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Space Milk

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Everything posted by Space Milk

  1. Space Milk

    Street Sign Need English Name and Why

    What makes you think it is 3rd world other than the fact that the map cannot support real cities and the devs aren't done designing?
  2. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    PVP enabled: ALL SERVERS PVP server: Server focused on PVP Normal server: Everyday server that is not specifically for PVP or PVE.
  3. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    Moral right? isn't it technically a legal right?
  4. Space Milk

    My Humble Suggestions

    I'm not being sarcastic, you can find camo pants in houses, they aren't limited to airfields and army bases, meaning, it is not a military item. I found white hunter pants in a 2 story house. AND THERE IS A MAP. Server hop a car and you will find a piece of the map. Displays forests and elevation. Roads aswell.
  5. Space Milk

    Wild suggestions

    Could be masturbation. The con of it is that everyone around you would hear it
  6. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    It's PVP ENABLED, but focuses and caters to the PVE players. TTT garrysmod. There are RDM servers, yet every server is already rdm enabled, doesn't all servers are rdm servers. LOL if you are threatened by a post on the internet then YOU need to get bent. I just said don't bother to refute this post if you haven't experienced something, because we would just be having a problem of misvisualization and miscommunication. I didn't even order you, I just said don't bother. GET BENT DUDE!
  7. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    Every server is PVP enabled. Not every server is for PVP only though. Same with PVE
  8. Space Milk

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    I agree, which is why I was originally against this in the first place. But the game simulates you as being the perfect shot, like a super soldier, so it is null. Oh and no wind.
  9. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    Yet there are PVP servers, where the PVPers there want a PVP playstyle AND NOTHING ELSE. Hmmmm... You spawn on the coast, in a central area where everyone spawns, easy place to be spawn camped. If you haven't experienced that then don't bother replying to this refute. Same as above. Maybe because they get sniped at the most unexpected times? If you don't know then don't assume. You haven't experienced spawn camping, so you lack experience. Is that hard to comprehend? Men have flaws.
  10. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    Is legally binded contract impenetrable? Can I copy it?
  11. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    Why would a higher payed lawyer say that? Sorry I no nothing about law but it is interesting.
  12. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    So if I was rich and had better lawyers, I could sue dean over this?
  13. Space Milk

    My Humble Suggestions

    I find camo pants in houses? LOL
  14. Space Milk

    Suicide buttom?

    Um, morphine is one of the sought out drugs out there? I even had my legs broken looking for morphine? It's not just the north, it's the woods too. And imagine, a first time player, rusty on survival skills, breaks his legs in a void. Quits playing and complains, nothing happens, gives DayZ bad review, stops playing. Experience ruined. And I should use up my electricity and money for absolutely nothing? Wow, smart idea. A suicide button with a delay is a far better option.
  15. Space Milk


    I have a dream, that my little bambis will not first be looking for a gun, but will first be looking for meth, and that they would be treated equally as zombies, and die like zombies, and they will enjoy it. And I run a coke business. I'm sure in the apocalypse weed and coke will be the currency besides sex.
  16. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    My god, if you do not realize the current problems of spawn killing right now, you are not playing in everyday servers. There is no point to listening to you. You cannot just run out, bandits spawn camp with m4's and snipers. 30 seconds isn't long enough to get out of the coast, let alone escape the snipers in the woods probably switching to fnx's to mow you down. This post is ridiculous, you are spouting basic information THAT EVERYONE PRACTICES. That doesn't get you out of death. Excuse me, but I am not a pvper, why would I look for new players?? This logic fail in your post, lack of experience and knowledge of nows problems...
  17. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    Ignorant statement, we want a specific playstyle.
  18. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    NEWSFLASH, you spawn on the coast, in a central area. Theres a difference between PVP servers and PVP enabled servers. Latter usually means Regular servers. Spawn on spawn camped coast, no gear. Survival skills? I'm going to guess play dead. You must have been playing a server not visited by PVP focused people. I go north as fast as possible. I hit berezinov, that ship on blunt rocks, the airfields, the castles, I stay away from the south. When I die I go back to that madness. It would be nice to explore the cities, without being shot and tea bagged.
  19. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    Some people disagree with you, like the person who I replied to. Some people, including me, like to explore and actually experience the map, be immersed. On a few regular servers this can be mixed with some high adrenaline meets with bandits. However, the most immersive breaking thing for me is a bandit spawn killing a bunch of people, with survivors coming up to me saying "lol spawn camper hey dude can you kill me the noob isn't shooting me." And bandits saying "lol you guys are noobs, learn to play, I am leet."
  20. Space Milk

    What Items are rare?

    I found 4 m4's and 3 fnx's along with a fair amount of ammo in berezinov/city south of it. HINT: look in the schools. Good thing about berezinov is that no one goes there.
  21. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    There was a poll a while ago, don't remember which section, that asked what were people's favorite part of DayZ. PvP didn't win, but it was one of the most picked choices. The most picked one included a mix of PvP and fighting zombies, suggesting the majority of the community is a PvPer or just likes killing anything that moves.
  22. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    On a regular server? Maybe, but many PvPers leave PvP servers to hunt at regular servers. Doesn't matter what you do, people will shoot you for fun because they are fully geared up and have tons of ammo.
  23. The maps, which you can find in a busted car near you. Didn't find one? Server hop a car, you might get a mosin with your map too, PERFECT for sniping.
  24. I believe the product already exists. You can try turning it off and on again.
  25. Space Milk

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    2 options you present: A: Make PvP AND PvE people happy, disrupt normal people experience. B: make normal people happy, disrupt PvP and PvE server experience PvP make up a HUGE chunk of the player base, just so you know.