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About wufnu

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Hatchet is fine. The only reason it's OP vs zombies is because they're so easy to kill indoors. Outside, they always run (or teleport) behind me or to the side and either cause me to bleed or break my legs. Even if you walk backward and swing, they still run to your side or behind and smack you on the back of the head. Inside, they just walk into it. It does cause me to kill more zombies, though. Without it, I would just run through a building and lose the 1000000 zombies behind me instantly; now, sometimes I'm bored enough to kill them. They have beans and ammo. Mmm, bean banditry.
  2. Man, you may find this hard to believe, but I know exactly how you feel. Exactly. I've been listening to douchebags justify their actions ever since I started playing this game. PS - First paragraph is sarcasm. It's basically a rehash of the previously mentioned douchebag justification I've heard most recently. The second paragraph is to try to explain that what he's doing is very closely related to what other people are doing but lots of people are too blind to see the connections. One is extremely popular and touted by the elite; the other is a guy on a bike and, it would seem, the majority feels is douchebaggery of the most extreme.
  3. Hey guys it's alpha!! And he's only doing what the game allows him to do; it's realistic! If you don't like his play style go back to care bear land. He's just role playing a post-apocalyptic crazy man, so what? If you weren't such a lazy, sorry player, he never would have found your camp. L2P! Do you know how many bicycles and tents there are in real life? Completely reasonable! He's just a lone wolf; taking what he needs and burning the rest. If you get in the way, too bad for you. Zombies! After reading so many posts like this regarding how every man a sniper is ok, deathmatchZ is ok, and it's usually the players fault for randomly being sniped by some guy he had no chance to see (not to mention the roving band of decked out players that just kill spawners for spite), I can't help but hope that the majority of the people being butt-hurt by his bicycle of justice are those same people. Unlikely but it makes me feel good to believe so. When they do it, it's skill and pvp; when he does it, he's just a douche. I think I see how that works, now. Good job. PS - Video compilation, please.
  4. wufnu

    The Sociopathy problem

    I don't think using reason is worth it. This is the type of person you're playing against: http://youtu.be/uG6y1mOjqdQ At least this one was funny at the end but, I mean, I just don't know how to engage a mind like that.
  5. I do know how prevalent scoped rifles are. More importantly, I also know how 99.9% of the public couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at more than a couple hundred meters. Hell, most of them would probably hit themselves in the forehead with the scope due to recoil and run around bleeding all over the place. Remove sniper rifles and let the cowards play god-mode somewhere else. Alternatively, don't remove sniper rifles and simply add variable wind so that unless you're really good, with lots of practice time, there's no way you could hit a man at more than a few hundred meters. It would also be a plus if the scopes weren't as steady as if a man was prone with sandbag support. Needs more shake at long distances and unless you're at 12000 health fuggedabboudit. Consider this: 1 degree is very small. Convert that to radians, multiply by 800m, and you'll find that 1 degree error yields missing the target by almost 14 METERS. 7 meters at 400m range; that's an approximately 21ft miss. Shooting at extreme long range just isn't feasible unless you're a trained professional with some either bipod or sandbag mount. Picking up a gun and, maybe after taking a few potshots at trees, having to proficiency of a sniper who has suffered years of intense training is at least unrealistic and more likely a farce of reality. Maybe remove all sniper weapons except the hunting rifle, have it zeroed at 400m, no mildots, have fun kids.
  6. Great post; sums my thoughts exactly. Now if we could only find a way to convert people whose only joy in DayZ is hiding in the bushes, shooting some nub that didn't even know they were there in order to get their panties a little moist, into interactive DayZ players... you don't have to team up with me but some communication would be nice. I have a feeling that, even if we could, as soon as their psuedo-god mode is gone they'll flee to some other form of ePeen viagra.
  7. wufnu

    This Crap has to stop (D/C)

    Well, when he logs into another server he'll be passed out for 5 minutes, likely bleeding, so if your purpose is to annoy other players or scare them enough that they piss themselves then your mission was successful! What was your pain? The lack of phat lewts?
  8. 5-6 is pretty good. By large clan, I mean one that can maintain a persistent presence in that area for most hours of the day (probably around 18). Every day will require maintenance, supplies, rebuilding, etc. That all takes people and man hours. If you can maintain a presence there for, lets say, a week then it will gain in popularity. You'll likely see a large influx of recruits, as well. Best to have a hook, a reason to be there. Maybe you register everyone that comes through, maybe you simply do a mock "inspection" to see if they're infected, maybe you take a toll, etc.
  9. How many players did you have in your group? Something like this would take a clan and a large one at that.
  10. I really like the idea but it would need tweaking (such as only certain zones are able to be claimed, etc). We used to do something like this in UO; we roleplayed orcs, took over the NPC orc fort, and would have to clear the area of the NPCs occasionally. It was, by far, the most fun I had in that game and I think it could fit well with DayZ.
  11. I find it difficult to group up with people. It's possible to join a clan but it involves too much commitment and I don't play regularly, at regular hours, or even in a specific continent (I move alot). I think it would be great if we could team up with players from the server menu, even if we don't know them. It would be great if we could spawn together, as well. All of the really fun things I've done (or watched on youtube) has always been with a group and I feel like I'm really missing out. It would be great if I could chat with guys in the lobby and find people to play with, even if it's only for an hour or so. Edit: Please note this is not the same as the "team up" suggestion posted just before this one.
  12. I love the hatchet; it's my favorite anti-Z weapon since it's so silent, 1 hit kills, and doesn't need ammo. The problem is, it's about the same difficulty to predict where they're going to be when you hit the fire button as it is to predict where an electron is at any given instant. They also do stuff like run behind you, attack facing away from you, and still do damage which makes the hatchet even harder to be effective with. tl;dr - Z's be buggin', yo!
  13. wufnu

    Do teleporting hacks exist? US 131

    I saw a teleporting hacker on NY47 last night. He was killing noobs near Cherno/Electro with a .50 cal sniper. I think I died to him at Elektro and respawned at Cherno. Ran to the north barns and he killed some poor guy looking for a weapon. The gun has an extremely distinctive sound and I recognized it from when I died in Elektro so I went to investigate with my hatchet, hoping to catch him in the trees. After running through a field and into a tree-line, I found there was a guy behind me with a huge rifle and a zombie chasing him. When he saw that I had turned around and was looking at him, he simply vanished and the zombie stopped chasing him. It was really weird. I never saw him again, though. After that there were two chavs in ghili suits riding around in this crappy car on the coastal road killing any recent spawners; after dying to them a few times, I just logged to do something else.
  14. I like it. I think we'll need more players, though, and a larger map. Those people who are already with a group, sniping Elektro 'cause they're bored (which probably wouldn't happen solo 'cause there would be zombies everywhere, even on their wooded hills), would have other groups to oppose them. If their members are out screwing around, they get raided and lose all their stuff. If they roam the countryside in groups, killing everyone they see, eventually their noise making (inevitable if zombie spawn is increased and they are found even in forests/fields) would alert another group who will get more people and mow them down. Why would you befriend a random stranger when you already have a group? To get more numbers so that you can more easily dominate other groups on the server. As it is, though, I don't think there are more than one large group per server. They band together and run around unopposed so much that they're insanely bored and just go our sniping to fill time. Fixing that would be a good step in the right direction. It would make being a lonewolf viable but insanely difficult way of life.