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Everything posted by thorec

  1. thorec

    To the server hoppers in NE Airfield.

    No. Both are bad but not equally bad. A hopper is no way near as bad as a combat logger. Imo ofc but I dont think im alone in thinking so. Loggers are scum, hoppers are annoying and both deservs a bullet between the eyes
  2. thorec

    To the server hoppers in NE Airfield.

    You call your friend a legit player, yet you allso tell us that he combat logged when he thought that you died. I would say a combat logger is worse then a server hopper.
  3. thorec

    Describe your first kill

    Sorry in advance for any spelling or gramatical errors. Brand new to the game. And I had already went through five or so deaths, mainly KoS and a exicution as a bambi. I had for the first time made it up to Green Mountain and looted a M4 and a mag. Yay i can finaly get some payback.. I didn't know in what direction to go but continued in the opposite of which i came from. I ended up in what i asume to be Zelenogorsk and started to look around in the houses for more lootz but it were all empty, After a while i heard a gun shot close by, followed by somone begging for there lives and i decided to check it out and see what was going on. I finaly got a visual and could hear the victim beg for his life while on his knees. He didn't seem to have much. He got exicuted there on the spot. And I felt sorry for him. I saw the bandits leave town into a forest and that's where I decided to follow them on a safe distance. I pretty mutch lost them once they passed the tree line and had to guess in what direction they went. I were certain they had gone a different direction when i came out the forest and hid by a tree in the tree line. Open field and a town about a kilometre away. I tried to make sure no one were close and were just about to go down into the town when a saw the company run out not more then 100 meter away from me heading for the same little town. My chest started to pump. I brought up my gun and took aim. Not having fired a single shot before, I opened fire pretty much missing every bullet i shot. They paniced in the open field and started to run , not back into the forest, not into town. They took a right turn and ran even closer to me !? Straight in the open field aiming for some bushes. They were now running parallel with me and this time I just couldn't miss. One of them fell to the ground while the other one tried to hide behind the bushes. Obviosly oblivious of from where the fire were coming from. I waited a little and took aim with a shaky hand . when i opened fire again i totally missed him and he managed to run and get out of my sight. i waited . proabobly 20 min or so for him to maybe come back and loot his friend. i decided to try and flank just incase he still were over there somwere but couldn't find him, nor the body I just had shot down. I decided to continue into the little town, looting my first house and finding some beans. Walking out and I heard a gun shot, my screen went black and it said YOU ARE DEAD. Then I thought - wow, this game is for me.