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About Vopo

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  1. Vopo

    Your first kill

    Haha that reminds me of my encounter today. I had just spawned and found a town, (not sure which) when I heard voices. I followed the sound and found a guy and a girl (I'm guessing they were a couple). I said friendly and he did too. He had a pistol and a rifle (didn't learn til later that he had no ammo) his gf had a baseball bat. He was chatting all nice to me then said to his gf "whack him", she swung and missed so I legged it. As I am running away I hear "Fucking how do I fucking turn off this direct chat". I hid in a building nearby and luckily found a hoe. I proceeded to sneak back around and found them trading a gun. I walked up and buried my hoe in his hoe (lol) and then i whacked him a few times. She died, he ran off bleeding and I got a free sks. I later found his body about 150m down the road. What extremely satisfying.
  2. I have the exact same problem, verifying cache does nothing.
  3. Vopo

    Look for Australian Squad

    Hey, I'm an aussie and I play with a guy I met on these forums. So far there is a chance of playing with a couple other guys on this server so if you wanna play with us I'd be happy for add you to our merry band :) Skype is probably essential, it takes long enough to get together as it is hah :P Message me if interested.
  4. Vopo

    What is the worth of an AKM?

    zPeople are answering your question; it's worth jack shit.
  5. Vopo

    Cya all, and bb DayZ

    I totally agree with you. I have only come across 2 hackers, coz aus servers seem pretty untouched. But yea the community wrecks it for me, they're all a bunch of cunts.
  6. Vopo

    Thunder Dome

    looks like I was wrong, my apologies and thanks paddy. Seems most of the community are cunts though.
  7. I was playing on server AU18 and I had just spent fucking 15minutes running back to my mate after dying, when all of us on the server were teleported to "thunder dome" and everyone started killing everyone. What the fuck is that shit? I can take being killed by hackers, or my cockhead bandits, but admins being cunts? get fucked.
  8. Hey guys, I'm pretty new to this but I have already gotten sick of being alone. Anyone wanna team up with me? I don't care about age. Message me if you're interested and I'll send you my details :) cheers.
  9. Vopo

    My legs are broken.

    Thanks heaps scarecrow :)
  10. Vopo

    Looking for group

    Amount of time on the computer daily: 6+ (unless I have homework) Age: 17 Are you Working or in school: School Would you rather play hardcore or have fun: Fun, thought a little bit of serious too. Bandit or Friendly: Friendly. Shoot on sight: Hide on sight more like.
  11. I only started playing last night, but I've managed to get a weapon and some loot out of Electro, but as I left my tower to leave town I fell and broke my leg. thankfully I am still on a roof, so I can hide from zombies, but I have no way of fixing myself. Is there any kind person out there who would kindly fix me up? I'd love you forever, and you could have my AKM, (although it has no ammo). Please :( [EDIT] XxSC4RECR0WxX saved me, bloody legend.
  12. Vopo

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Are there any aussies in this? If there are I'd love to join.
  13. Vopo

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey everyone, ingame name's Jeremy and I play aussie servers. absolutely suck at this game :P
  14. Vopo

    Aussie Team Mate.. ?

    Hey, I'm an aussie and I'd love to team up with someone, but currently I am trapped on a roof with a broken leg. I have an AKM (but no ammo) and only started playing today. Inbox me if you're interested and I'll take it from there :)