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Everything posted by faramon

  1. Standing above, shooting down into his head from the side ... no way it hit anywhere else and the chances everything was pre-ruined exist but I'd say more likely the game does indeed ruin everything. I may run an experiment on a friend for proof if we can be assed to.
  2. faramon

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    I go with the UN beret and then plain green tac gear plus black assault vest ... it announce me perfectly .. I'm not bad but I am probably not good ... >__> ... though i would like to have more nice interactions xD
  3. faramon

    Blood Test Kits In Med Bags.

    I have found a few but they are pretty rare ... I still kinda prefer to just carry saline bags than mess about with blood (even with the correction to their healy blood replenishing factor).
  4. faramon

    Combat Logging -,-

    Oh thank god this thread was old I honestly thought some one had made a thread complaining about something that should shortly be a little bit fixed. .. little bit at least, the moment some one D/C's on me I become so fucking Paranoid you'd think I just spent 90 years in jail holding the soap for every second... I won't loot the area more so I will pull back a bit let them log back in and see if I can nail their ghosting bulls*** D***s to the ground.
  5. We must not be playing the same game, I have point blank shot a guy in the head with a mosin while he lay down (cos I am nice like that) and everything on him was insta ruined ... that single round of ammo must of ricocheted up and down his body Daaaaam
  6. faramon

    Shotgun Snap-Loaded Shells Bugged

    I love you IrishRoy (like more than beans) ... this thread gives me info and happiness to avoid dying. I use a sawn off as a kinda sidearm / close room clearing tool so now I know to just load it manually.
  7. faramon

    Check This Out! <3

    Hacksaws ... cutting near limbs ... "I want to play a game ..."
  8. faramon

    Spotted New Version Yersterday 33.11?

    God I am retarded ... I misread the post saying mosin and some how presumed SKS which would be why I link tot he SKS pic xD
  9. faramon

    So It Happened To Me (Reset)

    Server wipe bugs have happened to me 2 or 3 times now .. my least favourite is still pressing F to die if I decide to climb a ladder or go up a multi storey building and the game decides it would love to Wile Coyote me off said building or ladder. xD
  10. faramon

    Spotted New Version Yersterday 33.11?

    Looked like a stripper clip in the image ... but I approve of this :3
  11. faramon

    How Not To Surrender - Short Video

    Sunglasses and a Blue UN beret ... it is what shows me as friendly. ... I mean it hasn't worked thus far but god dammit I will keep trying xDDDD
  12. And all our weapons will fire rocksalt instead! My vast knowledge of Supernatural is finally going to pay off HUZZAH! xDDD
  13. ... and to end the sentence for us all. ... And then the zombie runs through every object and wall like a god damn ghost...
  14. Hahahahaha so true xD .... all the beans for you both xD So many times I have seen a zombie far in the distance behind me and the F***** catches up to me as I loot a town .... well played zombie, you worked for your food.
  15. I do love how their sight line distance can be like a full kilometre ...
  16. faramon

    M4 Upper And Lower

    I actually like the idea of upper and lower with differing durabilities though, that'd be nice .. like finding a good upper but when the previous owner dropped it it could of smashed the grip / trigger on it's way to the floor.
  17. Damn me having fun with my friends! I shall commit Seppuku to regain my honour!
  18. faramon

    Best Misunderstandings?

    On Saturday I had the best misunderstanding as me and my friend trawled slowly to get equip for him (he was a new spawn) I was brutally mowed down. I don't mind dying and hell lol in this case was our fault we were pegging it down roads and kinda got lost and headed too much towards the coast. The part I found funny was when I ran back there to get me some two fisted justice (cause am like that) I eventually found out via some chit chat that they actually thought I was chasing my friend xD ... I actually started laughing and stopped trying to punch the dudes in the head. Worst heroes ever. So have you guys had any amusing misunderstandings / funny times?
  19. faramon

    Best Misunderstandings?

    Ahhah lol that's pretty good, I get that paranoia when I loot places with other people too .. I've never pulled the trigger due to uncertainty but damn close some times.
  20. He did climb Everest you know ... I think that gives you like 3 years of being skinny absolutely for nothing .. like just for doing it as a gift from life to the person,
  21. A community manager would be nice .... the person could fully centralize the tweets / info / everything
  22. faramon

    Dead man's swiches

    If they did that, they'd have to make you enter it every time you opened your own inven .. because otherwise it would make no sense. I don't mind the idea but I don't think paint is the way to go simple improvised grenades would be funny so the person has to carefully search you to make sure they don't suddenly explode.... but locks and paint meh ...
  23. Ahhah when I started I just axed every zombie .. then I realised I was bug wiped / being killed before using any ammo so then I just started to shoot zombies .. now it is a little harder t find an M4 I maybe a little more careful .. but probably not xD
  24. faramon


    I saw the best image a little while ago just of a character looking at a ladder with the caption "Press F to die" ... I've been fine with ladders since the last patch but I am still wary fo them as i wish to avoid Wile Coyote style mid air deaths as I lag back 5m's in the air.