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Monkfish (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Monkfish (DayZ)

  1. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Remove Slow Vault Or "step Over".

    I know, right? I've remapped vault to 2xV and now I don't have issues vaulting instead standing up.
  2. Monkfish (DayZ)

    So, I seem to be stuck under a house...

    This. It's happened to me a couple of times for various reasons. Just run at a wall and spam V, you'll eventually glitch through the wall again.
  3. Eleven?! What in shit's name is an eleven year old doing playing a game like this?! Aye. A lot of people will be pissing in their pants at future updates (and already are despite barely even scratching the surface). I just hope that Rocket and the rest of the crew of BI don't pander to the carebear we-want-it-easy gamers. Yep! I have an idea for a game that I'd like to implement and I'm currently looking into how I might go about it as it'll likely require a custom engine. If I can get it started though, it will be fucking insane in the authenticity department and would likely put off a large portion of the gaming community. Also, what Wolfguarde said 100% (Edit: Not the most recent post, the one before that. Damn post sniping.)
  4. Monkfish (DayZ)

    unconscious timer?

    This was caused by a bug/issue where players didn't die when their blood level reached 0, resulting in perma-unconsciousness. This will be fixed in the next patch, hence my comment being based on when that occurs. This I agree with wholeheartedly. I really like the way unconsciousness is shown in Arma 2, whereby the sound gets distant, tunnel vision sets in and the character has very little control over what direction they're looking in, if at all. I imagine (and hope) something similar will be implemented into DayZ whereby unconsciousness is a gradual state that you can drift in an out of (or be knocked suddenly unconscious by way of punch and drift back out of it) with corresponding audio and visual effects. Timers not needed at all.
  5. Monkfish (DayZ)

    I'm killing Bambis

  6. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Tired of being pushed around? I can help!

    You don't need to be a moderator to question someone's shady motives or call them out for it when it becomes apparent that they're blatantly disregarding the published rules. Part of being a functional forum community is self-moderation and, on the internet, people are free to express their thoughts and opinions when they don't breach the rules, so if people want to call out the OP for being a shady, pikey, shyster then they're free to. Would you prefer the thread was left unattended or something? :rolleyes: Also, "wanna be mods"? Pah. I'm a moderator on another forum and I can assure you that it's a royal pain in the shitter having to deal with fuckwits who can't read rules day in, day out. I have exactly zero desire to be a moderator here (except maybe relevant permissions to sort out the topics in the Suggestions section, because that's a shit-stained clusterfuck right now).
  7. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Tired of being pushed around? I can help!

    This. OP has repeatedly dodged the direct question of whether they're in it for monetary return and has done absolutely nothing to refute the claims that that is exactly what he's ask in return of the 'service' they are offering. Therefore, the logical conclusion one can draw from this is that the OP is wanting money in exchange for gear in game and is advertising this service on the forums, which is against the rules.
  8. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Tired of being pushed around? I can help!

    Yep. Was that so hard? Couldn't you have done that in the first post? :rolleyes: Also, I've highlighted the bit that will be the reason for this thread being locked. Whilst you're welcome to make money from people who don't understand DayZ and don't want to play it properly, you won't be advertising that service here.
  9. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Tired of being pushed around? I can help!

    I've just had a quick squint back through the topic and found two posts (of 33 at the time of writing this) relating to you spoiling the game by offering this service, so this response is meaningless given that most people responding are actually querying what it is you're hoping to gain from this 'service' (hence my post) rather than calling you out for breaking the game. So, what exactly is in it for you? You've yet to answer this directly and that only further increases the suspicion that you're in it for money.
  10. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Tired of being pushed around? I can help!

    To be fair, your first post is a little bit vague in regards of what's in it for you and asking someone to send you an E-mail to "talk shop" does give the impression that you're asking for something, possibly money, in return. And why E-mail, why not just use the forum PM system? You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but when the cover strongly suggests "Want gear? Gief mounies" then a lot are going to make the assumption that you're out to make money from other players. In short, be clear in your intentions and then no-one but the hardest of cynics will question them. Be vague and everyone will raise an eyebrow.
  11. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Is there any way to scroll down a note?

    No, it's a bug.
  12. A fine line between realism and too much not being fun? Pfft. I get my fun from DayZ being a challenge and generally not pandering to the mainstream gamers by offering medpacks and weapons in every room and I believe that if DayZ is to be the authentic survival simulator it is touting itself as, it really needs to head further into the rabbit hole of realism and to fuck with people who disagree because it's not what they consider 'fun'. But, on this subject, let's not get realism and authenticity muddled here. Some things should be realistic because, if they weren't, it would spoil the game. Weapon behaviors and ballistics being a prime example of this. However, other things need to be authentic where realism would be ridiculous. Breaking your leg, for example, should neither be instantly fixable by tying two sticks to your legs and/or shooting yourself up with morphine, but it also shouldn't prevent you from playing the game for 6 weeks whilst it heals. Instead, to be authentic, a compromise should be met. I suggested elsewhere that breaking a leg should mean that you need to splint it up to walk on it again, take morphine to suppress the pain (lest you scream every time you walk) and have you mobility hampered for 2-3 in game days. This would be somewhat representative of the massive ballache breaking your leg would be in real life (and, let's not forget, if you actually break your leg in an actual apocalypse scenario, you're pretty fucked unless you have someone else to look out for you) but without making the game tedious for long periods of time.
  13. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Server population - do you gravitate to large or small?

    At present, I aim for 20-30 pop servers if my character is relatively new and in need of food. This is simply because the loot doesn't respawn and there's a far higher probability of places being cleared out on full/nearly full servers. If I'm geared/have plenty of food then I'll hit the highest pop server I can get into and head to the coast to bandit hunt/help Bambis. Once loot respawning is in, I'll be hitting the highest pop servers I can get every time. :D
  14. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    See my previous post.
  15. Monkfish (DayZ)

    I didn't mean to KOS...

    Yeah, I edited my post as I had the buildings the wrong way around in my head when I posted. Derp.
  16. Monkfish (DayZ)

    I didn't mean to KOS...

    Airfields are pretty much KOS zones if you value continued survival at all. Also, you logged in in the airfield buildings? Pretty much only server hoppers and nut jobs do that, so which one are you? :D Yeah, because that doesn't completely break immersion or anything at all.Edit: Fucking phone!
  17. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Dear combat loggers...

    It is, indeed, fucking hilarious. :lol:
  18. Spendable points? XP? Fuck that shit. If my character is to get better at something and progress through a 'skill tree', I'd hope it would be due to nothing more than repeating a given action countless times and getting marginally better at it after a while.
  19. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Nyeh. I'm inclined to just sit back and see what they come up with and how they implement it before making decisions about it.
  20. Monkfish (DayZ)


    I approve of the idea of battle scars for people who have seen lots of injuries. A scarred up face would have a story to tell, but it could easily be from either side of the hero/bandit fence so still won't be a reliable indicator of disposition. A karma/humanity system can swivel though, not only because it's impossible to code to understand the context of any given situation, it's also not particularly authentic. This has been covered hundreds of times though.
  21. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Information Vs. Immersion

    This. I play it because the brutality and randomness of it is such a refreshing change (and challenge) compared to every other cookie-cutter FPS out there. I get my fun from the style I play in and surviving dangerous situations or encounters. I want the game harder, more immersive and more authentic.
  22. I really don't give a shit what order things arrive in, I'm just happy that they're arriving with frequency. The dev team have been excellent with updates and responding to community feedback. Plus I'm sure they will be adding features in sensible layers/batches as and when they're ready rather than following the wants of a community that (largely) doesn't know its arse from its elbow when it comes to game dev. :D
  23. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    I am amused. Greatly amused. It's an alpha and buggy as shit, regardless of whether you're playing 'Stable' or Experimental. Heart attack mechanic is already in the game, it just isn't notified and should only trigger when unconscious. Clearly the OP has encountered a bug with this but, you know, alpha. Deal with it. Anyway, here's Rocket talking to Sacriel about pulse, blood pressure and heart attacks and how it'll all work. It'll be an interesting mechanic and add something interesting into DayZ. Expect it to be buggy as shit whilst they fully implement and tweak it.
  24. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Persistent Backpacks

    Wrong. Rocket confirmed on Sacriel's YouTube stream that backpacks will become persistent as well as the spawn rates for them dropping. Expect them in Experimental branch soon.
  25. Monkfish (DayZ)

    The first of the Dayz Mod

    Ice cream?