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Monkfish (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Monkfish (DayZ)

  1. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Thank you Mojo, some common sense at last.
  2. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    And you've clearly missed the point I made. My solution does not prevent people using either view style, does not force a particular view style, and nor does it split the community by doing either of those things. What it does do is remove any advantage someone may have by using 3PP. Simple.
  3. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    *sigh* I posted this in another thread (linking back here, actually, because for some reason we seem to need FOUR THOUSAND threads about the same topic), but I'm going to quote it because it's relevant. For info, "the OP of the thread I linked" is this thread. :rolleyes:
  4. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Utterly Disappointing

    What is utterly disappointing is that people 1) Do not understand what an Alpha version of a game means, 2) Do not read the copious amounts of warnings both on Steam before purchase and in game once purchased, and 3) Sign up to the forum to bitch about all of the bugs IN THE ALPHA VERSION OF THE GAME that the Developer said not to buy because they somehow feel hard done by.
  5. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Server jumping quick fix.

    Not a bad idea as it stands, although server hopping should become less of a problem once loot respawning is sorted.
  6. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Curious about peoples 'Rules of Engagement'

    Hostile behaviour begets a hostile response (if I'm quick enough). Otherwise, I'm passive.
  7. And around in circles we go. Yay! Seriously, look at the video on the OP of the thread I linked a page back and then tell me 3PP does not give an advantage to the player using it. Whether the other players on that server use 3PP or not is wholly irrelevant, the person using 3PP has a situational advantage and THIS is the fundamental problem with 3PP in its current form. Calls to play on a 1PP only server or to just use 3PP do not fix the fact that 3PP gives an advantage in favour of the user. I posted a viable solution (in the other thread) that would prevent 3PP players using it to gain an advantage without preventing people using 3PP (irrespective of whether they use it for said advantage) and without having to split the community in half by forcing one setting or not, so I'm not even sure why this debate rages on. TL;DR: Give it a fucking rest already.
  8. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Colorless Screen

    Watch Merino's videos.
  9. I'm not sure how player constructions would work in terms of continuity. What happens when you log out of a server and what would happen if you logged into another one? Or would the player be tied to a specific server?
  10. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Why is the goal; servers able to support 150 players?

    I've played on several full (40 player) servers and have spent hours exploring without seeing a soul. The increase to 50 would be negligible and tripling that still isn't a massive amount for a 250km2 map. The question is, could the code/servers handle that much traffic?
  11. Monkfish (DayZ)


    Read my sig. Then learn a little forum etiquette.
  12. This. - Discover current location from roadsigns (either signs showing a town name, or work it out from directions signs and your surroundings and how they relate on the maps linked above) - Work out positions relative to each other - Agree meeting point - Walk (profit?) Protip: Don't run down the roads. Get off the beach ASAP. Stick to the trees to stay out of sight. Also, you should probably make finding water/food a priority whilst making your way to your meeting point.
  13. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Random Death without hunger/thirst messages?

    Heh. No worries, I have no quibbles with people plagiarising that. The more people see it, the better IMO.
  14. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    I don't think the OP created the video, but everything else you said was spot on.
  15. Too many people isn't a bad thing. After all, the more people you have the more opinions and ideas get floated about. The issue is the number of threads that exist for the same topic. For this, I feel the forum moderators/staff should be more proactive in locking/merging duplicate threads, thus allowing fresh ideas to surface, be seen, and commented/voted on. I also think that a sticky should be placed at the top of the suggestions forum that lists and links the best ideas (decided by number of beans given). It might take some time now but it'll only get worse as time goes on.
  16. Yarp. One of the reasons I bought it now. Also, I'm massively impatient.
  17. Monkfish (DayZ)

    "deploy" the Hood

    Fuck me, an original idea! Beans for you. I also thought that what you're wearing should have a bearing on what you hear during a rain storm. Ever been out in the rain wearing a Mac? The rain is LOUD. Similarly if you're wearing anything plastic or non-fabric on your head, the rain is LOUD. Wearing a ballistic helmet, it should be difficult to hear ambient sounds/footsteps over the sound of the rain bouncing off your 'lid. Same applies to bike helmets but with generally muffled sounds when it's not raining.
  18. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Err, no it doesn't. http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Third_person_view Imagine, if you will, an invisible and rigid stick attached to the back of the person's head, onto which the camera is attached and is fixed pointing at the back of the head. As the head moves, so does the stick and therefore camera, which swings about in arcs keeping the back of the head centred in the screen. Looking down at the ground means that the stick camera is lifted up, still pointing at the back of the head. The perspective and the height changes. It's the height bit that is key here, because the whole argument about 3PP being 'cheaty' is about the camera movement allowing people to see over things that they otherwise could not see over because the camera is changing its height relative to the body. The same also occurs laterally, enabling them to see around things they would otherwise not be able to see around. My suggestion involves the camera moving about in a different way. Using the same little thought experiment above, instead of the stick being attached to the back of the head and moving with it, it's attached to the back of the shoulders and does not move with the head. Instead, when the head moves, the camera moves about its own axis (imagine a ball joint on the end of the stick, onto which the camera is mounted), meaning that looking down changes the perspective of the camera, but not the height. It therefore becomes impossible (or incredibly difficult) for someone using 3PP to see over/around something.
  19. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Ahh, yes, I see the flaw. And yes, the camera getting closer to the head as it turns should fix it; I'd be interested to see what you come up with in 3D Max. The solution may well be difficult to implement (if it works), although I guess that's for the devs to worry about. :D
  20. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    DP I reduced my graphics/details settings down to Low (a.k.a. "Shit") and it's running a hell of a lot better now. I can forgo some pretties if it means I have a fairly consistent framerate.
  21. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Dealing With Loss

    There's a simple rule in DayZ: Do not get attached you your stuff or your player because you will, at some point, lose them. This.
  22. The OP's suggestion would never work; It would be literally impossible to write code that would understand the context of any given scenario.
  23. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Random Death without hunger/thirst messages?

    See my signature. That is all.
  24. People actually fire their weapons from 3PP? :huh: EDIT: Also, I suggested a fix for 3PP exploiting in another thread: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162565-fix-not-remove-third-person-perspective/?p=1667551