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Everything posted by skoms

  1. skoms

    More Zeds

    Because its different people who working on AI and server optimization. They recently improved the server optimization big time, so they can add more zombies. And they do because this way they can start the process to optimize the servers again.. They can not wait for the AI guys to finnish their job, because then everything will just be delayed. Server optimization is the most important thing right now. Without it we cant have more content, respawning loot and zombies and so on.. You still dont get it??
  2. skoms

    Where is the crossbow?

    Maybe the crossbow factory was ground zero in the DayZ universe so the first zombies sabotaged all the crossbows. I guess the zeds have seen the walking dead and decided to not take that shit..:P
  3. No reason to apologize:) Its an fantastic service you offer and this is by all means not your duty. You can not sit and refresh the forums all the time. And its understandable that the new patch made a bump in numbers of broken leg related injuries..lol. I guess you are working hard to get that morphine now;) Once again i will point out that my original post was not meant as a complaint, but more of a statement that the other options like teamspeak must be far better to use. Thanks for your great services and keep up the good work:))
  4. I thought i was gonna test out if posting request for help in this thread was useful, so i did as you can see above. Up till this date i have not got even on response, so i guess its a total waste of time to ask for help in this thread. Therefore i recommend others that need help to try out one of the other options in the opening post if you want help from the medics. BTW: I have killed my character now, so i do not need help anymore:) (this is not meant to be a complaint that i did not get any response. I can understand that and its not a big of a deal. This post is meant to be a warning for others that asking for help in this thread might be useless, and therefore i also recommend one of the other options so people do not waste their time. Please understand this. Thanks.)
  5. I can understand that many people turn of PP. If the hardware is not good enough you have to do what you can to improve your FPS. But, the adjustment for Gamma and brightness should be removed or strictly limited. When you can tweak them till you see clear as day, then its totally pointless to have night servers in the first place. Yeah, i now night is not 100 % realistic when it come to light setting at night, but its acctually not far off either. In a world where most buildings have no light, there will be pitch black nights as long the moon is small or hidden by clouds. I grew up in the country side and i can honestly say i have stumbled myself in pitch darkness many times. Even when eyes adjust to darkness, it will still be hard to see without a torch. And this should absolutely be the case in dayz as well.
  6. This i can believe. I just bought a new pc with the gtx 780 and some high end haswell processor and my fps is totally fine. No significant fps drops all weekend..;)
  7. I had very bad desync issues before. Then i turned of the firewall on my pc and it helped alot. I almost never have desync issues anymore.. Not even when around other players.. Have you tried that? If not i recommend you to try..:)
  8. skoms

    Friend stuck dead in ocean PLEASE HELP

    I just came across the same problem. I keep spawning in the sea, and die after 20-25 sec. I get the "you are dead" screen but i cannot respawn. That button dos not work. And when i log out and join another server, its happening all over again. Anyone know a solution to this problem?
  9. I agree to that. But hey, i do not develop the game, so i do not know about their ambitions..:))
  10. But the game is not released yet. All we got is early access to the current build to support development. I do not call that either "released" or "alpha"
  11. No, its not a zombie game. Its a pre alpha build that will be a zombie game in 1-2 years.. That means the game is not finish yet, and therefore there will be a lot of bugs, missing features and low content for a long, long time.. This you was told before buying the standalone, and this you must accept.
  12. A. Skoms B. Broken leg C. Novy Sobor D. Cowboy hat, blue shirt, black cargopants, green 25 slots backpack and a fire axe. Hi guys, So i broke my leg after falling from second floor of a barn in Novy. Its a handsome character so i wish for him to live. So if someone have morphine and want to help i would be very happy. The coordinates for the barn im in is: 070 077. And the coordinates make sense in this map: http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#7.070.077 Its also worth noticing i am on a hardcore server. Thanks in advance:)
  13. skoms

    Low Blood / Blurry Vision - how long?

    Eat more and stay healthy. Then you will start to regenerate your blood again:)
  14. How can a early access pre alpha game be broken? Do you think this whole server structure will be better or worse when the game is finish in 1-2 years?? ITS AN ALPHA!!!! Its so strange that people who is intelligent enough to learn to write is so dumb that they do not understand the concept of an alpha release of a game. At least wait till beta stage before you call the game "very broken"...
  15. skoms

    Rocket is a huge troll.

    Sounds like me on a Saturday evening. And i got poisoned to..:(
  16. skoms

    Weirdest player loot you have found

    I found a dead guy with the backpack full of hats and med kit whit six syringes.. I have no idea what he was planing..lol
  17. skoms

    Mossin Loading

    Yup, its only on painted Mosins. DO NOT paint your mosin..
  18. skoms

    Finally after 50 hours....

    Who do you think you are? God? That you don't kill people doesn't mean that others are wrong by doing so. Everyone who play this game has payed the same amount of money for it, and therefore everyone is titled to play like they want. There is no wrong way to play, and there is no right way to play. So stop calling people for assholes and sadists for playing a different way then you. You know a lot of people KoS, so then you have to adapt for it. I'm a friendly myself, but i'm not crying when i get shot. This because i know it was my own fault. I was not careful enough. So instead of moaning, i recomend you to learn how to decrees you chances by being shot. Stealthy moves and being able to see others before they see you is an art and a very important part of surviving in a zombie apocalypse if you ask me. And if you meet someone you like, add them as your steam friends. That way you will not loose them forever when you die, and you can play with them later.
  19. Whatever you do in life, the very first time is very special. And most of the times you will remember it for a very long time. Either its your first day on high school, the first time you had sex or even the day you bought your first car. Its always a story to remember. And the same goes for a game like DayZ as well. Therefore we all remember our first kill. Here is my story: Today, after nearly 50 hours of surviving it was finally time to cross the line and go for the very first kill. I had people in my sight several times before, but i have never pulled the trigger. I have either made contact with various results, or i have kept quit and let them move on without even knowing i was there. But this day it was time to choose the third option. The morally wrong option. I was running towards Cherno after a very long trip up to the NE airfield and it started to be late at day. The sun was hanging low over the horizon and the silence was only broken by some imaginary eating sounds every time i stopped running. It was a beautiful evening, and the server was no more then half full. I haven't seen anyone for hours despite i was running on the seaside all the way from the broken shipwreck of Rify. But when i approached the very small farming community of Prigorodki right after the sumps in the outskirts of eastern Cherno, I saw a man running towards me on the side of the road. He was about 500 meters in front of me, so i did a good job spotting him so early on. I was wearing a bright orange raincoat at the time so i was sure he saw me. The very big red backpack did not help to camouflage me either, but since i spotted him so early, i still had time to get to the side of the road in crouch down into the grass behind a very small three. My heart was hammering, and it hit harder and harder the closer he get. Because this man was not a normal man. This was a solider. Highly trained solider with a custom M4, a hunting backpack, assault west and he even had a gas mask. This man was ready for anything. Just 100-150 meter away from me he decided to check out four houses right next to the road. This was my opportunity to get closer. Since i'm the nice guy, my way with firearms are not so good, and my mosin had just been test fired at some non moving zombies a few times. I knew i only had one chance. If i missed, he would empty he's entire mag in me before i could reload. Therefore i needed to get closer to make sure i hit the target on the very first attempt. So while he was inside one of the buildings i ran and hide behind a fence all to the east on the compound. I knew he was heading towards Electro, and therefore i knew he would pass right next to me on the other side. So i lay down behind the fence and waited. And not long after he came jogging past me on the other side of the fence. Just as i predicted. At this time i was starting to have second thoughts if i was going to shot him or not. Should i say "hello, whats up my friend" instead? But this guy looked like a real survivor. He would just blast me into my next life if i talked to him. I guess.. So I hold my breath while he was jogging by. 50 meters up ahead he stopped behind a small three. He had to run over a open field, so he was checking if it was safe to cross. At this time i stand up, and aimed down the sight of my beautiful Mosin with a pristine PU scope. I was arguing with my self if i should pull the trigger or not. He had a very nice backpack, jacket, and pants i could use. Because I was shining brighter then the sun in my Orange raincoat, and some camouflage in this hostile world could be the difference between life and death. But this was a life. A survivor like me. He had most likely traveled far and wide and faced many dangers like zombies and trigger happy ten year olds. Just like me. He didn't deserve to die now. Not now. He should at least have the opportunity to see the beautiful Bay Zelenaya before he died. So i made a deal with my self. If he run, he live. If he turn around he die. He turned around.. One shot and down to the ground he went. I felt like a turd that just have come out of the magical place where nothing ever should go in. It was terrible. I ran over to he's copse, and pushed my direct communication button and prayed it was not too late. With a low and shaky voice i manage to say " Sorry man, I'm really sorry" But it was to late. He had all ready moved on. I robbed he's dead and still warm body and felt much better when i notice he had a long range scope for my Mosin. And for some reason it was not ruined. And what an M4 the guy had. The very best of the best in pristine condition, and he had five ammo boxes full of ammo. All of the ammo was ruined, but the guy was carrying only weapon parts and ammo. No food, no water. Just military grade weapon stuff. This guy was ready for war. I guess he was on he's way to meet opp with he's clan or something because that amount of ammo and weapon parts was just insane for one person. So i didn't feel bad anymore. I can only imagine if he only had fresh fruit and was on he's way to the orphanage. Then i would cry, but this bastard must have jumped server to server at Balota Airfield to collect that stuff crazy amount of ammo and weapon parts. So i was happy. Very happy. So that's my first kill. What is your story?
  20. I really enjoy reading this stories. So keep'em coming:)
  21. skoms

    To the random Asian man I met

    Love the story:) This is why this kind of games are so special. Everyone can get a 5 kill streak in CoD, but the stories that comes with just one kill in this game can be so incredible unique and individual. This could have been a story in a hollywood movie, but it wasn't. No scripting here and nothing was planed. Just one of infinitive numbers of random events that unfolds in this fantastic game. And this is just an early alpha. Can't imagine the stories that will be told when all of the content are available for everyone:) What a game:)
  22. There is not a problem to find daytime servers. Even in the middle of the night. 1. if you fin a server witch is almost full, lets say 37/40, its most likely a day time server. Most people play on daytime servers and therefor people gather together on these servers. 2. When you see the first column after the server name, it normally say DAYZ_AUTO. But if find Dayz_AUTO its a daytime server. Its easy to spot, because of the small "a", "y" and "z" 3. You can search for specific words or numbers for server names. If you search "daytime", or "24/7" there is a good chance you make a hit, and the hit you get is 99% certain a daytime server. Hope this helps you out. And if you don't find any loot. Go away from the coastal area and find a town where no one has gone yet. Or just server jump like almost everyone else..:P
  23. skoms

    I thought we were gonna have radios?

    And you complaining about my tone..:) Some people wouldn't realize reality even if it hit them in the face. Maybe rocket should put a talk show about that on his radio so perhaps the camping KoS kids could learn a thing or two. Just saying..