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Monkfish (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Monkfish (DayZ)

  1. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Small Safe town

    This has been suggested before and was promptly shot down. Once all of the loot is in, a trading spot may well develop by virtue of an area being popular with players who want to trade. This spot will likely be a central location with good access, so probably Stary Sobor or something in that area. It will be self-policed by the players and I expect gun fights would be frequent and deadly, but that's to be expected in such tense times. TL;DR:
  2. This. Excellent idea. It would mean that any loss of character is that much more painful, given that you'd lose both your gear and any skills developed. Incidentally, this should only apply to non-combat skills, or only buff combat skills very slowly relative to survival skills to avoid people whoring kills too much.
  3. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Zombie children,Dismemberment,Burns/Scars

    Awesome ideas, although, as Syphax said, not sure if the engine would support dismemberment, especially dynamic as with Fallout. If it does though, it begs the question "should this be applied to the player and, if so, how?". Also, fuck Australia and their, frankly ridiculous, game content restrictions.
  4. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    So, who's got the cajones to go up there at night? :P
  5. Monkfish (DayZ)

    meet Alex - funniest dayz video i've seen yet..

    Smells like repost.
  6. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Please eliminate server restarts

    Perhaps because it's another thread discussing an issue that will be fixed as part of the development process and has already been announced by the devs? Or, put another way, your thread is the server restart equivalent of a thread asking for more zombies and is therefore utterly pointless as this stage in development.
  7. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Survivor's brain

    At first, when I read "survivor's brain", I thought, "oh fuck, here we go with another daft suggestion", but then I read about how it would work with stashes and thought, "That's... actually a genius idea".
  8. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    Authenticity always gets my vote.
  9. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Much needed 1st Person view refinements and features

    Good post, I agree with pretty much every point made.
  10. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Can someone tell me where I am?

    Looking at the map, there's a water supply to your South West. Go there, then eat all of the food you have, including the rice, and then drink water until full. This should put you into a healing state and start regenerating blood, which will bring some colour back to the world.
  11. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Lost everything after getting scared off heavy breathing

    I'm sorry, what? Also, BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Also also, it's an alpha and buggy as shit. Suck it up.
  12. Monkfish (DayZ)

    How to downlaod and play

    I predict great things for this thread.
  13. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Lets Talk About Item Repairing

    I imagine that if you stab an anti-stab vest enough, it stops working. *shrugs*
  14. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Regulary Updates (and information)

    They will release the updates as and when they deem them stable enough for release, not based on some arbitrary timescale of updates. Be patient, the game is only six or so weeks into Alpha release and we've already seen a number of updates.
  15. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Lets Talk About Item Repairing

    Whether and item can be repaired or not should depend on what sort of item it is. A bullet proof vest, for example, that's already been shot up shouldn't be repairable. They're one-use items and once they're broken, it goes in the bin. Other items can be patched though, so I agree with the general idea.
  16. Monkfish (DayZ)

    All people have the same problem about other is friendly or not...

    Name colours based on arbitrary criteria should never be in DayZ. Nameplates should never be in DayZ. Also, I haven't got a clue what it is you're rambling about in the latter part of your post, but I'm going to assume it's a shit idea, so no.
  17. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Tactical Masks

    Next time, please actually give reasons for wanting specific items, because, you know, asking for something without stating the point or reason for it isn't likely to be noticed as much as a post asking for something and then giving reasons why you believe it should be added. You also won't then get people posting responses because they don't understand the reason for the request. What's a tactical mask? Do you mean a balaclava? Do you mean different gas mask variants, or some other form of obscure mask used by special forces or something? Post some pictures of examples to give people an idea of what the hell it is you're on about. Be clear and concise in your requests, then you won't get people shooting you down because they're not mind readers. Instead, you'll only get shot down if it's a properly shit idea. You're welcome.
  18. Monkfish (DayZ)


    Then why not just encounter the site randomly? I'd find it far more immersive finding a site randomly and wondering what transpired there rather than hearing about it on a radio or whatever. This isn't Fallout.
  19. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Finally after 50 hours....

    I've literally just watched that video. :lol:
  20. Monkfish (DayZ)

    meet Alex - funniest dayz video i've seen yet..

    Absolute genius. Well played.
  21. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Zombies should run faster than players

    Give it time.
  22. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Do shoes do anything at all?

    Someone posted about being able to run faster in running shoes, so they might have some affects currently.
  23. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Zombies should run faster than players

    Wait until the new AI is in, the zombie numbers have increased significantly (and they respawn), and the meleé combat are sorted before making rash requests like increasing the speed of them. Zombie speed will be a balancing thing most likely done in Beta and not before.
  24. Monkfish (DayZ)

    Finally after 50 hours....

    Rules for DayZ: I) Don't trust anyone. II) Be observant at all times. III) Dont' trust anyone. IV) Move intelligently. Avoid open spaces. Stay in cover. V) Don't trust anyone. VI) Don't get attached to your character or your gear. VII) Don't trust anyone.
  25. Monkfish (DayZ)

    New Players United

    Feel free to tag along if you spot me.