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Everything posted by acid574

  1. acid574

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Sorry, but you somehow remind me of this guy: Anyways, if they actually succeed to fix that issue with too many things rendering in the background (It's explained somewhere in the deep forest of the internet, ArmA2 also has those performance problems in town and they never actually got fixed), it's going to be just fine. Remember, everything is possible. They sold 1 million copies in no time, I'm sure they'll achieve more FPS, too.
  2. *Ba dum ts* Damn I hate reading. But since everyone's amazed, I'm sure I'll read that later. I'll give you beans just for writing such a long text.
  3. acid574

    See your location on your Map question

    Uhm, just an idea, but did you have a Walkie Talkie? I feel like that may be the reason. I just went through my DayZProfile in my Documents folder to see if I can change some graphic settings for more performance in towns, and I found something. I have no experience with things like that, but it looked pretty interesting: class MainMap{ class WalkieTalkie { inBack=1; position[]={0.093999997,-0.043000001,0.25}; positionBack[]={0.28,-0.155,0.625}; }; class GPS2 { inBack=0; position[]={-0.047431991,-0.10799249,0.22}; positionBack[]={0.036959991,7.5101845e-009,0.12}; }; It says something about MainMap, WalkieTalkie, GPS and positions. Does this help in any way?
  4. acid574

    What did you discover today?

    I discovered that playing Tiny Tim through the VOIP chat attracts even the biggest KOS bandits, so they can dance together with you. Yes, they will probably shoot you in the end, but hey, they danced. This isn't a joke.
  5. acid574

    How long have you SURVIED!?

    My longest life was about 15 hours, spread over 4 days. I was pretty much "done", had everything I needed, which is some kind of a success for someone who's never played DayZ before. Walked with a friend to Cherno to meet there, and got shot later by a whole spawnkilling banditsquad of 4 or 5 people, which were all camping on one of those death towers where fresh spawns jump from, to change their spawn location. Pretty sad lifes camping up there.
  6. I'm not flaming, I'm just answering his posts. And you're the one who's provoking the flaming right now. Never said that it annoys the mods, I just said that they already know this problem for sure. I didn't start a fight, I just told him that his ideas are well known and nothing new here, and they're also in the wrong section. I registered here about 6 days ago, that's right, but nobody said that I didn't check this forum before that already. That's all I have to say right now, otherwise this will just become spam.
  7. I read everything, that's why I answered. I'm not a troll, I'm just checking the forum daily. Maybe you should read your thread again before posting it in "General Discussion", because there is a "Suggestions" section. Merci.
  8. Congratz, you're "HOW TO REDUCE KOS AND COMBAT LOGGING" User number 5000. You may claim your prize now: :emptycan: Have fun with that empty can! You can fill it with more of your combat logging ideas, close it, and throw it in the bin! Seriously - Every 2nd thread is about ideas for this, and 99% of the ideas are all the same, the other 1% don't even make sense. Please just stop that, I guess the whole team knows about those problems.
  9. acid574


    Not sure about Facebook, but Dean has Twitter: https://twitter.com/rocket2guns
  10. acid574

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Didn't Rocket say something about "mid january"? Wait like 2 or 3 days more, I guess an update should come then
  11. acid574

    Press Vest Spawn

    Found one in a train station. I heard that's the only place where it spawns, but I can't assure you anything.
  12. acid574

    Was this guy cheating?

    This is, sadly, a really really simple glitch to duplicate your character, and it can be done in no longer than 10 seconds. It's none of the "tutorials" posted above, it's even simpler. Of course I won't explain anything, I tried it once to see if the "rumors" are true (Yes, insult me now if you like to), and I couldn't believe how easy it was to destroy the whole purpose of the game in not even 10 seconds. I hope it gets fixed ASAP!
  13. acid574

    An ode to updates

    An ode to DayZ: Bandits here, bandits there, Bandits fucking everywhere, Friendly here, Friendly there, I smell hidden evil in the air. And to my surprise, someone appears, "FRIENDLY" he says, before he stole my gear. "Lie down, move your face to the ground, I won't hurt you, or will I now? Take your pants off, drink some bleach, DO YOU SMELL THIS? ROTTEN KIWIS!" I chewed, I cried, I swallowed, I died. You know, my friends, this is what you see, in this freaking game, called DayZ.
  14. acid574

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Happens really often. A friend of mine actually got teleported back, couldn't do anything, and suddenly someone with an axe started attacking him. I don't know if HAAAAX or just a really really big coincidence. Anyways, I don't feel like the rubberbanding got fixed, maybe slightly. I still get teleported really often. But hey, Alpha. That's what we need to expect.
  15. acid574

    What Items are rare?

    I actually just threw the Press Vest away, because it didn't have enough slots. But yeah, I heard it's one of the rarest items.
  16. Absolutely no. It has to stay in the game, they maybe need to work a bit on it, since it seems a bit overpowered sometimes. But otherwise, I love it. Knocking some full geared bandit swagger kids out.. That's beautiful every time. And then their rage VOIP "MAAAN F-CK YOU BR000 SUCK MY D!CK BR0000 #SWAG #420".. Fantastic!
  17. Hey guys, So I've bought DayZ yesterday, and I've never played the mod before. Now my problem - I hear eating / drinking / stacking item sounds all the time, and it's extremely annoying. I never know if there's actually a player nearby, or if my sound is going crazy again. I know it's an Alpha game, but I haven't heard of this strange thing yet. Does anyone else have this? Is this normal right now? I know that gunshots are rarely correct, and it sounds like they're right behind you, but is it the same with the eating / drinking? With regards
  18. Well, I'm pretty sure you won't be able to play at Max Settings at all. Not even High settings. You probably even have to disable AA. And lots of other things. This is still a badly optimized game right now, and your FPS will go insane in towns. Here's my system: Win7 Ultimate 64bit i7 3930K @4.2Ghz HD 7970 3GB Custom @ 1050/1450 Corsair Vengeance 1866 16GB RAM 1920x1080 Resolution DayZ is running on an SSD And guess what - In town, my FPS go down to ~20fps with normal settings, which isn't good at all. Here are my actual DayZ settings (~30FPS in town, 70-80FPS everywhere else): http://i.imgur.com/pu7PjoA.jpg EDIT: I really really really hope that you didn't but an Alienware computer. Please don't tell me that's true. Please tell me that you just somehow got the case. Otherwise, you've wasted about 1000$ for the name, and the remain of the amount you've paid for the actual hardware. Alienware is the shittiest thing on the whole planet, only their cases are nice. They're even more insane than Apple. And Apple is already insane with pricing.
  19. acid574

    Reply with your favorite DayZ pun(s).

    Dayz me rollin', they hatin'. Classic.
  20. I guess running for 2 hours straight isn't a good way to go. But I can tell you one thing - Don't be scared of any meele weapon, besides knives and the axe. If they have any other weapon, lets say a baseball bat, fire extinguisher, or whatever, just freaking punch them. I got chased by 2 people with meele weapons, and in the end both of them were unconscious. Go 1st person, try to punch slightly over their head - win. Just watch out for people with motorcycle helmets, they're immune against that.
  21. acid574

    What do you enjoy most in DayZ?

    Voted for Social / RP. I never KOS, and having fun is the most important thing in a game. If you need to push your ego and KOS everything, something went horribly wrong in your parenting. I'll rather play some Eye of the tiger in the VOIP chat & do a fist fight than killing everyone on sight. No fun at all.
  22. acid574

    Went from Doomsday Soldier to Fresh Spawn :(

    I heard that some of the servers are non-official or something. I try to stay on servers which are called "DE 4-52 whatever" with 40 slots, never had a clear char after relogging yet
  23. I've never even seen a rabbit yet, and it also happens in towns. Or pretty much just everywhere. I think it's somehow the same bug like the gunshots which can't be located, but it really makes me paranoid.
  24. acid574

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Well, congratz, you seem to have no life! Remember, it's a game, not some kind of a lifestyle.
  25. acid574

    The KOS conundrum, problem/solution.

    I'm sorry to destroy your imaginary world, but I am friendly, and it works pretty good. You know, you have to go outside and talk to real humans to understand how those things made of flesh and bones work. If you've done that, you can slowly start to be friendly in DayZ (watch out, it's a game, not a lifestyle, like some people think). I'd never shoot a new spawn after telling him that you're friendly, if you do that, I feel sorry for you. Probably problems in the family, missing attention, drug abuse or something. Of course I'm more cautious at a geared guy, but why shoot im instantly? Where's the fun? Pushing your ego in a game is pretty sad.