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About Kres

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    On the Coast
  1. Thought about your post a bit and I do agree that if the Intution system always told you exactly what to expect from a player it would ruin the immersion and the excitement. If implemented it shouldnt be perfect, meaning that its not always correct and there should be multiple reason why you might get a message such as "Player is covered in blood". Examples could be a recent player kill (signs of a bandit), recent animal kill (simple hunter) or perhaps a medic giving first aid to a wounded player. Kres
  2. Fair enough. We all have our own ideas for what would help the game.
  3. Not exactly how I envisioned it...but with a bit of imagination you can think of possible reasons as to how it can work with the "realism" that dayz is trying to implement. Just to give you an example. What if I'm scoping out this bandit and my intuition tells me to avoid the guy because he has blood all over his clothes. Dayz is based around being realistic yet it cannot be so completely so (just look at zombies and the fact that you can sprint across the map with full gear). The intuition idea is great as it's not too far fetched and i think if you are watching a guy from a distance over a period of time you will start to get an idea for what type of person he or she is. It will help with the KOS issues and bring another interesting dynamic to the game as described by Slyguy. Kres
  4. I normally don't reply to posts or make any posts myself, but this is a really good idea. I also think I can contribute a little so here we go. One issue that jumps to mind straight away (if its implemented with a really short range) is that people who are stealing/killing or anything similar will start to KOS (so that they can continuously get the jump on people), which in turn may increase the amount of KOS incidents. The above could be solved if you are able to view a person from a greater distance (I'm for that). not sure what the distance should be but if you get a clear view of a person either from normal view, scope or binocs or whatever it is your using you should be able to get an idea of what the person is like. Some will argue that snipers can use that to spot people in trees and grass, but thats not really the case if implemented correctly (see below). For your intuition/aura to kick in you simple can not mouse over a person for a second. You have to look directly (you aim) at the person over a few seconds. In other words, if you spot someone from far away and you use your binocs to observe (track them if they are running around) them over a period of time you might be able to pick up what kind of person you are dealing with and whether or not its someone you would want to approach. Kres