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About H@buster

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. H@buster

    Pending Update Rev. 0.29.113822

    Just go buy a 9V battery and hold the electrodes to your tongue, then you will understand. Really surprised how many people were never taught these basic skills.
  2. The only thing they stated was that they'd use the NETCODE of Arma 2. Besides that, everything Bohemia has is up for grabs, so if there's an easy way to get the nice Arma 3 animations into the game, they will do so. The map is still Chernarus, but it is being worked on heavily as we speak. AFAIK, all buildings will be enterable and servers will hold 200+ players - so if you want some urban fun, visit Cherno or Elektro.
  3. It's 11:30 CEST. I'm on US 1204, minding my own business, driving my freshly fixed up car, parking it where my friends logged out and I'm about to log out when suddenly: Red chain. I think nothing of it and that it'll go away any second, like it usually does. But instead, suddenly, I teleport in my car, to somewhere on the map, where seemingly ALL vehicles are. I see a guy with a Ghilie suit running about, and aiming at me through the window - My car is blocked in between a bus and a tree. I get out, hit the floor and think about taking a fight with this scumbag, but log out instead. Don't want my 56 day old character to die. Now I'm here. The other players that were online at the time are named "Jimmy" and "David". Please get rid of whoever did this. :(
  4. No, this is alpha. It makes me sad that there are people out there too retarded to understand what the term means and what dictates what is alpha and what is not. PROTIP: It's alpha until the dev says it's not anymore. If you're too stupid to wrap your head around this game, please leave, you won't be missed.
  5. Holding right click is by no means unrealistic. You must be very short-sighted IRL to think of it like that. I can definitely see as far as the game allows me to and I find it to be a very good and smart feature, because otherwise the resolution will ALWAYS limit how far you can see things in a quite unrealistic way. About the naming: You'll have to name your server so people know what they get when they go on. Also, having a MOTD about disabling head bob will help all the noobs that the DayZ community consists of.
  6. IMO, all these options should be disabled: Nametags, Crosshairs, 3DP, Waypoints, everything. Sadly, it's incredibly hard to find a server with those settings. And 1st person isn't that bad to play in, just disable the head bob and you're fine. One of the reasons that people didn't go on your server probably was that you didn't name it correctly, and that waypoints were still on. I know, not having waypoints makes it harder, but I consider them cheating, since they make the GPS completely obsolete.
  7. H@buster

    Weapon help?

    Use this to compare stats: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons It's always a question of taste. Personally, I'd go with the AKM. Also, I friggin hate your name.
  8. H@buster

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    In my last session, I encountered EXTREME graphical glitches in Berezino. They were rather severe at the southern hospital and at the military tents, but visible throughout the whole town. Brownish and white rectangles filling the scene depending on the direction I'm looking. Managed to get through, but it wasn't pretty. (I did update ALL the mod files and didn't have these issues a month ago.) Besides that, keep up the good work!
  9. H@buster

    I dont get this game

    Jeez, just start sprinting, go in, take loot, go out and lose the zombies eventually. That's the quickest way to get some gear and it's not even that hard.
  10. H@buster

    Simulator sickness

    The headbob in this game is unbearable. Turned it off in my game, now I can move in first person without feeling sick.
  11. 1 correct 2 not sure, but likey incorrect 3 incorrect Just repair the first four wheels in the list, those should be the right ones.
  12. H@buster

    FOR SCIENCE! (NPC Scientists "develop" story)

    So it's like... crashed helicopters except everyone knows where the location is and you have to BRING something there to get anything out of it? I don't like the idea, not only because bandits would totally camp those sites and shoot everyone, making those sites only good for player killing.
  13. H@buster

    No vehicles on map?

    If you started the server WHILE hive was down, no vehicles will be there. You have to restart it while hive is actually online in order to get any vehicles :P
  14. Recently, I was in the possession of NINE vehicles. It's dwindled down to 3 again, though. Some people stole their cars back :3 Might be able to get it back up a little by returning to the old camp some day, maybe a few vehicles are left!