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About mrzee

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  1. I hope by the finalized DayZ product, we have this or something similar.
  2. I have to agree, 10mins is going to cause problems for those that play in groups. Perhaps thats why its being implemented as 10mins, to make it more brutal, force people apart? Also it could be that its there to make death have more of an impact, so you can't just shrug off your death and go back & loot your body.
  3. Dude you are legend, your thread needs to be stickied, no questions asked.
  4. mrzee

    SSD and DayZ

    Yeah I wont be installing DayZ SA onto my SSD, the thought of all the read/writes to the drive...frankly scares me....
  5. mrzee

    My first (enemy) player interaction

    Earlier today I messed up my keybinding for my fire-axe (fell off the hotbar), I had a zombie chasing me so I ran to a group of players laying prone on the ground asking if they could take the zombie out for me and i'd give them some food. Instead of helping me, the punch me when i'm down and knock me out. When I regained consciousness they tried to do it again, I gave him a bit of a warning around the lines of dude are you brain damaged or something? why'd you hit me, he still kept comming at me, so I took my fire axe out, swung it at his head, and then at his made who then pulled his axe out. The first guy got a lucky punch into me, made me go unconscious again, he must have thought he killed me because they buggered off down the road, little does he know, I survived that attack, got all my health back, and am doing great now, but i'll be buggered if i ask anyone for help again. Some people are just douch's, I hate playing on the Australian servers because most of the players there are like happy-KOS-nutters. Sadly due to ping i'm kinda forced into it.
  6. I hear some running SLI GTX 780's complaining about FPS, myself I run a single GTX 770 and its bloody perfect for me on High detail. It could have somthing to do with my processor though, I7 4770k
  7. If all I wanted was to play PvP, I'd go play Infestation Survivor Stories :P
  8. I had a similar experience, fresh spawn, met a guy on the coast who seemed pretty kitted out. He helped me along to find a water pump, offered for me to go play with him and his mate. All was well until he asked where i'm from, I told him, he stopped, turned, shot me in the face, and kept on running :(
  9. mrzee

    Map Spawns

    What is the point of the in-game map btw? it seems completely useless, can't set waypoints (at least none that show you where to go). I'd rather use DayDB
  10. mrzee

    My first assault rifle

    Haven't been so lucky so far.
  11. mrzee

    My first assault rifle

    You sir can have my beans, and my beans beans beans, because your guide is awesome!
  12. After much running around the last couple nights, trying to figure out where the hell you get food, drinks and other essentials, learning how to not die of sickness etc, I finally stumbled upon my first assault rifle. This was a big achievement for me, because I've mostly been dying of starvation the last couple lives, actually when I think about it i've only been killed by a bandit once. Your probably thinking well no biggie right? I find assault rifles all the time, whys this special? Well I am posting this because as I seen the assault rifle and moved closer to it, another player was running around outside on the ramp, I was thikning to myself shit shit shit, franticly pressed the hell out of the 'F' key to pick that damn assault rifle up, and aimed it at my new friend. He didn't see me until he approached the doorway, he stood there and just looked at me, I seen he had a rifle on his back, I realized this gun had no ammo, quickly I told him "back off man theres no need for either of us to die, just go back where you came". He took my advice, and gap'd it back down the ladder and off he went. Well funny thing was, I had no ammo for the rifle LOL, if he called my bluff my last 13hours of gameply would have gone down the toilet! Bluffing is a part of the game too ya know
  13. mrzee

    Map Spawns

    Random, I just picked up an item called map, had the whole map on it. Didn't have to bugger around with pieces..
  14. After approx 8hours playing, i've killed only one player, and that was only because he was just standing there, probably afk. Most players I do run into, are armed with guns, so I don't even bother.