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Posts posted by w00kie

  1. I just want the fucking game to be logical.  They should not have 3 pistol spawns in berezino if there are zero mags, that is the main point.  I go to airfields for other stuff.  Its the lack of thought into spawns of items that is stupid here.  How am i the only one that sees this?


    Also it is, logical for someone else to remove the mag/clip as its a threat. Yes I have found a gun and ammo together my self. However you have to look for it, I found a mosin and a snap loader for the blaze double rifle gun together.


    So you empty the snap loader and use the two bullets from the snap loader and then load ammo into masion. Now that's logical thinking.

  2. Where, for the love of God, did you find a pistol and clip in same place?  If airfield, then you didnt read my post.



    Like I said before, seem to have ignored my point as well.



    This is a game and you will need to work for things and look for gear. Things will not be handed to you on a plate. Ever thought that, someone else might of found the mag/clip? Hide it? Took it? So you cant use it to kill them/other people?

  3. Please tell me that the .22 and 9mm pistol magazines dont just spawn in police stations and airfields and barracks.


    I ask because I constantly find the new pistols in the Berezino school house/ office and in the two Berezino piano houses, but never ever find mags there.   Now the construction site of berezino  sometimes has military items like 5.56mm ammo.    So if the idiotic dayz developers decided to spawn pistols in berezino, can i find magazines in berezino?  Anyone find one at construction site?   Its so fucking fake that pistols are found without magazines.  Will i really have to go to airfields?



    This is a game and you will need to work for things and look for gear. Things will not be handed to you on a plate. Ever thought that, someone else might of found the mag/clip? Hide it? Took it? So you cant use it to kill them/other people?

  4. Yep that's like 95% of the people who play Dayz!


    However, he most thought he didn't have much to lose and thought to him self, sod it. I have done that a few times my self in the game, you will be surprised how many people I have caught of guard by doing that my self. When I go bandit hunting, I get a kids backpack, put a swan of shotgun in the bag + with ammo/snap loaders. So they get there own axe out thinking am a "new spawn" or a new player etc Then I get my swan of shotgun out and one time I hear a guy over comms go "oh fuck, well played".

    • Like 1

  5. oh yeah man, i saw SOOO many houses and buildings, vechicles.....etc...that were fixed and loot spawns inside....INCLUDING ALL OF THE TENTS!


    You better not be lying! If i found out who you are and lying, when I find you I shall be wearing a thong! lol! haha

  6. Like I said previously, I enjoy the change. I think it'd be best though if we returned the old animations and did like a 50/50 or so mix with the zombies


    How this would be done, however, I have no idea



    That's all good, which I do like but the only down side is that they clip though the walls/fences. They just run in a straight line towards you, if your in a town/city at least. Which is not good :(  I think if the Zombies didn't clip though every object/walls. I think there wouldn't be half of the bitching there is now.

  7. Here is some feedback.


    Remove the zombies completely, stop wasting server resources and dev resources trying to fix a gimmick that will always remain janky.


    Focus on survival aspects such as better hunting, scavenging.


    With the lack of zombies in place increase the player count dramatically.


    No point in wasting time making zombies feel right when at the end of the day they will always remain janky everyone knows this.



    Really? Erm the game name is "DayZ". If DayZ removed the zombie, then it wouldn't be DayZ, it would be DayC aka Day Camper, for people to wait and kill each other or just be a bigger death match in eletro as it is already! Dont want to do a RUST moment, have Zombies at the start and then only to remove them. Plus you remember that, background story to DayZ? Big hint there and its in the title!

    • Like 1

  8. i like the new speed.  what i don't like is i can sprint and never need to stop.  but hey its alpha.  i think we should be able to just keep ahead of the Zed, until we are too tired to run anymore. then your dead. but by then we should be able to sneak and not attract aggro and hopfuly make it so its safer to be stealthy then just run through



    These are the best weaposn to use on Zombies and with the hit counts:


    1 Hit = Fire Axe

    2 Hits = Splitting Axe / Pitch Forks / Farming Hoe

    3 hits + more = Sickle, Crow Bar, Wrench, Fire extinguisher ( might be 2 hits, but cant remember ) Machete does work but I counted like 6 hits to kill a Zombie, when it was on the Exp Server.


    These are on my own encounter with a Zombie(s) in 0.43 Patch and I know that works.

  9. Hi there, FPS is down to the CPU and it only runs on a single core at the moment. Its not been fully optimized to run the GPU it self yet fully. However check these guides out which may help.












    and also, please use the search function. Sometimes it does work, and sometimes it don't ( or when it wants to ).

    • Like 2

  10. First, zombies shouldn't respawn instantly but around half an hour later

    second, they are too fast now

    third, they still glitch thru everything

    fourth, they should have different attacks (for example biting)



    Yes they are fast, however you can outrun them by putting your fists up ( turbo mode). When you get to a point they will slow down and then just stop. I know it can be very annoying to a point, your so far out of the city/town the time you get to the next one. You might have the same problem, when trying to get into a building looking for food/drinks/guns etc

    I think people are forgetting the zombies were even faster in the mod


    and they were even faster in the beginning



    I never played the mod, so cant tell on that :(

  11. The speeds of the Zombies are just right! Do not adjust! I love being chased and making a Zombie train out of the citys! However the change I would make to them is that one hit bleed is not a good idea. Best way I think to do is them like this:


    1 Hit  =  Screen go gray from being hit.

    2 Hits = Screen go gray and then bleed

    3 Hits = Makes Items/clothes damaged/bleed more as well.


    Only reason why I said this, due to the fact if your a new spawn and in a server that just restarted. You will be chased and will not have time to look in the building/get food. Then if you move on to the next city/town due to the Zombies, then you will have the same problem, like in the last town. Then it might let the new spawns/new players go hungry/thirsty etc. What about a different set type of Zombies in the new areas only ( Solnichniy and Kamyshovo )  which does not do as much damage to new spawns or can tell, if the play has got "x" like x being Axe etc. I know the programming side of this is not as easy it sounds doing so.


    If a player does kill a zombie, make it spawn far away like 2/3 building lengths ( the office building types ) but do not have the Zombie re-locking on to the same person ( just like when a server restarts, when they are minding there own business ), only if that person or another person comes in front of the zombie or fires a gun which will attract the Zombie(s) in a certain radius of that player.

  12. This an old building before the 0.42 patch got deployed, in which you only saw this building in Svetlojarsk along side with the police station as well. Which only both of them was there in Svetlojarsk. So nothing new really, only that they put them everywhere now days when 0.42 was deployed. Apart from 2 main citys, I cant remember which ones tho.

  13. Yes they are faster, when you run in turbo mode ( with fists up ). They will run as the same speed as you are. However they only do this about 25/30 seconds I noticed on the hotfix on Exp server before hand. When I got so far they then started to slow down, then they total stop. That's if you carry on running in turbo mode.


    It is good to see nice faster Zombies, makes everything a different ball game and changes how we all might play the game. Good to see Zombies are a real threat to every one, from Snipers/Campers etc. Bad mistake to speed them up ? No! Not at all!

  14. Yes they are faster, when you run in turbo mode ( with fists up ). They will run as the same speed as you are. However they only do this about 25/30 seconds I noticed on the hotfix on Exp server before hand. When I got so far they then started to slow down, then they total stop. That's if you carry on running in turbo mode.


    It is good to see nice faster Zombies, makes everything a different ball game and changes how we all might play the game. Good to see Zombies are a real threat to every one, from Snipers/Campers etc.

  15. Hey ,

    today i purchased a server from fragnet but i want to play private with a few friends :(. but i dont know how i set a password. Some servers in serverlist do already have a private status. so does anyone know how to do it?



    You can not simple as do this! You should of read the terms and conditions on fragnet! However, I just took a quick look on there site! Not very good giving the full information out! I.e. What you can do and can not do to the server, please check here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/


    On Fragnet site, here: http://www.fragnet.net/games/dayz.php it does not state that you can not put a password on it, which is very bad. If you password it/kick people ( For no real good reason ) you will get blacklisted and Fragnet will/might remove your server, so they will win in the end by getting your money and not telling you the full story that you can not put a password on it. If you go moaning to them, they will just say like most company's "Should of done research" etc Also when you go and buy a server from Fragnet, it does not tell you as well on the buying/order section, look here: https://clients.fragnet.net/cart.php?a=confproduct&i=0


    However, when you are in the process of buying a server on Gamingdeluxe, here : https://billing.gamingdeluxe.co.uk/cart.php?a=confproduct&i=0 - You see at the top and I quote from it " Game Servers - Dayz Standalone

    Dayz Standalone Hosting Rules: If you rent a server you can: Change the server name. Have a Message of the Day. Choose the region Start it. Stop it. Restart it PLEASE NOTE: YOU CANNOT PASSWORD IT"

  16. On twitter, Dean said it should be coming out in the morning, Saturday. If goes well and to plan! So lets hope it does! :)


    I have played on the new hotfix Exp servers ( UK and DE ) with the hotfix, all night long not a single problem!



    To be honest, I just wish that the 50% of the Dayz Community use a dictionary and look up the word "Patience". Then like I always say to people "patience is a virtue". I take it you dont have any like this, when it comes to game testing and the stages that it has to take in order to each its final game play state/goal state.


    Oh and also if you did some research your self, and went on the Exp Servers and helped! You will see there is a hotfix and active now!

    • Like 3

  17. The hotfix on expermimental servers works perfectly great. No desync, smooth playing and no session lost problems at all. Thumbs up and all my beans for pushing this hotfix to stable



    On twitter, Dean said it should be coming out in the morning, Saturday. If goes well and to plan! So lets hope it does! :)


    I have played on the new hotfix Exp servers ( UK and DE ) with the hotfix, all night long not a single problem!



    To be honest, I just wish that the 50% of the Dayz Community use a dictionary and look up the word "Patience". Then like I always say to people "patience is a virtue".

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