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Monkfish (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Monkfish (DayZ)

  1. Monkfish (DayZ)


    Warning points, a special badge shaped like a penis and that funny feeling that someone is watching you.
  2. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Zombies - getting infected

    This has been covered hundreds of times - please search. For info, the zombies in DayZ are infected humans, not risen-from-the-dead humans. Furthermore, you play the part of a survivor that is somehow immune to the virus/whatever that infected everyone else.
  3. Nyeh. The M203 launcher is also in the game files and there's been mutterings of that not being planned. I do hope all of this stuff is going to make an appearance though. "Coyota" :D
  4. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Kiev Protest Blaze 95

    Those are some incredible shots. I do like how everyone is wearing motorbike or construction helmets though, how very DayZ. :D
  5. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Kiev Protest Blaze 95

    Exactly. And besides, the OP has merely suggested to look at what people are wearing/using to get some ideas for gear to implement into DayZ, not to actually make Ukraine Riot Sim 2014 or whatever. :rolleyes:
  6. Monkfish (DayZ)

    The Ruger MKII Is Coming, But Whats It Like?

    Wait guys, he's clearly a link-snob. Now I'm assured that you think that everything from Wikipedia is full of horseshit even if it has citation. :rolleyes:
  7. Monkfish (DayZ)

    The Ruger MKII Is Coming, But Whats It Like?

    Do you herd of fucks even Google? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruger_MK_II#Suppressed_variants "The suppressed Mk II is used by United States Navy SEALs and pest control officers. This variant is considerably quieter than a standard Mk II and accurate to 70 m (230 ft)." It's clearly the same weapon the devs have posted. You know, because they've confirmed it's a suppressed Ruger MkII. Although quite why it's in Chernarus I don't know, did the US Navy Seals ever visit (according to Chernarus lore)?
  8. This. If you see a hacker, log the fuck out immediately and hope they don't find you during the 30s logout timer. Sitting there watching for 5 minutes is just daft and, well, asking for it. If you're going to watch, at least record it and note down the names of the players so that at least the devs have something to go on rather than some teddy/pram interfacing issues on the forum and zero evidence to boot.
  9. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Partially blind server populations

    This. The server list should just tell you whether a server is full or not. If it's not, it shouldn't tell you how many are connected so a server listed as not full could be 0/40 or 39/40. You'd simply never know and if you're in a high traffic/risk area then you could be logging in to a ghost town or a rather large firefight. The player list (P) should only show the names of your friends that are in the server, should any be connected. Other than that, it should just show you your connection info (ping, desync etc). EDIT: Hmm. To expand on my above, perhaps the server list could list servers as "Full", "Nearly Full" and "Not full", with "Nearly Full" being a server that's at 90% capacity. This would allow for those actively seeking populated servers to find them and the rest not knowing the capactity of the server they're logging in to (which could be anywhere from 0% to 90% capacity. Caters for both that way.
  10. Monkfish (DayZ)

    So I'm gonna cry

    Such feels. Many bro.
  11. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Calorie, Weight and Movement

    I like the idea. It makes sense and the level of complexity would tie in with the health system, adding encumberance to prevent unlimited sprinting.
  12. Monkfish (DayZ)

    I killed myself

    Well now, let's see... This really really suggests combat logging. If this isn't the case then you should have been clearer in your description of events and it's not my fault that I inferred you were combat logging and "twisted [your] post and made [my] own rubbish up" when what you wrote suggests you combat logged. :rolleyes:
  13. Monkfish (DayZ)

    I haven't slept in 2 days after this event. HELP!

    I suspect weapons-grade trolling here, but if you're not trolling and you're actually being serious, you should stop playing the game. Some people can be affected by games in ways that others don't. If I play a game enough in a short space of time then my dreams tend to be based in the game world I have been playing in (or a proxy of it). Others may be affected more severely and start to modify their actual behaviour. If this is happening then stop playing the game. Seriously.
  14. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Gameplay vs Realism

    Given that DayZ is supposed to be a sandbox simulation of an apocalyptic situation, I'd certainly hope it will be as realistic as it can be and authentic with some 'creative licence' for gameplay reasons where absolute realism is just too much. In fact, if it takes significant steps away from realism, I'll stop playing because a large part of the draw for me is the fact that it's somewhat realistic. Some people don't like the realism and that's fine, but they and others shouldn't get all offended when people suggest it's not the game for them. It simply isn't. And asking for the game to be made easier so that it suits them goes against the core ethos of the game, which spoils the fun for the people that do like it realistic. If you don't like the core features of the game, then stop playing it because you will only end up frustrated and bitter. Play something else that you get enjoyment from, it's a far more productive use of your time. If there is nothing else then you either have to learn to enjoy the core features or make your own game*. *I say this because I have had ideas since playing DayZ that, if made, would likely make DayZ seem like a teddy bear's picnic. Problem is, I would likely have to write an engine as nothing I can think of can do what I want to do and I have exactly zero game coding knowledge.
  15. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Ruining items

    They may well implement this when the physics is working properly. i.e. dropping or throwing a weapon may damage it. However, doing so really would be pointless. Part of the whole respawning of fresh items would be the despawning of ruined/discarded ones, otherwise every server everywhere will just be full of ruined items and empty cans of beans. Ruining something would just mark it for despawn at a set time interval and it'll only inconvenience a couple of people at most before it despawns and is replaced. Don't forget, there are plenty of loot spawns and plenty of servers to go around, so, by all means, ruin a weapon if you have the facility to do so, but don't think for a moment that it will actually make a difference in the grand scheme of things.
  16. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Magpul M4 vs SKS

  17. Monkfish (DayZ)


    What in fuck's name are you blathering on about?
  18. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Anyone use a controller?

    I use three. Got steering wheel pedals configured to lean left/right. /peripheral pissing contest.
  19. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Catching A Server Hopper

    You guys need to use PTT for VOIP as well as in game, but assign different buttons to each. It's incredibly off-putting hearing people speaking when they're broadcasting on both because there's always a delay with in-game. Kind of breaks immersion too and that spoils some videos. Nice group organisation though.
  20. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Idea for Zombie respawns with real gameplay benefits.

    Eh? The dev's have confirmed that they can run 4000+ zombies if they remove all of the loot - and this was on earlier builds than we have now that have seen a 15+ boost in FPS over those earlier versions - so once they've fully optimised the code and graphics, there's no reason why they can't implement high numbers in one place. Hell, the Arma series on which this is all based regularly boasts players numbering in the hundres and that copes fine, so I can't see similar numbers of zombies in one place (because, realistically, we're only talking a max of a few hundred on screen here) being much of an issue at all. I like OP's idea. I think the zombies should respawn in greater density in towns/cities, and their numbers be proportionate to the size of town/city they've spawned in, and then wander about slowly and spread out. Any group of structures and their outskirts would become quite dangerous places. Of course, some should spawn randomly in the middle of nowhere and a few in the small villages, but those should be at a far less density than the towns/cities. Similarly with the military locations, a fair number of military zombies should be present at each location.
  21. Monkfish (DayZ)

    How long will items I have placed persist?

    I posted on Reddit about loot persistence and was corrected as I was wrong. As for the persistent backpacks, check out the devblog videos and Sacriel's YouTube channel where Rocket joins him and speaks about the backpacks.
  22. Monkfish (DayZ)

    It's like the zombies never end!

    Yup! This video nicely demonstrates why the current level of KoS simply won't be a thing when the game is finished. If the zombies are swarming like that based on low numbers and an unknown re-spawn rate, what are they going to be like once the numbers have had a significant bump? :D
  23. Monkfish (DayZ)

    How long will items I have placed persist?

    As of right now in Stable, dropped loot persists until it is found or the server restarts. However, persistent objects (backpacks first) are coming to Experimental soon, so expect persistent backpacks in Stable a month or two after that (pending any major issues with them).
  24. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Seldom bathing required for maintained health

    You know, that's not such a daft idea given the depth the devs seem to be going with the health system. Would require the implementation of towels and soap (and possibly wet wipes) as well but it gives something else to think about. Being smelly might have and affect on hunting too.
  25. Monkfish (DayZ)

    I killed myself

    You shot and killed yourself whilst combat logging? Man, that's some special shit right there. :lol: