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Everything posted by vTACv

  1. vTACv

    Electro, The Weirdest City Of All Of Chenarus

    Welcome to Cheranus...land of the the survivor home of the trolls :P
  2. vTACv

    My First Time in Cherno

    Avoid all rooftops unless you have cover fire and can hold the position until support arrives. When we want to lockdown the city we grab every vantage point in the area to see all movement 360 coming into the surrounding area.
  4. vTACv

    What is This BullSh#T???

    5 respawns at once and my desync was at 0!!!!!
  5. vTACv

    You took my beans??

  6. vTACv

    You took my beans??

    Depends did we take your shoes or ask them for you?? if not it was not us...
  7. vTACv

    You took my beans??

    Nahh buddy broke his legg and cudnt get up hahaha figured we'll make it look kool :P
  8. vTACv

    You took my beans??

    /close please
  9. sounds like another person bitching about being KOS'ed...My thread gets closed for being pro KOS'ed then people complain to get it closed. I demand this thread get's closed as well. Another repeat...
  10. Pro KOS Replies only..NO Bitching Tired of all the raging posts about people being KOS'ed and all I have to say Is I am sorry..and it happened to me a lot when I was a nub as well :P Once you guys figure out the game trust me..you'll be doing the same thing. The point is your not going to live forever. And once the game is release you can set up a camp to store gear. Plus it's a video game so stop getting so butthurt!!! 1. Was on the rocks of Kamyshovo with a Moison yesterday morning dialing my rifle in shooting at re-spawns obviouslyv :P When I went afk to smoke a cigg and came back I was unconscious :P Paybacks a bitch right hahah 2. My friends were camping the Balota airstrip while I was gna run in and grab some gear. As I was running a guy passed me with some gear and I shouted "waddup niggah" as I passed him. Then I noticed he had a Moison so I stopped and turned around. I asked him "what's going on??" in game chat while I told my buddy in the tree line to take the shot. With 1 bullet I was half way geared without even having to fight :P Share some of your stories!!!!
  11. vTACv

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I have beans lots and lots of beans.....
  12. vTACv

    Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

    BTW if there was a "Give Aids" action I would do that shit to :P Make a new character called the "Crackwhore of Elecktro" Lulz
  13. vTACv

    Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

    haha I know I was only trying to dial my rifle at a moving target :P One guy respawned quickylr ran right up to his body just to give me the finger hahaha
  14. vTACv

    Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

  15. vTACv

    Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

    Because I feed off of the Butthurtness. LuLz Their aren't any ways to counter the KOS problems but combat it itself in any way the player has to do to get themselves out of the situation.
  16. vTACv

    Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

    Aye bro understand your frustration but this isn't the thread about combat logging. I cant complain because, their still on topic about KOS as their combat logging. Sooo ya move it on.. If I'm wrong the Admins Have every right to close it but I stated clearly the rules of the thread and your the only one that's breaking it :P
  17. vTACv

    Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

    Ya thats when I just go to another server..
  18. hahaha You sir had just made my day!!!
  19. vTACv

    Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

    ^^^^This guy is a hater :P It's a play style bro not a flame thread!!!
  20. vTACv

    Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

    60 bullets= no loot is not worth it. It was probably funny to piss them all off though hahah
  21. vTACv

    Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

    Never stated I always KOS'er..This is a thread for KOS stories on so PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC!!! (trying to balance the forum out a lil with all the hate)
  22. vTACv

    Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

    I don't only play that style bro...It's only when I'm by myself or at a disadvantage or just plain ol target practice. I do a lot to help peeps as well. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164085-day-z-alpha-play-styles/#entry1657425