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About noodlePancake

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    On the Coast
  1. noodlePancake

    Weirdest Mugging Ever

    I'm very nQQbish at this game so maybe I'm missing something. Just ran into a guy in Cherno. He ran across a courtyard at me, he was by himself and only had an axe (I was also armed with only an axe), and he tells me that theres a bunch of guys with guns coming this way. "Thanks for the info" I say and we run off in the same direction. I get about 20 meters and this douche comes at me with his axe! He gets one hit in which luckily didn't kill me, I got two lucky hits in and he goes down. I checked his stuff and he had x2 handguns!!!! both with amo. Now why wouldn't he just have used them? Is amo really that hard to find? Just wondering if I'm missing something here, but I found it pretty funny. Maybe theres some tactic I'm not aware of.