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Everything posted by paulusrojo

  1. paulusrojo

    To those whining about post-processing and gamma:

    Well, was the Server hoppers, ghosters and combat loggers playing properly? The Devs obviously didn't think so. Imo, Gamma cranking and turning off PP is the same thing. So is turning off the clouds. What the actual fuck. Everyone can use it, but its not intended to be exploited like this. Come on MAN...why should you be able to turn the night into a "glowing" grey blur? If it really was an intended feature, why even bother with day\night cycle? Or why bother with lightsources. They had to implement these things for those people who doesn't have the required hardware. When they optimize the game, I expect them to come up with a solution to this problem. Edit: That being said though. I do understand why people do it, like I understand why people used to combat log. I don't like it, and I sure as hell wouldn't do it myself. But I do understand why people do it. My point is; STOP fooling and justify yourself for using this. It IS NOT an INTENDED feature. It IS a kind of exploit! And it will probably be dealt with in time.
  2. paulusrojo

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    So now you're calling me a woman. Classy. I sure hope every forum-member can be so classy when they're on the defense. You sure have voiced your opinion, and it seems like the community is torn in the middle about these "rewards" you're talking about (although if that poll had been more accurate, and if something like 10% of total DayZ players had voted, I'm sure the results had been different). But that's neither here nor there. You have a different viewpoint on this matter, and I accept that. I think you're idea is somewhat meaningless, and your solutions are not compatible with the vision the Devs have when it comes to DayZ. As a community in the alpha stages of such a great game, these are only the first issues of many that will split us. Sometimes in half, other times it will not be even. My point is, do not spend so much time dwelling about things, and please for he sake of Dean, do not behave like a little spoiled brat, calling names and being offensive. Save that for the Beta :)
  3. paulusrojo

    Login where u log out?

    What TheWanderingMan said works fine... Just find a tree or somewhere secluded...stand there for maybe 30 seconds to a minute, then Logout!
  4. paulusrojo

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Actually I don't know. And I sure as hell don't like your tone young man. If you're unable to compare to anything, it's very hard to grasp your full vision. And saying there's no point in surviving is meaningless. I don't want to get too philosophical, but life itself is a damn good reason to survive. And if you cant understand that, I don't think ANY survival game is for you. If you desperately need something to hang on to, I'd recommend you to start roleplaying in game or something. And while I do understand your point, and I even understand that some people want "more" out of the game, I personally don't feel like a "skill-system" is the way to go. And if you're so interested in statistics, why don't you just start to log them yourself? To be honest, I think the dev's are feeling the same way, but it's only alpha, and only time will tell.
  5. paulusrojo

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    I was just trying to figure out where you're going with this But seeing as you are already so defensive about everything, I guess that answer was to be expected. Someone called the newest Tomb Raider game a survival game. Well maybe, but that does have a story, and isn't really comparable. Maybe Minecraft is some form of a survival game, but it does have some of the same problem you've already mentioned.
  6. paulusrojo


    good protected, but no villain-look-a-like Give this man a cowboy hat, and maybe some cowboy boots :) I like it! The fact that everyone looks like clones is getting kinda tiresome!
  7. paulusrojo

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    OP! Can you just give some examples of games that have the survival aspect done better? And please give some real examples, not an indie game you played 12 years ago, that noone has heard of. Edit: I'm not trying to be sassy, just curious :)
  8. paulusrojo

    New Patch = Gift from God

    I wouldn't know. I've never used it. Also I hear its possible to remove the skies to see the moon. I guess this is an exploit too.
  9. paulusrojo

    New Patch = Gift from God

    It's the night. It's suppose to be dark. Why else do we have flashlights? There maybe even be NVG in the future. Do you honestly really think the devs are not going to do anything about people using the gamma/brightness slider to see everything when it's suppose to be dark? And to compare it to sound is just so far off...turning the volume up is nothing near as advantageous as turning up the gamma. Edit: If you have a slider to increase the sound-range, then we could compare the volume to gamma.
  10. paulusrojo


    Yeah, I remember the first time me and a couple of mates was trying the defibs. I ended up using them on myself, one of my friends panicked and shot my other friend. The captive bambi ran off. Good times.
  11. paulusrojo


    I'm not proud to say this, but I've been doing some experimenting on captives I've taken so far. Put a helmet on them, and shoot, hit, smash. A ballistic helmet will sometimes actually "stop" a gunshot. Motorcycle helmets will help you survive an axe to the head. That being said, I never wear anything other than green ballistic helmets or other camo headgear.
  12. paulusrojo

    New Patch = Gift from God

    Its obvious some form of exploit. But go ahead, use it. Sooner or later a patch will take care of this exploit.
  13. paulusrojo

    Speed should be adjusted to amount of gear

    I think they should implement vehicles first, then take a look at the running aspect of the game. You should obviously not be able to sprint for an infinite amount of time. Also it should be a penalty to both speed and distance when you're fully geared.
  14. paulusrojo

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    I like some of the ideas, and I also feel that 30 seconds is too short for a logout timer. But only if you're actually in a firefight. Would be hard to implement, but after you've fired a weapon, the logout timer should multiply like 5 or 6 times. And you should not be able to log out when you're bleeding. But having the logout timer set to over 30 seconds when you're just chilling in the woods, would be stupid imho. If you're far away from anything, you should have the option to logout without being scared of losing your character.
  15. paulusrojo

    New Patch = Gift from God

    Well then, you should be prepared for a lot of directions you don't like. This was never a game intended for instant PVP. Even if over 50% of the current players would like insta phat loot, that will never happen. The point of the game, believe it or not, is not to obtain military gear as fast as possible, and then go to the nearest gankfest. If that's how you like it, then I feel sorry for you, because you are not going to like to upcoming patches very much! In time there probably will be respawning loot, but as for now, it's too damaging to the servers.
  16. paulusrojo

    How I shat my pants over nothing

    You should start using snus! Saves you from going AFK every 15 minutes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snus
  17. paulusrojo

    Respawn button not working.

    Actually mine works now. Didn't work the last patch and the one before that. But now I'm 90% sure it works like a charm...
  18. paulusrojo

    I have never had so much fun

    You don't have to wait for a restart. You can loot other places than just Airfields. From NWAF to balota there's three places with excellent spawns. Or you could ambush someone that's already geared. If successful, you'll get a real good feeling. In fact to enjoy this game, you don't actually need a LRS mosin or M4 with 600 rounds. And I get that you're not always safer with a group, but it tends to be more fun that way. Atleast when you're actually playing the game, and not just jumping from server to server. T I really hope this was just the first step to combat server hoppers and combat loggers.
  19. paulusrojo

    I have never had so much fun

    Yeah, I get that people are going to server hop. But they shouldn't. And they shouldn't cry about the implemented features to stop them from server hopping. Why can't they move to another base instead? It's not that hard. And if you move like a ninja, you probably wont get shot. And if you have some friends, your survival rate will be even higher.
  20. paulusrojo

    I have never had so much fun

    Instead of just standing around and waiting, why don't you actually play the game? Last night my guy was killed by 3 wankers who was seriously camping the same spot for 2 hours. Did I cry or start a forum post about it? No, I respawned. Ran my ass off. From the coast to Novy and Stary Sobor. Found some gear. Then went to the military base east of Stary. Empty, Then I ran to Vobor. Found a magnum. Then to the NWAF. Empty. Did I start crying and changed server? No. Because that's the easy way out. I waited there, and after a while a dumbass fully geared guy came walking in like he owned the place. He didn't like the taste of my .357 rounds. I liked the taste of his tears, and his pristine M4. That's the way the game is. If you don't like it, maybe you should play another game?
  21. paulusrojo

    A good use for pen and paper

    I changed my mind. I'm going to start writing jokes on the papers instead! Like a Chernarus stand-up comedian! Why is it so hard to tell the difference between a Zombie and a British person? Cause their mouths look the same. How can you tell a Zombie from a Russian? The Zombie smell better!
  22. paulusrojo

    A good use for pen and paper

    I found an SKS yesterday, but I didn't have bullets for it, and was already carrying a Mosin. So I wrote a note that said: "This is MY SKS. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I'm out getting bullets for it. If you touch it, it will be the death of you. But really, please don't touch it..." 30 minutes after, the whole server restarted :(
  23. Usually if you get a clean headshot, the rest of the loot is in "normal" shape. Atleast in my experience. For your situation, the stuff he had was probably already ruined. If he was looting someone else, maybe he just shot him, and thus ruined all his gear, but still looted it. Clothes, backpacks and stuff can still be worn after its ruined. I feel it's better to run around with a ruined hunter backpack, and ruined camo clothes compared to pristine purple hello kitty backpack and a yellow "glow in the dark" raincoat :)
  24. paulusrojo

    Six hours of "stuffed"

  25. paulusrojo

    The players of DayZ Ruin the game

    So basically you're saying :"dont KoS me while Im looking for gear to kill you with". And banditry is fine, but killing on sight isn't? Don't you see that's a little bit far fetched?