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Everything posted by Karrrma

  1. Karrrma


    Oh there's my thread.. thanks for the heads up... I've disabled my firewall completely, I have no security software on either. That's one of the first things I tried last night. There is literally nothing stopping BE from talking to it's servers.
  2. Karrrma


    Hi I'm hoping someone here can help me. I've been playing DayZ:SA for about a week now, and have been loving it. Since the last patch, whenever I join a server I'm able to stay in for about 20 seconds, then I get kicked. The message: Battleye not responding. I've googled, followed a lot of different troubleshooting guides, like this one, and nothing has worked. I've reinstalled the game across 3 different hard drives, and still the same message. A lot of the posts I've seen point to network issues which I know is not the case since my g/f is able to play on her PC 3' away connected to the same network. Any ideas? I'm pretty tech savvy and have done everything I know to do or have read to do. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks. edit: I should add I know I'm not banned, I've never played any of the arma series or for that matter any game that uses battleye. Furthermore, I don't cheat. :p