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Everything posted by MT-Klips

  1. MT-Klips

    defibrillator when to use.

    Please refer to Merino's Medical equipment guide. Here:
  2. MT-Klips

    Lopatino Lock-Down

    What is this?
  3. MT-Klips

    making a server a favorite ?

    This, but to add on: If it does not show up right away give it a day or so eventually it will appear.
  4. EDIT: (lowering your current item has proven to help) If using the hotbar: 1. Hold down the key until the item is revealed. 2. If nothing happens after 5 seconds let go and tap once. (repeat as necessary) Safest way ATM: (while looking at the inventory screen) 1.Press the red [x] if you are holding something currently. (If not skip to #2.) 2.Drag and drop items in your hands.
  5. MT-Klips

    Map Spawns

    Gas stations and cars are where I have found the majority of maps.
  6. MT-Klips

    Farming your own blood.

    Saline and Blood both restore BLOOD. Your healthy status refers to your HEALTH. Saline is 5000 BLOOD and blood bag is 1000 BLOOD. The only way to regenerate HEALTH is by first having full BLOOD then gaining healthy status. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVGxHTXbaoo
  7. MT-Klips

    Stuck in an invisible room

    If your on the ground floor, you can use a Zombie to phase you out of the wall. Zombies are able to walk through walls and thus allow anything they touch to walk through them as well. I had this issue when I was at the tech building (Jail). A zombie pushed me into a room I was unable to leave. I joined another server fired a few rounds and got a zombie to push me back out. Hope this helps.
  8. Rocket stated in an interview that the M4 was going to be one of the "rarest" guns in the game but since they worked the hardest on it he wanted it to be one of the first in the game. As it is now. Since right now Rocket has pretty much just gave us some basics to play with while he works on stability/security issues before he releases any of the content they are withholding, things are what they expected it to be: -Buggy -PvP -Basic The elements for "Survival Zombie MMO" aren't all here yet. He isn't going to release everything they have when there are vulnerabilities. People would complain even more about losing more important things. People just need to use this time to get comfortable with the combat system, blood and health system, food and water etc etc In the end people will complain if they don't have something, and they will complain when they get it. So just sit tight, strap your seat belt and be glad we have something to play around with while we wait for the actual release.
  9. MT-Klips

    For those complaining about development pace

    I honestly want to believe / believe that Rocket is holding out a good chunk of the game. There are some features I've seen in Devblogs that weren't implemented. I feel he was just: "Here are some basics, I got to work on stability/security while you play" I'm pretty certain the game will be very much different then it is now, when moving to the next stage. Most people are just wasting their breath on complaining/defending ATM. All we can do is sit/play and wait for hopefully a pleasant surprise.
  10. MT-Klips

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    They have plan to add vehicles before base building I believe. Regardless, when they do add vehicles it "kind of" solves two problems in one, since, being able to store items in vehicles will most likely become the temporary "bases" until further content is added.
  11. I honestly don't think the OP was intending that EXACT method. I feel he was trying to relay a method of deterring excessive gun use. Whether it is the method above or another that is developed along the road. Ideas are made by discussion, not shooting down/disagreeing completely with someone. I remember watching a small YouTube video on how someone hoped that he could identify someone in DayZ by looking at them. He wanted there to be Blips above there heads. After a civil discussion with a comment-er/subscriber they came to a unique perspective of a message in the bottom corner of it actually saying "I recognize this person" just like the messages in game now. II believe the OP is on the correct track, my own thoughts on the situation are that a gun should be loud and dangerous, to both the shooter and the receiver, In DayZ's current state it is limited by what it has to offer. In an ideal situation the Shooter would be SWARMED with the surrounding zombies when shooting a weapon (snipers being vulnerable to hopefully "wandering zombies") thus enforcing stealth/adds in the decision of shooting a weapon. ATM that's not plausible but this is why were here in the alph-"er" in order to help develop the game further.