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Everything posted by defk0n_nl

  1. defk0n_nl

    I'm starting to get KoSers

    Really?! Like are you that naive, its like watching a school girl crush develop over here. But umm yeah, They do have a say in the matter seeing they are actively selling it on the store. https://store.bistudio.com/. If you take that disclaimer on face value then yeah, It makes sense for them to issue a warning against the under development game. Its also a convenient way to discredit any criticism because its "alpha" and "in development" while still letting you pay the price for it without refunds. You cant say its about nothing at all, because if you played the mod you know what the game is going to be about and what to expect. That is called goodwill in economic terms. They are capitalizing on the goodwill of the mod. which is fine seeing they are developing a game around that. But you cant then say the "DayZ is not about survival because the game is not finished. Also wether or not this game was put for sale would not matter for the continuation of production, as much as you like to believe that without your support dayz the game will not be created. This is not a indie game anymore, Its published and developed by Bohemia Interactive Studios. Way to go derailing a whole thread with your fanboy-ism.
  2. defk0n_nl

    I'm starting to get KoSers

    You know that this marketing speech for "You cant refund your purchase" If they would not want you to buy it, they would not put it up for sale. Genre does not equal the finished game. I said its about survival then you said "Its not really about anything at all". Your self deception is evident, "Dayz is everything i ever wanted because its nothing at all, Lets dream about how awesome dayz is"
  3. defk0n_nl

    I'm starting to get KoSers

    Really? Survival was the whole buzzword when dayz became popular. Just look at the offspring that popped up. Rust, WarZ,etc. They are not about survival also? Even the homepage clearly states "Surivors: xxx,xxx,xxx" and "Buy Now!". Probably is not about survival also. Fanboys these dayz....
  4. defk0n_nl

    I'm starting to get KoSers

    imo people should not be able to save their char unless in a specified zone or at a object i.e campfires/tents. For a game that boasts about survival there is hardly any survival going on. Its just free-for-all with character saves. If you log out somewhere random they should clearly state that you are leaving your character exposed to the elements. In a true apocalyptic world there would hardly be any reason to go roaming and set camp randomly when you are trying to survive. People only do that when i.e you get into a plane crash and your looking for help or rescue.
  5. It actually might be possible with a combination of occlusion culling and the illusion of depth. (render single patch of grass once and keep using the same memory space over and over again into the distance.) aka instancing (http://http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems2/gpugems2_chapter03.html)
  6. defk0n_nl

    Solving Both End-Game/Meta-Game and KoS Problems At Once

    not as it stands now, public hive with servers clusters and persistent buildings will never be sustainable unless you have some sort of subscription or f2p loot shop model. It needs private hive only with 150+ players each and ability to have persistent buildings.
  7. defk0n_nl

    Solving Both End-Game/Meta-Game and KoS Problems At Once

    yessaul robinovich you have my beans. The game as it stands now is really static and plain. Its basically Quake 3 Free-for-all with bigger maps and occasional zombies. One can only hope rocket shares this vision to make it into a true hardcore mmo the likes of Ultima, Mortal, Eve - Online. All the random event crap OP is suggesting does nothing to add dynamics to this game. Its fun for 2 or 3 encounters then it starts to feel the same. Alot of things could get fixed so easily with some actual game design: - Be able to only spawn and store your character in campfires > tents > sheds > bases in which each has a different storage capacity. (solves: lootframers, combatloggers, friend spawning) - create attributes like STR, INT, DEX - be able to improve on basic actions i.e repairing, building, healing, gathering, farming, hunting