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Everything posted by faramon

  1. faramon

    Lots of Zombies

    Ahhah i will see, we may genuinely have some pictures if my friend screened some ... seriously i hav enever had over 3 before in one go. We saw 2 ahead fo us .. In the Middle fo the forest .. and then as we took them down 2 more came from behind, one from the side and as we killed them 2 more would just bloody pop up coming from one direction or another. It actually made my friend spazz lag out and i genuinely jus tpuled my pistol (which may of been why we drew so many?)
  2. faramon

    Night Time is Unplayable

    Ahhah i forgot I had my clouds turned off at the mo xD
  3. faramon

    Night Time is Unplayable

    Moon light can fairly brighten an environment ... the flashlight only works when you hold it raised like a weapon .... and if you can't see with gamma and brightness maxed you have a screen issue because it's like turning on B&W night vision I find. Also have you been in the middle of no where with almost no ambient light beyond the moon .. it's pretty hard to see! xD
  4. faramon

    Ridiculous Fall Damage!

    Haha yeah that's irritating .. I still get irritated when I lag back 10m while on a third floor and wile coyote in the air for one second before plummeting to my ineviatable death. Fixes soon for everything right? xD
  5. faramon

    Suspect Wall Hack?

    Nope ... sounds like they probably just noticed you guys logging in just abotu and then probably shot an arm or something that you couldn't tell was sticking out.
  6. faramon

    No healthy

    1 bag of rice, some sardines and possibly a box of cereal + water pump = healthy pretty quickly ... and eat everything else you find inbetween.
  7. faramon

    Ballistic vest and Press Vest?

    If some one could put up a screenshot of them wearing a ballistic vest so we can see what it looks like that'd be great .. I have yet to see one but I could possibly be some how skipping voer it thinking it is background ect .. (doubtful but yah never know).
  8. faramon

    Who do you trust the most?

    You don't meet B .. he shoots you from 500m away.
  9. After spawning I made my way eastish along the road .. got to what I now know is Kamyshovo (or Wobo as I call ti any time now) found the well by accident after half dying to a zombie, just as I was about to drink a guy runs in with a shovel, we both kind alook at each other say hi and then just drank together before saying bye and headding in opposite directions. That man will always be known as Bob in my head.
  10. faramon

    Average life time

    Hmm not too long yet, but I have had a fair few wipes and bug falls in between so probably my longest so far has been 15 hours of gameplay ... my current char is pushing 10 so far and I think will live for a fair while. I was how ever completely new to SA and had never played the mod so I am still getting used to being both cautious and dropping my FPS mentality.
  11. faramon

    DayZ in 64bit

    I honestly some how misread the title of this as Dayz in N64 ... like some one had made an N64 screenshot xD ...
  12. faramon

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Hahaha ahh lol you are the best, keep at it, I want this thread to hit like 25 pages of this .. I'd use it as an example to friends of what consistant trolling looks like xD
  13. faramon

    Were can I find a mosin?

    Gosh stupid extra question, what does a school house look like xD ... I keep hearing this and I am probably just dumb so indepth .. indepth helps xD
  14. I think regardless of it being ridiculous ... it'd be a great deal of fun to run around in loud armour with a mace and shield xD .... possibly the castle could have a tourist shop added which has some swords?
  15. faramon

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Mooky is the best troll and for a long time Space milk was the best feeder. xD Great story and great forum play truly a master of trolling.
  16. faramon

    mosin spawn locations?

    I found one finally on my own power! .. and then 20 mins later the server I was on crash wiped my char and all othe ronline ones ... ;___;
  17. faramon

    Female zombies

    You should stop all this arguing with her .. and bury the hatchet ..... alllllll the way into her brain stem.
  18. Pretty simple is there some kind of rough distance direct communication vocal or typing is seen?
  19. faramon

    Direct Communication Distance

    Cool, thanks guys, at least this gives me a better idea .. I honestly didn't know if it was something ridiculous but up to 80m max (probably 40m) is a good idea to go on.
  20. the going through walls bit is a ball ache .. I will normally be mid loot, hear the zombie noise and be like god dammit now I must go to the street rather than try to have a buggy in house fight. Fire figther axes = one hit zombie death, I've only ever encountered zombies as bunches of 3 roughly staggerd out .. so I don't bother with bullets for them just a quick axe boop! :D
  21. faramon

    What is the Next Big Patch?

    I am looking forward to more zombies and hunting / cooking .. that shit will add a nice extra tone to the game.
  22. faramon

    Cannot find one player in Standalone

    I have bumped into a handful of people in my time, came under fire twice (once a bad ambush that failed for them and the second time I took a mosin 7.62 to the gut. Mostly I roll around in a group of 5 with my friends so I am sure most solo's leave us be but even when we do meet people they normally cautiously say hi and then just kinda run off. We don't mind but we have also spent 95% of out time on the east coast so as far as we are concenered we are in a quiet area.
  23. faramon

    Bored? Try this new play style.

    Have no gun, only a melee weapon, what ever you need to survive and then mess with anyone who tries to hold you up .. for example yesterday 2 guys tried to hold me up, I stopped for a second, flipped the bird at them and then sprinted around them back and forth as well as circling them all the while shouting lolololololololol down the mic along with other mocking tones. See how long you survive, I managed to survive this entire encounter with out getting shot once (to my genuine surprise) and God they wasted a lot of ammo xD