or to the nearest zombie to beat me to death while I afk for a piss and a smoke.
  14. real meatshield

    breaking legs to grief

    I anticipate, and expect no less. Do unto others before they can do unto you.
  15. real meatshield

    breaking legs to grief

    I try to just kill em, but if i break their legs and they start crawling, i leave em. and if I have the opportunity to bandage them, i will. why? because I like it that way. crawl, motherfucker.
  16. real meatshield

    What I have been relegated to...

    Awesome! Been looking for yet another carebear server to come antagonize.
  17. real meatshield

    It has happened...

    I loved it! I had to park my ass in the middle of a field under a tree, and keep my head on a swivel for almost 5 minutes as the zombies kept respawning and aggroing on me. It took almost 40 rounds of ammo to drop them all and clear a 200+ meter radius that gave me enough comfort to log out. This zombie respawning alone is making the update so much more fun, and I didnt have nearly enough time to see all the new shit yet. The tears from the QQers are going to be plentiful. My unicorn tree is going to be well fed now :) hahah
  18. real meatshield

    Session Lost FIX

    Only time I get session lost, is when I launch the game, then launch xsplit. As long as I launch xsplit first, I have no problems.
  19. real meatshield

    Im so bad at this game I'm almost crying

    3 hours? thats some hella pro serverhopping, son.
  20. real meatshield

    Are we going to get the patch next week then?

    What I dont get is how .37 was on experimental for so long, and I never really heard anything about these bugs they are working on before pushing it to stable.
  21. real meatshield


    I think the fear, hate and insecurity are derived from past experience. Having seen what has befallen some AAA PC titles over the years, as they have made the transition from PC to console port, and then, over the years, development take the evil turn to development for console and then ported to PC, it makes perfect sense for PC gamers to bash consoles. Call of Duty was a stellar title when it came out, and really opened the door to the masses for FPS gaming. 2015, who later became Infinity Ward, set a tone that has yet to be changed, really. And DICE, with BF1942, took it to another level with vehicles and huge maps that no one thought possible at the time. But the lure of big money got to them both, and now, what remains of IW are now whoring for paychecks in the activision slave pit, and DICE has sold their own souls to EA. Both publishers focus mainly on providing console content because there are so many damn consoles out there, but capitulate to the PC crowd after the fact- console development always takes priority over PC nowadays, despite what the developers claim. We are no longer the primary audience for games, it seems.
  22. It helps them justify their carebear playstyle.
  23. Is this a thinly veiled attempt at justifying pedophilia? Or am I way off base on what I just read?
  24. real meatshield

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    You dont have to respect my playstyle, just accept it like we do yours. Aint our thing, but it doesnt make our day worse so who cares. And in case you hadnt heard, your colleagues did show up after all. We kidnapped (for lack of a better description) a random bambi and told him we wouldnt kill him if he played along...so we had him post it the RRF sub that he had a broken leg (which he did, courtesy of a kneecapping). At the same time he was relaying the information to me, of the discussion with RRF... Well, I happened to be streaming, and one of your guys happened to be watching twitch, and found my stream. (Didn't help that my stream was a callout to RRF.). The ruse was discovered, and it turned into a streamsniping party. Shame, really, that your guys had to streamsnipe, but it is what it is. I'm not complaining, because I got what I wanted- except you werent there. I wasn't geared either- I logged out geared to the teeth, but logged in as a bambi, so I had scant equipment for the evenings fun. Even though my stream gave your guys a decided advantage, we prevailed. By the time the server reset around 4:30, there were only 2 of your guys left, if they were even with RRF. We had them pinned for over an hour and a half. I feel a little remorse for dragging the kid with the broken leg into it since hes now banned and blacklisted but hey, I told him it would happen and he was all for it. And for the record, none of us ever heard one of your RRF guys say they were friendly. Just sayin.