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Everything posted by Hiwerst

  1. Hey, I'm looking for people to play epoch with. I'm 16 and love to play DayZ Epoch. I'm mature and can take a joke. I'm looking for a group that primarily plays Epoch and is going to last more than 1 month. I also would like a group that plays a lot. I have a Teamspeak as well. Hit me up on skype: Hiwerst/Kaleb My Steam: Hiwerst or Hiwizer Timezone: Eastern (US)
  2. Hiwerst

    Looking to join Epoch Group

    Yeah, im still looking, man.
  3. Hiwerst

    Making Decent group 15+

    IGN: Hiwerst Age: 16 Steam: hiwizer or Hiwerst Team Speak: Yes Timezone: Eastern (US)