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Everything posted by samzzi

  1. samzzi

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Sigh... Striker, no point in feeding the troll. This guy is fairly amusing though and I sincerely hope he goes ahead and reports us (for whatever his reasoning is, I laughed my ass off to this last one). Just ignore his messages.
  2. samzzi

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Please see this topic for instructions on that. For more exposure' date=' I'd recommend you to make a post either here or here about this (if you haven't done so already). :)
  3. samzzi

    Freeside Trading Co.

    We're in the process of mobilizing our staff. Unfortunately though, due to every single one of us getting killed last night by a hacker, we're unable to get into location as quickly as we'd like to. Sorry for the inconvienience. Also a clarification on that player list thingy. If you look at the playerlist found in map, you WILL see the tag. You know it's legit by clicking my name and you will see all the info (along with the Swiss flag). You can't see the [FTC] tag in the lobby playerlist though.
  4. samzzi

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Also: Will be Seattle 64.
  5. samzzi

    Freeside Trading Co.

    By the way, why Seattle 64 and not 104? EDIT: I mean, why not just transfer to our "own" servers already since our stuff got so royally wrecked on 64 last night anyway?
  6. samzzi

    Freeside Trading Co Shops

    Disregard this thread! The OP is a known bandit and is banned from Freeside. He has no affiliation with the organization whatsoever. Only announcements/statements posted by Freeside staff on the Freeside thread and the Freeside forum board should be regarded as official information.
  7. samzzi


    Eh... :huh:
  8. samzzi

    Su-25 spotted at NW Airfield

    Sigh. You will definitely NOT get banned for using either hacked guns or vehicles. The risk is there if you are found doing so multiple times (can be reasoned as an intentional action at that point). Some people just play the game and spend zero time reading the forums or wikis etc. You cannot punish somebody for unintentionally "breaking the rules", plain and simple. Use of common sense is allowed, even here. EDIT: Oh and by the way, usage of vehicles can't even tehcnically be detected so only the person who has illegitimately spawned the a/c is going to be struck by the banhammer eventually.
  9. samzzi

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Freshly spawned people are not going to be too much of a concern since they don't have any weapons at first. With that in mind the guards can merely just observe their movements around the post for any suspicious activity. There will most likely also be a bunch of zombies wandering around to chase off all those helpless newly born survivors. :D
  10. samzzi

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I'd say leave the crowbar as it is for now. Otherwise it will become "too easy" to have these items since you can just hoard them to the tool slots and only use when needed. Let's not make life too simple after all. ;)
  11. samzzi

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I LOVE YOU ROCKET!!!! :heart::heart::heart:
  12. Rocket please note that, besides food, bandages aren't spawning either. Just got myself killed because there simply are none.
  13. samzzi

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    How this works on veteran servers? Usually there is no indicator when you mouseover another player' date=' and many people like it so. (nametag scanning with sniper..) [/quote'] What do you mean exactly? It's a sound, not a visual indicator and thus has nothing to do with server being "veteran" or not.
  14. samzzi

    Question on two copies / cd key

    I'd say the method you linked will indeed work. Also, you are effectively only playing Operation Arrowhead so I don't see why just buying another OA and using the key from that wouldn't be the solution. Won't take any responsibility though if it, for some reason, doesn't work after all.
  15. Lock this thread already? :rolleyes:
  16. Did you even read the announcement on global bans?! BattlEye has received an update in which it has been given the appropriate tools to detect and issue bans on those involved in such cheating that has been occurring in DayZ for a while. Anti-cheat bots like these require frequent updates in order to be able to detect and tackle cheaters' new scripts and tricks. This is the reason why they all got banned simultaneusly. EDIT: The level of misinformation and stupidity in this thread is over 9000.......
  17. samzzi

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    The concept sounds rather interesting and it's worth debating for sure. However things such as colors washing out (like when you have low blood) are definitely not a good idea in my opinion, since it would degrade game experience significantly and thus force people to change their gaming style. I for one hate missing those beautiful colors and always try to cure myself quickly should I be in a low blood situation. The effects of being alone for too long need to be more subtle, just like the heartbeat addition that Rocket has surveyed on for a while. Minor hallucinations have been suggested and something along those lines sound reasonable enough. In addition to subtleness the occurances, whatever they may be, need to be somewhat rare. Rare in the sense that you can actually spend a whole gaming session without noticing any symptoms. One thing that just crossed my mind is, what if you could receive, in addition to or instead of depression, some kind of a "recluse" status? This would mean that if you have spent a VERY long time in complete loneliness, there would be some visible symptoms when looking directly at or being in the immediate vicinity of another player(s). What I'm talking about is some kind of anxiety. This would naturally cure itself after being in close intraction with somebody for a while. I'm not sure myself if any of these is a good idea. I mostly play as a lone wolf and would love to experiment with things such as these, since there is always a chance that they actually add to the athmosphere and experience of DayZ significantly. You never know without testing.
  18. YES I really like it. Not too obvious (or annoying like crows/flies n shit) and actually ADDS to the ATHMOSPHERE of the game.
  19. YES! Rocket, imagine what it might do to the whole social aspect of the game (teaming up with strangers etc.). You don’t have to worry about the guy you’re about to approach shoot you in the face.