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Everything posted by Iorv3th

  1. So my game crashed for the first time today. No big deal right? I'll just start it back up and continue playing. Nope. I cannot find any servers at all and can't even join my friends who are playing just fine. i've verified the game cache on Steam, completely reinstalled, and even deleted my profile so it could make a new one for me. Nothing has worked. Any suggestions?
  2. Iorv3th

    Can't find any servers after game crash

    Considering I tweeted this issue to Bohemia AND Rocket, AND a lot of people are having this issue now, I think it's safe to say they don't give a damn. This is the only time I've ever complained about this game, because I can't even play it and have fun now. EDIT: Tweeted them both again with the link to this thread. I highly doubt they will show up though.