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About DoctorRowGaming

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DoctorRowGaming

    FPS issues..

    If you have any idea how I can do that, lemme know please? I am absolute crap at computer stuff lol
  2. DoctorRowGaming

    FPS issues..

    Hi. I'm a bit curious, my friend has an i7 3,6 ghz processor and a gtx 660 with 8gb of memory and gets 100+ fps ingame.. I have a six-core 3,5ghz processor, a gtx 650 and 8gb of memory, but I only get about 30-35 fps in game.. Is this normal? I've been having this issue since I started playing it, any suggestions on tweaks etc. are greatly appreciated! http://gyazo.com/e945a41e3df2c3f82f8ec052b2dc0529 ^ My spec
  3. DoctorRowGaming

    -=BAKERLAND=- Dayz mod & Epoch

    sounds like a closed deal to me. you'll find me on the epoch server (Y) good shit man