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About wRUKUS

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  1. I think the most intense/awesome/but scary moment I had, it was my bro abd me, as usual. We were far behind the balita airstrip heading towards cherno.im following my bro in a wide open field and POP POP POP , POP POP POP. My bro now shouting out hes hit, then dead. I instantly start doing zig zags trying to find where its from. No luck but I find a bush and tree for cover. I sit and catch my breath. Take out my mosin and start lean peeking, and I see them. A damn firing squad in the tree lines. 4 total. 2 with m4s, 1 with a mosin, and one with a pistol. The one with the pistol moves up to my friends body. I dont mind him. I scope in and take my first shot at the other mosin. He died. But now they are looking for me. I see the one m4 running away for cover whilw the other is covering his friend loots my bro. I hear a full unload of a pistol clip. Right at me. They all miss. He does this for 3 clips. Not taking distance into consideration and I take him down. I look back towards the treeline and see nothing. I waited a good ten minutes before moving. no movement at the treeline. Put my gun aawy and ready to sprint.. still in a very open field. I ran and for the closest ttreeline away from where they were shooting me from. 10 seconds into my sprint. I hear m4 shots, all around me. Then a few cracks of the mosin.Both of them shooting and bullets wizzing by my head. It felt like 5 mins of pure m4 bursts and atleast 2 clips of mosin unloaded aat me and nothing hit. I make it past a hill and out of sight. I was shaking from adrenaline and shouting to my bro. Was fun. And scary lol
  2. wRUKUS

    These are our stories

    +1. Read the whole thing. Enjoyed. Thanks!
  3. wRUKUS

    seeing into buildings from a distance

    Alright thanks guys. This also happens to my friends. So im going to say for tthemost part it happens to all of us here and there. Maybe ssomeone eventuslly can find a tweakable command for it.
  4. wRUKUS

    seeing into buildings from a distance

    Maybe anyone else has knowledge on this topic? I mean, it is possible its the game and happens to everyone at the same distance and angles. Im just not sure :/
  5. wRUKUS

    seeing into buildings from a distance

    Yeah. Its not game breaking like a stated. I just get paraniod. Running down a big hill running up to a house and all im thinking is "if there is a guy looking out towards me in a window... im dead." And then once im closer its fine. And yeah I just cant grasp whats wrong. Ive llanded 600 tto700 meter shots with a scope. But trying to look into a building 300 meters away? Gotta get closer or a different angle for me to be able to see inside. otherwise I get that wall of blurred texture
  6. wRUKUS

    seeing into buildings from a distance

    I used that guide konna prior to this post. IItsjust weird that I can see ppl behind the house. But not through the windows. ill do more tweaking but i think my viewdistance and prefviewdistance is 1800. Thanks for the input
  7. wRUKUS

    seeing into buildings from a distance

    I play on 1920 x 1080 res. Ive tried others but no luck. I play with most settings on low. But I have tried switching things up higher without much results besides fps drop. Which makes me feel like its just the game. But I do run things on low so I wanted to ask. Was hoping someone knew more of this topic
  8. wRUKUS

    seeing into buildings from a distance

    It happens with all the settings ive tried to tweak. It happens to my friends too. ITs not unplayable. But there are just moments where I feel I should see into the building but it stays blurred.
  9. Ok so I tried searching briefly and had no luck. I have a question and im not sure if its on my end(which i think it is) or just apart of the game. if im running towards a building and its far in the distance. You cant see in it. It is all blurred and I cant see into the windows. But if a player is behind the house I can still see him. As I get closer I eeventually can see into the windows. My question is, is this apart of game and happens to everyone at the same distance? Or is there settings I can tweak to avoid this? I just dont like the idea of me running upto a house that I cant see inside. but someone can be right in the window and easily see me running towards them. Thanks!
  10. wRUKUS

    Problem with base building ?

    If you dont want this to happen to you. Play on a private hive. If you dont, this is possible.