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Everything posted by godhard

  1. godhard

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    same here, can connect to previous server though
  2. I've been reading pieces of this thread and played last night, as much as I am an advocate of difficult and rewarding games, I think the zombie spotting/hearing range is too high. A zombie is not an intelligent creature, it has no way to distinguish a player from another zombie at the range that they currently aggro, if they were aggro'd by footsteps they would run at other zombies and you'd end up with crowds of them roaming about (which might be a great thing to implement going forward). In my opinion if they hear slight footsteps (crouched, not running), they should shuffle towards the sound and if they spot you at a certain range i.e. around 10-15 meters, then they should aggravate. Because I believe this is around the range they would be able to "smell" that you have non-rotting delicious flesh to eat. Zombies in this mod are not gifted with the amount of visual and auditory prowess that a rotting creature should have.
  3. Great post mojo, having similiar issues and will try the above.
  4. godhard

    New Arma2:OA Beta Patch 93030 :-)

    Thanks I wonder if this: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/25348 will fix the zombie warping through walls.
  5. godhard

    New Arma2:OA Beta Patch 93030 :-)

    This won't stop me logging into servers that don't require it? Apologies in advance for being a noob!
  6. godhard

    [UK4] - Currently ONLINE

    Surely that's part of the game, if you choose it to be... Thanks for hosting another server in the illustrious United Kingdom!
  7. godhard

    UK1 Server Donations

    Will do lofty, but us hardworking individuals don't get home from work till 6pm. Looks like I'm going to have to get my own server at this rate!
  8. godhard

    UK1 Server Donations

    Same here!