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About Mege

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    On the Coast

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  1. Mege

    Back to Berezino

    This, definitley this.
  2. I find this somehow hilarious... can you take a screenshot of yourself? Anyway I'm afraid I have no solution if it's really hacking, sounds weird to me though.
  3. You're not making sense, this is not about a "play style", combat logging is awful under every aspect and adds nothing to the game. If you disagree on this, then you're either delusional or just enjoy having a "different opinion" to feel special. Beside you're acting as if every change made to the game was to be considered "detrimental to someone's play style". No, combat logging is not a play style. No, you won't get anything back if they change/remove it. Actually, you don't even deserve anything back.
  4. Mege

    Sun Tzu - The Art of DayZ ?!?!

    Thank you, I'll be sure to give it a try!
  5. Mege

    Sun Tzu - The Art of DayZ ?!?!

    Wait, how do you read books?