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Everything posted by Branathon

  1. Branathon

    [Experimental] New Spawns

    idk how new this is but on the experimental i spawned north of svetlo at the northernmost section of the port.
  2. intervention, bc i wanna hit a sik a$$ 420 noscope triple headshot in dayz *jk* dont cri
  3. Branathon

    Rain Needs To Be Turned Down.

    #OPmasterrace ps: suhc doeg
  4. Branathon

    Rain Needs To Be Turned Down.

    ermagerd rain op ples nerf or i unsube
  5. Branathon

    My ultimate friendly outfit

    get over yourself no one cares about how anal you are with links. i would not KoS unless you had a gun in your hands. not worth revealing myself if i think you might shoot me
  6. Branathon

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    ill start playing hardcore when they fix the mouse acceleration, and when zombies can no longer walk through walls
  7. im not seeing any .37 servers. are there any that are up right now?
  8. Branathon

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    so is this going to follow the trend of the past updates and go up tomorrow? (Wednesday)
  9. Branathon

    Least Bandity Apparel?

    all i can say is if you dont want to be shot in the face, DO NOT wear one of the clown masks. when im long range sniping, those masks are how i justify murder. think about it if u were in an apocalypse IRL would u trust a guy in a clown mask running around with an m4?
  10. while theyre at it, mind as well add enemy indicators, and then then a HUD, and then a minimap! and then they can call it something like: battlefield.. oh, wait
  11. Branathon

    Ammo for Guns ?

    i like it the way it is. its not hard at all to find ammo. it can spawn literally anywhere. a scavenger hunt is good.
  12. it doesnt ruin all their items. i killed two armed guys yesterday and one had some pristine 357 ammo for my python.. so people will still be KoSing for ammo and whatnot.
  13. Branathon

    .357 Python sound

    i don't really know what to think about it, but after this latest patch the 357 sounds like my crosman pumpmaster 760 pellet gun that i had when i was a kid. i thought it used to sound awesome. what do u guys think?
  14. f that i hate beards, and what? there's no way to shave your face in the apocalypse?
  15. there better not be any rewards, if u want rewards go play cahl off dutay modern premium elite ops 29 & gold camo for everything expansion pack
  16. Branathon

    Damp ? Wut ?

    i know the answer: alpha
  17. Branathon

    Mosin Nagant bug?

    oh my god kid please learn how to use a forum. just search for what u want to know about and viola! hundreds of other people asked the same question you did long before you did and it was answered long ago.
  18. Branathon

    Raining in DayZ?

    and when its raining you will need to have a raincoat or some other type of waterproof coat or there could be a slight chance u could get sick! :D
  19. Branathon


    i had the origin of species, but i logged in yesterday and i had all of my gear EXCEPT my backpack, and the book was in there -_-
  20. Branathon

    less militarised more improvised

    wow mad respekt, suhc post 420/69 very good wood reed again
  21. Branathon

    My biggest massacre to date (with pics)

    if someone came up to me and showed me a pile of dead infants that they said they single handedly slaughtered, i would not be very impressed..
  22. Branathon

    dayz graphics

    why dont you just get all crazy and try changing and testing settings until you are satisfied.
  23. Branathon

    You think military spawns are bad now?

    i want to stick a rotten banana onto the tip of an arrow and shoot it into someones suckhole!
  24. Branathon

    Bow and Fishing, Mining

    i would say crossbow is pretty much confirmed, but a compound bow would be cool to. OR IMPROVISED LONGBOW MADE OUT OF STICKS AND SHIT OMG
  25. i love the idea of the new improvised backpack but the problem is that i was trying to make one yesterday, but i found literally 3 taloon backpacks before i found a burlap sack... which kind of makes it pointless.