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real meatshield

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Everything posted by real meatshield

  1. So I see that gameservers has finally added the feature, but I am not exactly sure what the math involved is. Default setting is 1- I read that as though for every minute of real time that passes, 1 minute of game time passes. Hence, with a setting of 2, every 1 minute of real time would equate to two minutes of game time. Thus, with a 4-hour reset cycle on gameservers, with the setting at 2 and the server restart time set to 0900, at the end of the four hour cycle the time on the server would be 1700. This, however, does not appear to be the case. I played for around 2 hours after changing the setting to 2, and it appeared that only around 2 hours had passed in game. So either the setting isn't working as intended in the control panel/config, or I have my interpretation of the mechanics way off base. Anyone have a clue?
  2. Guessing you havent played BP mod for ARMA3. 3 helos total on Altis and all require not only repairs, but to be hidden well enough that no one can find them- because there are no lockable vehicles. No one, not even large clan groups, maintains possession for very long. Man, you can't even put BP and Epoch in the same sentence, they are so dissimilar. Vehicle implementation in BP is quite well balanced for the aim of the mod. DayZ isn't BP, and should not have helos on a map about 1/5th the size of Altis. It would completely change the vibe of the game.
  3. Flying a chopper in ARMA is easy, whether with a fancy HOTAS setup that has joystick, pedals and a collective, or using mouse/keyboard. Being a chopper gunner can be easy too, but you have to be familiar with the platform you are playing on and have some practice to become good. Armed choppers in this game would detract so much from the core feel. Choppers in breaking point are cool but provide a huge advantage to those who have them, and they arent even armed- and thats on Altis. Choppers on Stratis (which is more the size of chernarus)- you can own the map. No choppers on chernarus. Ever.
  4. Phew, had me worried there for a minute. Was thinking maybe Guppy had turned you or something.
  5. The fuck did you just say? I go away for a while, and come back to find you have gone full carebear? Oh, the tragedy.
  6. lets see... started from seed. inert media- good ol' hydroton. aeroponics *could* work, but the stalk is very woody and would require additional external bracing. biannually. forced flowering results in stunted unicorns. no good for a non-ruderalis unicorn tree. unsure how it would fare in bonsai. SCROGGING has had promising results, however. Hope that clears it up for ya!
  7. real meatshield

    is this game dead already?

    I concur with this. Over 500 hours in, and havent touched it in 2 months, having moved on to breaking point mod for now. BP has more weapons, vehicles, better medical, and runs on a much more polished engine. not to say it doesnt have its share of issues, but right now it is more entertaining overall. when more content is added and zombies are fixed, many of us will return to see how it has panned out.
  8. how did this get to 7 pages? this crap is beat to death already.
  9. real meatshield

    Confessions of a Medic

    This isnt the first time you have had a taste of the Dark Side.
  10. real meatshield

    Decreased interest in the game?

    Been playing breaking point myself, waiting for exp update to hit stable. berezino spawns got old quick.
  11. real meatshield

    Intresting article on DayZ on Wired

    Pretty good read.
  12. real meatshield

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Guess you didnt hide it well enough?
  13. real meatshield

    People copying dayz are doing it wrong.

    More helo crashes should fix the loot somewhat. And servers were rolled back today to .1247, apparently to address some of that. .1250 should be coming this weekend. Personally I have never gotten anything from a helo crash other than a tac vest and ammo, but thats probably because the big groups spot them from the sky and get to them first.
  14. real meatshield

    People copying dayz are doing it wrong.

    I think the reasoning behind that is for performance and cleanup purposes. I have ambled into towns without a singe zombie in sight, and camped the town til someone else showed up. Never seen a zombie at all. I have also wandered into towns/areas that are completely overrun with zombies, and not seen a single player at all. Persistent zombies would, of course, negate any chance at using them to determine whether or not a player is in the area, but at the same time the presence of zombies isn't a perfect barometer. Maybe they should eliminate zombies spawning at all in the wilderness, only having them spawn in populated areas, and keep them persistent...But I think they need to be more aggressive regardless. I can hide in a bush surrounded by a handful of zombies and they will walk right past me. It's great cover, but completely OP at the same time. Orlok- time to upgrade, man.
  15. real meatshield

    People copying dayz are doing it wrong.

    I cant comment on the BP zombies, because they are what they are...sadly. However I think you are sadly mistaken on Altis and its playability. No matter where you spawn, east or west, you can find yourself a weapon within 10-15 minutes usually. Knowledge of the map is a definite plus. Find a town, get gear, and then head towards any of the major towns/ mil bases, and you'll have more action than you can want. Playing solo, though, you will tend to see less- after all its easier to hide and move stealthily when you are alone, as opposed to in a group. I can play several days running and avoid contact completely, or I can go balls-out and get killed/respawn several times in one server session. BTW, if 60 on Altis isn't enough for ya, UK17 and US29 are now 90 players each.
  16. real meatshield

    Has anyone accidently shot their friend?

    the things i have done while drunk...
  17. real meatshield

    plz do the new patch with this

    Try running from spawn to the north end of Altis in BP. Then tell me about a long run. Kamy to NWAF is a half hour. How the hell it took you that long to go from berezino to svetlo is beyond me. You certainly took the scenic route.
  18. Ahh hell that was over 30 seconds of life... back when kamy was a hotspot, I used to camp on the islands and snipe freshies. Was watching the warehouse on the docks when all of a sudden, had a freshie spawn directly, perfectly in my crosshairs. I dont know that he even got a loading screen, haha.
  19. Hmmm seems to me that you can glitch through with the camera just as easily in 3rd person as you can in first, so your weak attempt at an argument is invalid. Me being crazy has nothing to do with camera glitching so I wont even touch on that.
  20. This subject is beat to death and always devolves into 1PP players calling 3PP players cheaters for using an in-game mechanic that was designed to work the way it does. It isn't broken. The issue is when 1PP players decide they have the right to play on 3PP servers (which they do, of course) and complain that the 3PP players have an 'unfair advantage' (decidedly so); then start making demands to "fix whats broken in 3PP" (nothing is). It boggles the mind to try and understand why on earth someone who prefers to play this game 1PP would ever entertain the thought of playing on a 3PP server knowing tha the 3PP player has the advantage. I do not buy the explanation that it's because the 1PP servers are empty, because they ARE the reason the servers are empty- they are playing in the damn 3PP servers! I am seriously befuddled why they want the devs to "fix" something in a game mode that they don't even want to play. It makes as much sense as forcing them to full-time 3PP camera mode when they join the 3PP server. Oh shit, wait... thats actually a grand idea! If I hop on a 1PP server I am forced into 1PP for the entirety of my gameplay session... why shouldn't the inverse be true? Maybe then, they will stay on their own servers and quit bitching about the cheats we noobs like to use as a crutch- or else they will learn to use it as the tool it is meant to be.
  21. Mainly, it gets rid of the whining 1PP elitists who say people playing 3PP are noob cheaters.
  22. real meatshield

    Software Macro for DayZ

    Of all people...I thought you would have caught the sarcasm, orlok. and 3 weeks after the fact?
  23. real meatshield

    Server Resets are getting a bit frustrating.

    Believe what you want. I don't know how else to prove to you that you are wrong in casting blanket aspersions without actually being in our shoes (server admins renting from gameservers.) This ticket was submitted because the change was made at the last patch, and as usual gameservers gives absolutely *NO* information to its customers. It required me submitting a ticket because I was under the assumption that my server was crashing every 2 hours- and this was the response i got. So I dont know what servers you *think* are hosted by gameservers that are actually on a 3(?) or 4-hour restart, and how you came up with that idea, but I know what I was told, and that screenshot above is more proof backing up my claim than you have backing up yours.
  24. real meatshield

    After playing Take On Helicopters for 2 hours, I say YES to helos.

    With DCS style takeoff/landing procedures, there certainly ought to be armed helis.
  25. real meatshield

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    this is such a tired fucking topic. my only wish is that rocket or one of the devs would step in and conclusively say that 3PP is staying as it is and the 1PP elitists need to HTFU and play on 1PP servers because nothing is changing.