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Everything posted by dinocrisi5

  1. dinocrisi5

    In-Game Golfing

    If this was made into this game. I would so Golf on top of a building and try to hit zombies with the ball in the head...or players when they are not looking lol.
  2. dinocrisi5

    Holey Moley

    I scouted this coastal town (the NE town) was about to log out for the night. Then I heard someone just logged in due of hearing his gun noise of loading ammo when the person logs in. My heart started to race rapidly. This person knows that I was in the second floor due of first time playing of the day you see through buildings for a few seconds. He fired his gun (two shots) first through walls after 2 minutes of silence in hope of killing me (if thats possible of course). He missed me totally but then I know he means business and peace was no option. I shut the door to the room I was in then went into prone formation with gun pointing towards the door (laying in front the door as well almost). As soon that door opened I unleash hell to that person with my semi-auto rifle. He fired a few shots also but he totally missed me cause I think he thought I would be on my knees farther back in the room.. Now this is was my holy moley scary moment that could have gone horrible for me as well. He left the server before I could even loot his dead body fully :(. Only took one item which was his resp. mask that was in pristine condition. Wish I took his .45 pistol but couldn't due of lack of room plus he left right after I was going to drop my useless first aid kit lol. Sad to say this was suppose to be no KoS ordeal server but can't even be safe on them :(.
  3. dinocrisi5

    Holey Moley

    Actually this was second encounter. First encounter was at the airfield two weeks ago. Had my magnum loadedat the time and got someone that did charge at me with an axe first btw After first shot he turn around tried to run away lol. Sadly, I went one more server after that found a M4...then at the time the lost character was not fixed. So I lost that character after when I wanted to play the next day lol.
  4. dinocrisi5

    Proper Bowl Of Cereal Crafting

    Bowl=OP Just saying lol. Last thing I want is a bowl so your crazy ex can kill you with it in Dayz lol.
  5. dinocrisi5

    Holey Moley

    I thought it was. Had my heart racing as least lol. Plus I don't play Dayz much but when I do I play to gather supplies and help others lol.
  6. dinocrisi5

    B+W screen

    I want to know the ways to get it removed. Long story short after my character got deleted (twice in 1 hour last night) for no reason. Wasn't even server changing. Anyway, I want the options on how to cure myself from this statis. Zombie took a clean chuck of me when I made a new character. Doesn't help the character thought it was smart to use a rag to stop the bleeding while Zombie was hitting me lol.
  7. dinocrisi5

    It Happened Again :(

    I come log in to play and it seems I am at the starting point again with new character items. Makes me sad cause I finally got my M4 finally with tons of bullets for it before the last logout. No one killed me (or was in the area even) not even zombies could reach me cause I was in second floor in a building.. I'm just a sad panda :(.
  8. dinocrisi5

    It Happened Again :(

    Well it happen again (twice in 1 hour). Server was doing its this so it kicked everyone. When I logged in to same server. Back to spawn point agian with new character gear. I just made it to the airfield (along the wall almost) again :( This time I wasn't in a building and playing solo on the server as well.
  9. dinocrisi5

    It Happened Again :(

    I'll miss my magnum :( killed the zombies this entire time. I know its easy find at the airfield I was at but still...i'll miss that sucker :(. Killed my first player with it at the airfield even. Person was charging at me with an axe. Funny part is though aftrer I fired my first shot he turn around quite fast and tried to get away lol.
  10. I just started so I do not know everything (need a good teacher) but...I feel like I want to raid a big city or something instead the small villages + giant boats lol. I only have a magnum (and bullets somehow lol) and the basic bolt-rifle moset (tons of ammo for it) with scope. Yes, I know you die you lose everything but still lol but with what I got is easy to get back (maybe not the 35 slot bag).
  11. dinocrisi5

    Stuck behind unopen door

    Long story short. I hit a lag spike on the server so I was rubberbanded into behind a room that the door does not open. What are the best tactics to get out of enclosed behind an unopenable door? I tried running/v tactic on door which failed.
  12. dinocrisi5

    Stuck behind unopen door

    Logging into a really high ping server while tapping W constantly even before everything is loading (while up against the door) worked on getting passed the locked door.