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About Pinx0

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    Valencia, Spain
  1. Blurry means youre low on health. You need to eat and drink more. Check the videos for more info.
  2. Why are all the servers at night? Is this a bug or intended?
  3. That's you a few days ago. I believe they made a backup around the weekend, because me and all my friends have returned to a previous state, even though I actually died with this character on monday.
  4. Nice patch, a lot of work has been done in this two weeks, but i was hoping that combat logging would be fixed as Rocket said in Twitter it was their priority: And I also read I don't know where that they were pointing at mid january to do it so I really hoped it would come in this patch :( Half disappointed, half excited about the new stuff.
  5. Speed results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtZIoFTfDofBdDJORmRZWm1fc2NIeENvMGRzSnBkNGc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 They may have a considerable error because most of them have been measured just twice, but more or less those are the speeds.
  6. Amazing work, keep it going. You said that you were gonna slow the pace but considering the complexity of sickness you have pulled it out quite fast. So that leaves antibiotics and alcohol for infected wounds, splint or morphine for broken legs, epinephrine and defibrilator for... lowering current shock value and thus curing some types of unconciousness?? And... vitamins? what are they for? Hope that answers come in the next video. In the mean time i'm conducting some speed test to know real (km/h) speeds, I'll let you know the results, but turns out our characters could easily beat the marathon's world record.
  7. Just registered only to say thank you. Awesome videos you have made for those who, like you, want to know the true mechanics running the game. I was thinking of researching myself but I didn't have the time, now thanks to you I don't need to. Really like these in-depth analysis and I hope there are more to come. Maybe the next kind of unknown things are all the sickness/poisoning and so on, even though there are some guides around, intensive testing and some mythbusting needs to be done. Keep up the nice work, in the name of science of course! ;)