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Everything posted by Colemanw26

  1. The whole invisible player admin shooting you to death is getting really old. Admin, hacker, scriptor, whatever it is, probably all 3. Needs to be dealt with. They are ruining the game and sending players elsewhere. Help protect the community with this easy fix: NEED: Server filter to play on servers WITHOUT ADMINS. WHY: People name a server like an official dayz server. Players join. You kill the wrong person. Then you die via the invisible hand of god because some douche is butthurt that he sucks at the game. Should be an easy fix/addition. Should not take 6 months to implement. I PvP on PvP servers, not loot servers. Shit happens over and over. They let you bring the gear to them, kill you with 1 hit from an invisible axe to the head, and laugh at you on VOIP. Sometimes you just get blasted with a hail of bullets from an invisible gun. It's not some normal player, its an admin usually because he kills your whole squad in a few seconds. Knows exactly where you all are at all times. Bring back the DayZ GA ### servers... wtf happened to those? At least it was fair play even if it had a terrible 4 hr restart.
  2. That was the funniest shit I've seen so far. Some guy running around naked playing jungle boogie over and over really loud while theres a huge firefight going on all over the place... classic. Good job, I hope you survived.
  3. What is with this? Happened 3 times to me and my friends today. Are hackers winning now? Scenario: You spawn in with gear..... 30 seconds later you are met with a hail of gunfire... automatic mosins that never ends.... no reloading required. In a building? Yup. In a field? Yup. In the woods in the middle of NOWHERE? Yup, still happens. Not a private server. Happened 3 times on three different servers today. Why is this?
  4. Is it just me? Orrrrrrrr can no one join those DayZ ATL #### servers?
  5. Colemanw26

    People shooting automatic Mosins on public Servers

    wow lol... does that even work?
  6. Colemanw26

    People shooting automatic Mosins on public Servers

    What? Is this the DayZ forum or the Arma2 Dayz Forum?
  7. Colemanw26

    People shooting automatic Mosins on public Servers

    Different servers. Happened over the entire course of my time tonight. I got jew killed by hackers. Join a new server, geared up, hopped to a populated server. Death in 1 min. Each time it happened it was a DayZ US EAST or Central server, you know, an official DayZ public server of any random #. Each situation was my friends and I spawn in and no matter where we were, some group of people, sometimes 1, sometimes 3-4 people, would instantly zone to our location and either break our legs and laugh, or just out right kill us. -Edit- And its not like we were sniping from some hill or some bullshit, we picked random, "safe" locations to group up. We hadn't harassed, trolled, shot at, killed, or even talked to anyone. The players in question are just teleporting around raping anyone they see fit.
  8. Colemanw26

    People shooting automatic Mosins on public Servers

    How much do servers cost to rent? Im so sick of this crap that Im now feeling the need to shell out cash just to punish people that join my server. Shit is ridiculous.
  9. Colemanw26

    People shooting automatic Mosins on public Servers

    When 3 people appear with out pants or shirts... or aNYTHING except a mosin... in the middle of the woods... a building or a field.... and shoot a million bullets a second for several seconds straight... something isnt right. IMO this "BattleEye Client" needs to get their shit together or just quit entirely and let someone else take over. Or just let everyone go god mode! Then we can all ruin the game together and no one can have fun at anyone's expense whatsoever. Shenanigans like this will kill the community. I'm probably done until next patch. Really sour taste in my mouth after tonight. I took the first two lumps and moved on, but three times in one night really gets under my skin.
  10. Colemanw26

    Long Range Scope question

    I jsut saw the other thread about this... sooo my bad for double posting.... ignore this thread
  11. Colemanw26

    Long Range Scope question

    So does that mean a damaged scope may shoot to the left.... like every time? or is it gonna shoot off center in a random direction each time you fire?
  12. Colemanw26

    Long Range Scope question

    Can a Damaged Long Range Scope be used? Does it shoot straight? Can you see through it? I found two on this guys dead body and want to know if i should keep them. Thanks!
  13. And its not even in BETA yet... All bugs aside, my friends and I have been playing this game together for 4-10 hours every night 4 days a week for 4 weeks. Now there's like 10 of us total so we're forming a guild/clan. This game is gonna be huuuuge. I'm gonna recruit all my old wow friends AND all my idiot CoD friends together into one game! Good stuff. Thanks for giving me something to think about at work.
  14. Colemanw26

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    Reward? No. Displayable zombie kill counter would be AWESOME
  15. Hey all! Just logged in. I got a couple questions. Is there anything beyond the in-game menu that I can do to turn up VOIP volume? Even when we scream into our mics, it is near impossible to hear each other. Also, if I pick up a pair of handcuffs, how do I just put them in my inventory next to my flashlight, battery, and old can of nasty tuna? It's like it's stuck in my hands. Thanks!
  16. Colemanw26

    VOIP issue plus a noob question

    How do you refill a canteen at a pond?
  17. Colemanw26

    VOIP issue plus a noob question

    How long does it normally take to respawn? I've been waiting for like 5 minutes. it says scene ready, 1, 2 ,3 then nothing but blackness and the sound of the ocean.
  18. Colemanw26

    VOIP issue plus a noob question

    Well apparently the height from which you fall and die is only like 8 feet so....im starting over heh
  19. Colemanw26

    VOIP issue plus a noob question

    Oh I get it now, you only get 4 inventory slots. Gotcha! Hehe I just picked up a motorcycle helmet that conveniently fits OVER my gas mask.... lol wearing both at the same time.