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Everything posted by paulmezick

  1. paulmezick

    Anyone have any problems with ammo disappearing?

    It happens only if you have an ammo box containing the same type of ammo that is currently held in the same piece of equipment. For example, if you have a box of 357 rounds in your backpack along with a stack of 20 357 round in your backpack, upon emptying the box of rounds you will lose the current stack in your inventory. You'll be left with the rounds from the empty box and your existing stack of ammo will turn into 0 bullets. You can get around this glitch by making sure to empty your box of ammo in a piece of gear that does not currently have the type of ammo contained in the box. In the scenario I outlined above, move the box of 357 rounds into your jeans or assault vest and then empty.
  2. I've noticed that servers that are full or almost full have some horrible registration/sync issues. Frequently my weapons won't come out when I press the associated hotkeys. I somtimes end up heading in a direction for 5 minutes only to have the game warp me back to my original location and freeze on me. The most frustrating issue on packed servers is the awful hit registration. Its almost as if network smoothing was forced into the game in order to offset the issues that were being caused by the rubberbanding. They fixed rubberbanding but hit registration has never been worse. Most times you shoot and hit someone, it doesn't register for a full 2-3 seconds. I often ask some of the other guys I play with, "so, which one of us actually killed him". The delay between the bullet hitting and a hit marker being animated is fairly substantial. Enough that it makes every gunfight on a full server very difficult to actually know if you have killed the other player.
  3. paulmezick

    Empty roads in the north?!

    Not sure how evenly distributed spawns makes the game Call of Duty
  4. paulmezick

    Empty roads in the north?!

    Thank you for your insightful post. I enjoyed reading it. I'm not sure how you could disagree that distributing spawn points evenly across the coastline of an island wouldn't remedy the congestion that forms in elektro. I wasn't not asking if you'd prefer that.
  5. paulmezick

    Empty roads in the north?!

    Does anyone else think the map would be more balanced in terms of distributing the population on the server if it were a huge island instead of what it is now? Spawns could theoretically be scattered along the shore of the island. I like the idea of building towns in the extreme north but I do think they will be generally unpopulated because the shape of the land encourages everyone to pass through elektro. Because of this, it has become the location where 40% of the server is at all times.
  6. paulmezick

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    I no longer experience rubberbanding. One issue I am frequently noticing happens randomly and seems to effect all players in the area. Typically, when running long distances, I will reach an area where my game seems to freeze. I can no longer move and have to kill the process. Upon rejoining a server, I am moved back to a position I had been in about 2-3 minutes prior. This issue makes traversing the map take an extremely long time currently.
  7. Has anyone had a problem with their use key also triggering their weapon to reload? I use default key bind and I have even reapplied the default option numerous times. While playing, if I have my gun out, pressing 'F' initiates the use sequence as well as reload. I've ensured that F is not bound for both actions. Even changing just my use bind to a different letter also reassigns reload. I can't seem to figure this out.
  8. paulmezick

    Be nice

    Yea don't get me wrong,I think there is currently enough to do to actually provide incentive not to die or necessarily go around killing everyone. I'm basically just suprised that anyone is shocked that people aren't nice. Its pretty much 1 of 3 things you can choose to do once you are fully geared. All of the upcoming features look like they will provide some nice incentive not to kill every player on the server.
  9. paulmezick

    Be nice

    I'm new to this game. Never played the mod. I've been playing for a few days now and have got the hang of it. I know where weapons are, I know the direction I need to head if I want to go places, and I've had plenty of positive and negative interaction with other players. I have died a lot and much of it is due to expected glitches with an Alpha. However, one major concern I have is that the game could potentially become fairly stale once I am fully geared up. Aside from some saline bags and a stockpile of food, I currently have all the weapons I need. Once I get those few last things I can honestly see why many people start KOS. There really isn't any other huge satisfaction that the game will offer at this point. I suppose the other option is to attempt to kill bandits and others that are KOS, but its honestly not much different. Hopefully the introduction of smarter zombies in much larger numbers will provide some other type of form of satisfaction in the game. But, honestly, with the lack of zombies currently and the lack of loot variety, what else is there to do besides kill other players? I understand that this is not your typical FPS game and its more of an adventure, but unless the zombies as much or close to as much of a threat as they are in games like Left 4 Dead, I really don't think people will ever truley be "nice". It is way to easy to avoid all other threats currently. The only real threat is getting killed by other players or being killed by a glitch. The most logical thing to do to avoid death at this point is to kill any potential threat (other players). And while its nice to be all geared up and run around with a gun, I honestly feel less safe because of how hostile everyone is. Typically, when I am a fresh spawn I am not cautious at all while running around because people are less likely to kill me. As soon as I have a rifle or even an axe, people start becoming much less friendly. I feel the same way around other random players.