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Everything posted by IronCross

  1. IronCross

    Isn't item permanence counterintuitive to permadeath?

    People will literally complain about anyway, even if it's a feature that the majority want and will enjoy the game more because of.
  2. IronCross

    Geting to a specific location.

    What you need is some actual land navigation practice. Terrain association is something every DayZ player will use to some extent. Eventually you will commit the higher traffic areas of the map to memory, but it is large enough that you can easily find yourself in an unfamilar place. Using a compass, you should never be lost. Set a backstop, gain an approximate azimuth, and you will decrease the amount of WTF moments. You have to learn to look at the map, and be able to visualize what the terrain will look like. DayZ DB isn't the best for this, as it has no contour lines, but we make do. Other navaids include the sun, based on server time, and the clouds, which always move east or west.
  3. IronCross

    Looking through scopes with out the gun

    Touche. Is it reliable?
  4. IronCross

    Looking through scopes with out the gun

    LOL How exactly do you plan to range find without bullet impacts?
  5. IronCross

    48 Tips For 0.48

    Well done.
  6. OP has a serious case of word vomit. How many games have you constructed 'mate?'
  7. IronCross

    Your funniest moment in Dayz

    The first time the drink all bug randomly knocked my char down.
  8. IronCross

    Srsly Bohemia, get your shit together -.-

    QFT. In before lock.
  9. IronCross

    How to stop server hopping.

    OP is simply another proponent of the "punish the many to benefit the few" according to what he believes is right. Good post.
  10. NWAF, on two separate servers. 2x crashes within 2 kilometers. Makes me suspect admin restart shenanigans.
  11. IronCross

    Describe Your Playstyle In 5 Words Or Less

    Chernarus belongs to me.
  12. IronCross

    balisitc helmet

    UN helmets? Depends who you wanna associate yourself with , haha. UN banner typically flies over some of the biggest shitbag soldiers ever.
  13. Didn't read the entire thread, so if someone else already hit this, good on ya. I would like to see the map be functional with the pen. So I can terrain associate, and or mark various places on the map. Use it for hiding shit. Use it to crush an opposing group of players. A picture is worth a thousand words, especially with my level of acquaintance with land navigation, and most others lack thereof. This would cut a lot of the verbage when trying to describe a location.
  14. IronCross

    Trading Post

    Oh, too bad. I can get you plenty of M4 ammo in HC, but regular I have AKM.
  15. IronCross

    Less Military. More Apocalyptic. (Clothing)

    OP you have my beans, but it looks like you'll need a wheelbarrow to carry the rest of em :D Good thoughts.
  16. IronCross

    Trading Post

    Hardcore or regular?
  17. IronCross

    balisitc helmet

    No one is safe.
  18. IronCross

    the new girls/robots/crackheads in town

    Ever heard of a desert queen/ camp vision? Any girl can get laid when she's a rarity.
  19. IronCross

    Damage Indicator

    You know the fellow in question? I do. I know many like him. He has been shot on three consecutive deployments, twice center mass. The article I linked was his last, and it was a 7.62 from an AK. I've seen the exit wound from a variety of calibers personally. There are no guarantees what a bullet will or won't do. Tell me more about how you know what kills and what is surviveable. SN: The round never touched his hard plate.
  20. IronCross

    Damage Indicator

    What's fuck got to do with this? You're making a lot of sweeping generalizations here. Read what I highlighted in bold. Not everyone is gonna die in two minutes from a 7.62 to the chest.
  21. IronCross

    Gold AKM for Loot Management System?

    You think non-HQ steel even WORKS in a rifle? What exactly do you think is going on inside that chamber when the round goes off? Congrats on getting your hands on Saddams AK. Glad it made you an expert. Gold plating on a rifle is just plain dumb. It does nothing for the rifle, and it sure as hell can hurt functionality. And it's more than just furniture, actual operable parts like the charging handle are typically done as well. End of the day, it adds nothing, and can take away functionality. Also when you call someone illiterate but then you mix up your and you're, well. Shit. Sucks to be that guy. "Special made" huh? Helluva in depth description, considering I just described the process. Leroy.. thats a common Afghan name, in the part of the country you've been to I guess :thumbsup:
  22. IronCross

    Gold AKM for Loot Management System?

    Harley your post is damn near incomprehensible. Gold plating on a weapon is not easy to do for starters. Gold doesn't cleave to high quality steels that are used in rifle manufacture. Doesn't mean it is impossible, it means it is going to require a nickel coating for the gold to adhere to. Now we're not talking penny-thick, but it adds up. Modern weapons operate with millimeter clearance, or they don't cycle well, if at all. All of Saddam's guns and the ones found in Mexico were simply gold plated direct to the steel. Good luck. So it's possible, but it aint recommended. There's also titanium nitride that looks like gold. A lot harder and can be applied in thinner coats. Thanks for letting me in on the fact that a gold plated firearm isn't entirely made of the stuff :rolleyes:
  23. IronCross


    I don't work code. But suppressor function is tiny. Here you are asking about vehicles--okay, cool, You wanna know about something major. But any intelligent dev is going to work big to small. Thats just what makes sense. Something like suppressors, global noises, etc. These are small things. Sure the alpher gavel gets pounded a lot. But it's a damn good gavel, and the shoe fits. Alpha is for big things, beta is for little things. Thats gotta be some kind of forum points for euphemisms.
  24. IronCross


    Answers like this deserve a stickied thread... because the questions aren't going away.