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About johan.hoel@telia.com

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  1. johan.hoel@telia.com

    How long have you survived?

    167 Dayz and still going strong....
  2. johan.hoel@telia.com

    Restart while driving

    The most possible answer is the restart bug. I am admin and have encountered a problem when restarting the server. Sometimes all the vehicles and tents are gone after restart. But they appear after another restart. /Terrorfish
  3. johan.hoel@telia.com

    SVD Camo - Worth it?

    Go for AS50 for day time huntin' and DMR for night time.... SVD is as stated an awesome gun indeed but its pretty hard to find ammo...wich is not the case for AS50 and DMR. /Terrorfish
  4. johan.hoel@telia.com

    Custom skins allowed or not`?

    Probably not sir. Since the servers have to follow the general rules set by rocket and the devs, but I cannot find anything written about it.
  5. johan.hoel@telia.com

    Custom skins allowed or not`?

    My question is as follows: I saw this video and it would be very interesting to know if it is treated as hacking or exploiting? I would really enjoy to play with a custom skin but I don't want to be banned coz of it. Best regards Terrorfish
  6. johan.hoel@telia.com

    What do YOU carry?

    Primary: -SVD CAMO Secondary: -M9SD NVG:S, Range Finder All slots except one filled in the toolbelt. Coyote Backpack full of various items, food, grenades and first aid kits....some epipens and morphine.. Just dumped my MK48 on a clanmate....awesome gun but a bi*ch to carry around with all that ammo... //Terrorfish
  7. I have a question: Some dayz ago my char was transformed and got a new skin and bugged the living sh*t outta my backpack. Found pictures of a almost similar skin here on the forum... Is this really the new banditskin and it resets all my Z kills, murders etc each time I log in. Does anyone else have the same skin/problem? /Terrorfish
  8. johan.hoel@telia.com

    De 125 - Worst server out there.

    You are welcome to play at my server US 634 (ping for eu residents is about 200-ish) We have a stable server, not perfect in any way but a fun server to play at. Best regards Terrorfish
  9. Hello. Yesterday we experienced the first attempt to hack our server US 634. I personally was killed with granade launcher and several other players was killed. After respawn they killed me instantly. Today they teleported every player on the server out to the sea and shot alot of them. Is there any way to prevent this behavior? Its a shame that we who just want a nice time playing get abused by hackers. // Terrorfish admin @ US 634 mail to: dayzinfo@mail.com if you have information about the hackers and how to ban them.
  10. johan.hoel@telia.com

    AS50 or M14 Aim

    Well it depends on your play style. As50 is nice for loooong reach when you have ppl watching your back. If you explore and sneak around go for the other gun. Much easier to find ammo and you don't have to rely on them crappy sidearms currently available in the game. As50 is a amazing sniper rifle...but for regular use choose the other gun and save the as50 in a well hidden tent.
  11. johan.hoel@telia.com

    Who has found camo clothing in new patch?

    Camo @ heli outside Rogovo.
  12. johan.hoel@telia.com

    Who has udpated to beta 95168?

    Same problem here.
  13. johan.hoel@telia.com

    Who has udpated to beta 95168?

    HFB servers have not released the beta patch yet.. =(
  14. johan.hoel@telia.com

    AS50 vs SVD Camo

    The AS50 is a beast as stated above...Got that baby with a massive amount of bullets. "They hear me shootin', They hatin'"
  15. johan.hoel@telia.com

    Where are all the animals?

    If you are at full health when your health start dropping due to starvation you have about 8min before you pass out...that is plenty of time to get some food. Just learn how to navigate and you'll never be out of food or water again. If you prioritize food and water before an extra gun you'll be fine! //Terrorfish