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Space Milk

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Everything posted by Space Milk

  1. Space Milk

    Feedback for Experimental Patch

    I am not going argue against this. I pointed out 2 errors and gave my two cents, 3 people attack me with one depicting extremely violent behavior, and I am the one derailing...I thought this was a good post. You might as well lock this and create the official feedback thread, I just wanted to give my thanks.
  2. Space Milk

    Feedback for Experimental Patch

    7.72 is typo. Secondaries is not. You guys are the ones being anal about it. This is a well thought post, so I wanted to point out the errors in the post. The reread your post thing is a recommendation for the future so it looks even nicer on future posts.
  3. Space Milk

    Mosin is single load now

    There are absolute realities and relativistic realities. Mosin standard capacity is absolute. How far you can sprint at what speeds, etc, something that is not in your face, is relativistic.
  4. Space Milk

    Mosin is single load now

    Since when did mosin become OP? Way outclassed by shotgun and M4 in close range. You miss one shot you die. It is only good at long range, where it is meant to be good at. Thing is long range combat is a minority in all cases and can be boring as you might not find some people. Bunch of whiners in this thread, Mosin is not OP, they just want to die less. Instead they should smart up or accept their fate.
  5. Space Milk

    Feedback for Experimental Patch

    There is no 7.72 in the game. A sawn off can count as a secondary, proper term is hand gun. Reread your post if you are putting effort into it. Go all the way or don't go at all. Thanks for feedback though.
  6. Space Milk

    Whats wrong with server hopping?

    Only legit explanation. Every one else's is terrible and does not answer the OP. Good thing these naive people aren't politicians.
  7. I haveRealistic or not, even though it is unrealistic, nights should be better. Gamma and brightness should not be modified. Monitor only. ******357 POST*****
  8. Yes. Sorta You start as a hero, bandit, or survivor. If you are hero, the more good deeds you die, the more likely you die. When you get geared up, even as hero, it will turn you evil.
  9. Holy shit, this is just amazing. I cannot believe you guys are this dedicated. This should be pinned. Shows what is already suggested, so people don't resuggest, and to show all the good suggestions the devs can implement.
  10. Space Milk

    Flare guns

    Would be useful to signal where one is, or later down the road, signal for friend in heli to evacuate them. Or could be used for trap. Someone shoots it, bandits attracted, boom they died loot.
  11. Space Milk

    Flare guns

    A bunch of ideas just popped in my head when you said that steak. Signal Flares, hand held devices you can throw. Flare guns, guns that shoot signal flares high into the sky and explode making everyone know your position. Grenade launchers for the M4. Weird right? Well in the past before these were banned, grenade launchers didn't just shoot grenades, they shot flares and fireworks too! In fact that was the main commerical use for grenade launcher besides shooting smoke! Flare "grenade". Can be loaded into the grenade launcher Fireworks: I would imagine this to be pretty rare but Chenarus must have a independence day? Firework "grenade". Shot from the grenade launcher.
  12. Space Milk

    OrLoK's Random Thread -

    I was playing Mafia on SC2 while the first godfather song played, both in the video and in the game. The chances....
  13. Space Milk

    Key for weapon flashlights and other thoughts

    Yes yes and no. Players must build civilization on their own, no restrictions.
  14. Space Milk

    replacing battleye with some other anti cheat program

    I think OP is either a hacker, as I found the account on the hacker site too, or ignorant on these subjects because he/shy downloaded something that compromised the cd key.
  15. Space Milk

    A huge airplane crash site

    A crahed air liner in the middle of nowhere with alot of food, water, clothes, and backpacks, but no weapons besdies crowbars and fire axes.
  16. Space Milk

    PSA: Friendly servers make no sense ATM

    I believe they are working right now on server hopping and combat logging, dunno when it will be implemented.
  17. Space Milk

    item idea to deal with kosers (I kos btw)

    lol how would there be international problems? You cannot make a character that looks remotely from the middle east.
  18. Space Milk

    PSA: Friendly servers make no sense ATM

    As above. You cannot control them, leave them alone. If I replaced the key words with gay people, every one would be pissed at you. LeVe them alone.
  19. Space Milk

    Blood from zombies

    Zombie bodies should last longer, and blood should be tested and extracted from them for a transfusion.
  20. Space Milk

    Blood from zombies

    Ok well you got me there. I guess if he tried experimenting on newspawn, like force feeding them zombie blood to make them zombies and shoot them, but nothing happens, it might just unroll right infront of them.
  21. Space Milk

    Blood from zombies

    If he was attacked by a zombie and didn't become one of them then he would realize he was immune. My character never shot a gun, turns out he can snipe people from miles and go full auto while remaining on target.
  22. Space Milk

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    You jump off a water building for a better "spawn."
  23. Space Milk

    Blood from zombies

    You are immune to the disease. Rocket said it himself.You cannot catch it. If you were immune to AIDS and need blood, but the only guy with blood was a dead person with AIDS, would you get it? In real life, you CAN get blood transfusions from the dead (3rd time saying this) So you can kill the infected and take their blood.
  24. Space Milk

    Blood from zombies

    They aren't zombies?