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Everything posted by Baarn

  1. Baarn

    Ultimate Mosin Hunting Guide

    Found a Mosin on the second floor of the construction site building near Cherno (the same as in Berezino, those with the yellow crane besides them). I was originally looking for a PU-Scope there, as I like to start with a scope and then get the Mosin.
  2. Baarn

    Steam Achivements

    Why only carebear achievements and no pvp achievements? You are not forced to do them! *rolleyes* - Force feed disinfectant - kill x players in one life / y minutes I hope achievements never get implemented. Just because you are unable to figure out what to do after collecting items does not mean the game has to tell you. In fact the game has a lot to offer even at the current stage of development (and even more will be added). Achievements only create pointless goals that are against the spirit of the game.
  3. Baarn

    How do I attached PU Scope to M4?

    I have no idea of guns n stuff, but Wikipedia tells me otherwise.
  4. Baarn

    Stuck in a room.

    Happened to me yesterday, server restarted while I was in the ship. I spawned in a room without doors etc, just like yours. Mos1ey's solution works, you might need to try it more than once.
  5. I dislike the 10 minute timer as well. I had firefights in groups that lasted longer than half an hour, the one occasion I especially think of right now, there wasn't a clear winner as both faction retreated. We looted approximately half an hour after the last shot. Just to make sure we were safe. I'd much more prefer a solution to discourage suicide, I guess most of the corpses exists due to this. I also dislike it as a solution to disallow you to collect your gear, there are far too many occasions were you are killed by bugs (ladders, glitching, etc) and it just helps you to collect your stuff. I don't consider it realistic to loot "your" own body, but it sure helps alpha testing and eases the pain of getting bug-killed. As this is just a temporary solution, I can live with it. I think it will be pretty annoying, but as I often play in a group I guess we will now try to loot corpses before they despawn and simply drop loot on the ground. Didn't say anything about loot despawning in the patchnotes.
  6. general discussion: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/166246-should-we-be-able-to-carry-two-rifles/ another one: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/163260-being-able-to-carry-2-rifle-sized-guns-would-be-nice/
  7. Baarn

    Steam Achivements

    I think this is the problem, it creates goals besides the one that makes up the game. Surviving. Every achievement distracts from the game itself, even if you'd make an achievement like "Survive x hours" it would still distract from the goal. I would run around, collect food and then simply afk over night in a hidden spot, hoping the server doesn't restart (maybe set a clock). Was this fun? Does this in any way describe how good I am at the game? Does it enhance the game? Achievements are a way to force players to prolong their playtime on an otherwise boring game.
  8. Baarn


    stats: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/163121-how-about-some-stats/ achievements: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/166298-steam-achivements/
  9. Baarn

    An apple a day.....

    No it isn't. Never. The chances of getting sick are too high, and sickness drains too much water and blood. The amount of activity a rotten fruit buys you (less than 5 minutes) isn't worth it.
  10. Baarn

    random sound events

    I read the thread title and thought it was about the random sound events we already have - Rabbits making zombie noises, pretty random if you ask me - Soda cans opening everywhere, some people say it is caused by players opening a soda can anywhere in a world, I consider it random - Ammunition stacking sounds, also pretty random - Fence gates creaking and sticks breaking in woods (actually intended for atmosphere). I like the general idea, as even the bugged sounds keep me cautious, remind me that I have to stay alert. But I on the other hand, you get used to them quite quickly, I simply ignore cut-off zombie noises, soda cans or ammo sorting (reloading is completely different though).
  11. Baarn

    Fix the Forums!! Please.

    Don't worry, this is just a seasonal disturbance. I am new to the forum as well, but speaking from experience I gained from other communities this wont be a problem for long. As fast as these users came, most will be gone in a few days or months. Few will stay and those who do will learn how to behave.
  12. ... you haven't even met ladders yet
  13. I am not completely free of guilt; yes, I've hopped a few times in the past, but am not doing it any more. However it just happened to me yesterday: I was on a server for some hours, then the server restarted. I waited until in came back up and received a message that was something in the line of "could not retrieve character information, creating new character. An administrator has been notified" and I spawned at the coast. It was late and I only ran a few meters, then logged off. Today when I logged back in my original character was restored. Wasn't so lucky the last time this happened.
  14. Baarn

    Spawn campers

    Just because I play devils advocate don't assume that I do it (I have done, but don't do it any more). Basically, if you are confident that you will actually hit your target, you can stop doing it and move on to targets that are more likely to carry something you might need. DayZ was the first shooter I played in a long time, the last realistic shooter I played was Operation Flashpoint. People who played the mod are probably used to the different factors you have to take into concern. And you could train shooting playing custom maps in Arma2 (which I don't own either) to learn how weapons behave in the mod. There are no moving targets in game (perpendicular to your location, a zombie that runs towards you isn't really a challenge). Of course you could ask a friend to kite some zombies for you... but honestly that is a pretty dumb idea and will probably get your friend killed by another sniper.
  15. Baarn

    Spawn campers

    If you really are new to the game, spawn camping can help you learn how to shoot. Easy target practice without the risk of loosing your gun that quickly (if you change your location frequently, which is another crucial part to learn). This game is about survival, not about honor. Edit: I am not talking about this, but camping spawn locations like Solnichniy or Kamishovo
  16. Baarn


  17. Baarn


  18. Baarn

    Steam Achivements

    Achievements distract from the game itself and make it into a "Hey I really need to farm this achievement now"-thing. Oh and why is "killing a Zombie with fists" not an easy achievement? You didn't even include "and not get hurt in the process" which would still be easy.
  19. Baarn

    Fix the Forums!! Please.

    Restricting users to certain forums wont help. Just judging from how many suggestions are currently not posted in the suggestions forum, a lot of people can't even manage to find the right place to post their stuff. I doubt restricting the users will help with that.
  20. Baarn

    Suggestion: Zombification

    1: Zombies are not dead but infected. Survivors are immune to the disease, afaik. That's why they survived basically. 2: Wrong forum.
  21. Baarn

    Non-permadeath server option in the future?

    You would need your own private hive anyway. A server with an option like that would otherwise be a perfect looting-ground if connected to the public hive.
  22. Baarn

    Non-permadeath server option in the future?

    What I really don't get: How does non-permadeath improve roleplay? Roleplay does not mean that you are walking around Goldshire presenting your pretty clothes and /emote all the time. Roleplay means that it literally means: "play a fuckin role". The more realistic and sandboxed it is, the better for any serious roleplayer. If you don't want people who KoS, get some people together, create a private hive and set up a set of rules that disallow killing people without a roleplay reason (eg: the rules on most Altis Life servers). Clearly state in your rules that "I am a maniac bloodelf ghost paladin lone wolf shadow killer dragon who slays everyone he sees" is not serious roleplaying and thus still not a reason to KoS. Edit: Oh, btw: wrong forum
  23. Baarn

    Crafting News - Can this be confirmed?

    There are hundreds of "blogs" out there that basically just collect random information from wiki pages, such as this one. Usually from topics that are currently top of google results, they try to catch as many of those hits to make money on ads or increase the value of their domain. Basically just the usual SEO scum.
  24. Baarn

    Combat logging fix idea (simple)

    Your idea isn't that bad, but I think implementing it wouldn't be so easy. I think a 15 second timer (or something in that range) before removing the character from the server should suffice. It is far easier to implement and should solve most of the combat logging problems. Of course there will be some cases where this time isn't enough, eg if someone hides in a house, but it would've helped against all loggers I encoutered so far. Oh, by the way: it has allready been announced that combat logging is getting fixed in the near future, so I doubt having yet another idea on that matter will change the way the developers will handle the problem for now. Better wait for the implementation and then see how it might be improved.
  25. I'd still consider it good if items in a protector case were protected from bullets. Even though bullets might penetrate a protector case in reality, I don't see why every item in one piece of clothing is ruined after one hit, not very realistic as well. There are reasons to have that much storage space. I have one case full of map pieces I can't combine, and another one with stuff I collected to hand over to freshspawns. Currently I only have one case inside another one, but I really wouldn't mind if this would be removed in the future (actually I'd prefer that). In total I have three medkits, four protector cases and one ammo box. However, I carry my axe in my backpack rather than on my back, so I am 5 inventory places short compared to people who carry it on their back.