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Everything posted by w00kie

  1. w00kie

    Plz for the luv of god add sli support

    To be honest. The way the game as the moment its way to far to offer support for sli/cf support.
  2. w00kie

    Rollback the patch?

    I think its a hit or miss. Might be affecting the lower end specs systems compared to the higher systems ( With more RAM/SSD etc )
  3. w00kie

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Gave it a few days before I made a comment about this server side patch. This has made a big improvement on all servers. I might have the odd one there and then but that can be anything like ISP/Downloads etc which is hard to tell. Before the patch it was hell trying to walk about / interact. At least you are now not rubberbanding from one side to the other side. I have tried a good 10+ servers from UK and other euro servers. Good job.