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Everything posted by ScienceCow

  1. In real life if I had all the skills that are needed to survive without, why would I want to be around another person? The answer is that being with other people helps us cope with the world and I'd imagine in such a survival situation (being alone and working to settle basic needs) we'd start to suffer depression and anxiety. So, to encourage but not force people to work together create a depression/anxiety status that gets worse the longer you are without company. It could be something minor like the screen de-saturate like with blood lose. The solution would be having a friend nearby for a while, then your could go a stretch before the status comes back. Or maybe extremely rare pills or the chicken's why out by respawning. If you wanted to get fancy you could make a chat channel that you enter and level automatically when you have the status so that you can find others who want to get rid of the effect. It would help you avoid people that aren't really looking for some face time. Personally, this isn't a big deal for me because I always play with a RL friend. But that's the point, people are getting their social needs met while not playing the game, so why would they ever do it in game, unless they wanted to 'fix' their character.
  2. ScienceCow

    First vehicle you ever drove?

    I was lucky enough to find a Helix Truck the day vehicles were reintroduced, had fun for a while, but lost it in the days later. it was a good truck.
  3. ScienceCow

    no dayz servers will load please help

    You'll probably need to do more updating. Update your video card drivers, make sure DayZ is up to date, and you'll need the the Arma 2 Beta update. You could try something like Day Z Commander for a program to help keep you up to date - just watch out on the website not to click on the ads/banners.
  4. ScienceCow

    Always stuck at loading.

    Update your beta. I got the same thing at one point because my Arma 2 beta was out of date. It doesn't kick you for a different version. just hangs.
  5. ScienceCow

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I still don't get why I would go from 2500 humanity to 250 for putting on camo clothing I find. Does it automatically assume I want to kill people if I wear clothing to blend in while in the forest?
  6. Unfortunately I forgot the exact details, but I was curious about whether anyone else has seen this. I believe the server was US 1437 or 1137 and the player profile was named Cody. A friend and I were playing and it was 11 at night on the server in the far north ten minutes west of NW airfield. We were running through a field and I got shot in the back falling unconcious - sounded like a silenced gun. My friend took a hit but got behind a tree. He was shot at a few more times but i was still at my body after the few shots I saw the sniper crawl up to my body so I requested my friend shot at my body and as he fired with his m249 i directed his shots to hit. Success, though I die in the process and we associate the death to us getting sloppy. I start to respawn and my buddy takes cover in trees and watches my body. just after I respawn the guy appears, ten feet from my friend -luckily in LOS- and he kills him. Cody dies. I continue to make my run and we start talking about times I've seen here location respawns. About 10 minutes into my 25 minute run back I'm in the deep woods north of Cherno in a pitch black forest and I seen and then hear a guy saw 'where are you going? stop running, stop running, I'm blah blah blah, I'll shoot you in the back' starts firing and i get hit, but i run on and dodge more bullets from the silenced gun that does about 5500 damage. I bandage when far enough, keep running. Fast forward to 15 more minutes and I'm 3-4 minutes away or one full and a half sections/squares of the map. I again have to run through a field area but I'm even further west so I go for it, but for the whole run I've been looking over my shoulder. Looked forward for a moment, just before getting to the tress I hear the same gun fire. get through the trees without fire and have to make another field run. I go for it looking behind me. I can hear the same guy on mic with the same background noise. I go down. My friend says 'same guy', I say, 'has to be cheating'. I go to respawn and just after getting through 'waiting for character ID' and getting to 'loading' I hear foot steps on my friends computer, I say 'I think he's near you look out'. Again on mic we hear the same voice, same background noise over mic and same silenced gun fire. My friend dies. In short, it's impossible that someone would end up exactly behind my, in the darkness, without being out of breath enough and that could be at all our locations in that short of time, never being seen coming. So - Is there a hack that the 'team leader' of a server can spawn at his team mates?
  7. ScienceCow

    Team Leader 'Spawn'ing to my location

    Honestly, I doubt this game will become a stand alone or go much further than an alpha/beta mod. But if the fix is easy enough to employ then it should be considered. I'm curious whether we could just make lots of different teams if it is indeed a 'team' spawning thing. This isn't about banning cheaters it's about minimizing exploits in my opinion.
  8. ScienceCow


    The inlet is off the map that you look at, but within the borders of the game zone, north of Olsha
  9. ScienceCow

    how to recognize too low temperature??

    You can get infected by zombies too - very small chance, but it can happen. Just make sure you aren't in rain or water and if it's night time keep moving while outside.
  10. ScienceCow

    mass breaking legs

    My first guess would be that there was barbed wire in the ground that you couldn't see or that you ran across bear traps, though I haven't seen a bear trap yet. Other than that it could have been a server hack.
  11. ScienceCow

    Cars etc

    Cars and vehicles sometimes come in working condition. I've found ATVs that require two wheels to get moving and some engine parts to get in good condition. I've also found a off road truck in good condition with half fuel - don't think it was left by someone. What ever the case, if you need parts you need to know where to look. Wheels take 6 inventory spaces, so it can be hard to get. But once you get the vehicle moving you just load up the supplies and extras in the back and you can easily keep the vehicle in good order by raiding industrial areas and having a few jerry cans for refueling. The hardest thing is knowing the buildings that spawn the equipment and having the guts to be a target in your vehicle when you're looking to pick up equipment. There are motorcycles, manual bikes, civ cars, trucks, ATVs, boats, off road military vehicles and buses. But people usually hide them and don't want to be 'seen' with them
  12. ScienceCow

    The Solo Bandit Survival Guide

    Then I don't think that's solo if you are depending on clan mates for help. Maybe you should call this thread 'A guide for people that want to sit around alone near high traffic areas and shoot people for fun'. PS, Ghillies suits are so funny if you are in the wrong bush/cover. I've actually seen the suits make people more visible thanks to the lighting of the sun.
  13. ScienceCow

    Tons of bugs cannot solve

    You need to run the Beta of Arma II. To make things easy download and install the Six Updater and Six Launcher. http://www.six-updater.net/. They've worked for me with every update.
  14. ScienceCow

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    So, in the many suggests I've read, would there be any distinction between avoiding death and the computer crashing? I had a sudden rash of 3 game crashes yesterday for some reason, memory or something in the beta. I wouldn't want some crazy harsh system that would destroy me every time it happens. BUT, as it did happen I didn't come back in the same condition. One time I came back with 2500 less blood that I had recovered 30 minutes ago, or maybe it just took the blood for fun I don't know, but DCing by accident, especially in the alphs/beta stage of developing shouldn't be a pentalty.
  15. ScienceCow

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    I thought up another possible fix to such a status rather than pills or having a buddy around. Maybe killing zombies relieves some stress/depression/anxiety. I mean they are the reason things can't go back to normal. Since most of us end up killing zombies anyway it works out as an convienent solution. I personally try to avoid engaging zombies, but I'd be happier doing it knowing that my character feels better about themself afterwards. :D
  16. ScienceCow

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    The actually effect of status on your character is up for variation, but if you want to simulate survival/horror I think that long term isolation (solo play) would have a devistating effect on a person's sanity. I think that hard to address status would give DayZ a unique and long term issue. If the only status in the game was finding bandages it would be a short pointless game. We add the need for water (continous need) food (longer time frame), blood (long term problem if you get hit), and all the other med stuff. So the question would be, do you only want DayZ to mimic a Deathmatch with zombie adds, or do you want it to be a survival horror game that looks to mimic RL survival in unique way. Being isolated (solo play) from other people shouldn't be 'easy'.