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Posts posted by wRUKUS

  1. I think the most intense/awesome/but scary moment I had, it was my bro abd me, as usual. We were far behind the balita airstrip heading towards cherno.im following my bro in a wide open field and POP POP POP , POP POP POP. My bro now shouting out hes hit, then dead. I instantly start doing zig zags trying to find where its from. No luck but I find a bush and tree for cover. I sit and catch my breath. Take out my mosin and start lean peeking, and I see them. A damn firing squad in the tree lines. 4 total. 2 with m4s, 1 with a mosin, and one with a pistol. The one with the pistol moves up to my friends body. I dont mind him. I scope in and take my first shot at the other mosin. He died. But now they are looking for me. I see the one m4 running away for cover whilw the other is covering his friend loots my bro. I hear a full unload of a pistol clip. Right at me. They all miss. He does this for 3 clips. Not taking distance into consideration and I take him down. I look back towards the treeline and see nothing. I waited a good ten minutes before moving. no movement at the treeline. Put my gun aawy and ready to sprint.. still in a very open field. I ran and for the closest ttreeline away from where they were shooting me from. 10 seconds into my sprint. I hear m4 shots, all around me. Then a few cracks of the mosin.Both of them shooting and bullets wizzing by my head. It felt like 5 mins of pure m4 bursts and atleast 2 clips of mosin unloaded aat me and nothing hit. I make it past a hill and out of sight. I was shaking from adrenaline and shouting to my bro. Was fun. And scary lol

  2. Yeah. Its not game breaking like a stated. I just get paraniod. Running down a big hill running up to a house and all im thinking is "if there is a guy looking out towards me in a window... im dead." And then once im closer its fine. And yeah I just cant grasp whats wrong. Ive llanded 600 tto700 meter shots with a scope. But trying to look into a building 300 meters away? Gotta get closer or a different angle for me to be able to see inside. otherwise I get that wall of blurred texture

  3. I play on 1920 x 1080 res. Ive tried others but no luck. I play with most settings on low. But I have tried switching things up higher without much results besides fps drop. Which makes me feel like its just the game. But I do run things on low so I wanted to ask. Was hoping someone knew more of this topic

  4. Ok so I tried searching briefly and had no luck. I have a question and im not sure if its on my end(which i think it is) or just apart of the game. if im running towards a building and its far in the distance. You cant see in it. It is all blurred and I cant see into the windows. But if a player is behind the house I can still see him. As I get closer I eeventually can see into the windows. My question is, is this apart of game and happens to everyone at the same distance? Or is there settings I can tweak to avoid this? I just dont like the idea of me running upto a house that I cant see inside. but someone can be right in the window and easily see me running towards them. Thanks!
