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Everything posted by rotteck

  1. rotteck

    New renderer questions.

    hey, dont post photos of your garden :P i will probably never be able to play with such graphics. or maybe at one FPM
  2. rotteck

    Zombie swarm Berezino

    holy shit zombies spawn now ? i didnt play the game for a long time because a few month ago you were "lucky" if you encountered one Zombie. but if there are many now, and cities are actually more dangerous than villages i might try it out again. and yes i call 10 zombies per city many. everyone who played the game from december last year knows what i mean
  3. rotteck


    if you play the game you can look it up in the settings or just figure it out, its not that hard, W A S D for movement, shift for sprint, tab for inventory, many things are pretty obvious if you ever played some PC games. no choppers or planes for now trucks exist but are pretty damn rare and not worth searching for if you never played the game before
  4. rotteck

    Animal Locations

    hi guys, after reading/participating in the animal location thread in the experimental section, i decided to make a thread with all the animal locations you can find. i already created kind of a map, and want you to help me to finish it :D dammit, forgot to say which color is wich animal :o boar/pig red deer blue goat green cow purple elk yellow white are the citys that arent on the map right now (will update it as soon as possible) in these locations you are (almost) guaranteed to find animals :) please help me to finish it ! rotteck Edit: added helicopter locations, 18th june to do: - add goat to olsha (further info please) - add boar to 060-056 - add elk to 098-063 - add cow north of zeleno (left or right field ?) - add deer to 078-031 - add deer to 088-023 - add deer to 064-023 - add helic-crash to 023-059 - add explanation back in :blush: sorry guys, but i dont have that much time atm, i will still appreciate your founds but will probably not be able to update until this weekend, or even later :(
  5. rotteck

    LRS messed up?

    made my day :D beans
  6. rotteck

    New patch and pond water

    no it doesnt give you food poisoning if you eat disinfectant sprayed food, even when it was opened or if it are fruits/vegetables. a guy on youtube (WOBO, check out his videos,they are extremely helpful and informative) tested it.
  7. rotteck

    A story and a question.

    you dont need that much, i dont know how much exactly but the food from 3 bodies or if they didnt have anything, the food of a small village should give you the energized status (especially now that loot spawns in almost every building, even the ones that did not spawn loot in the previous patches like the log cabins). and to regenerate to full blood it will take about half an hour if i remember correctly edit: oh and definetely pick up canned peaches, they give about 3-4 times the amount of energy than the other stuff, such as beans etc.
  8. hi guys, so i wanted to make me a fireplace but it didnt work. i made the fireplace kit, attached wood to it and tried to ignite, but a yellow message popped up : i cannot ignite the fireplace, its not safe. first i tried it indoors, and after a while also outdoors. i also tried attaching stones, but it didnt change anything. right now i have 2 wood and 3 stones attached. do i need more stones ? would be cool if you could help me :) rotteck
  9. and when the hoards come up to your base, we can have a farmageddon ! a FARM-ageddon carl ! lets see who will get it :D
  10. hi guys, since yesterday, i have a problem with my dayz: yesterday, i closed the game normally (exit button) but instead of closing the wholw screen went purple, and closed after maybe 10 seconds. so i started my game today, and my graphic settings were totally f*cked up. and i mean totally. almost everything changed, from quality to resolution to rendering etc. also all my key assignments were resetted to the standards (noticed that because sprint wasnt on double W anymore like before). so i tried my best changing the settings back to what i had before, but unfortunately that didnt work very well. it got better a little bit, but my charakter now looks either like a dwarf, or like a very tall person (on the two best setting possibilities), and the resolution wasnt as good as it shouldve been. also, the game started lagging even more, then it did before (i think this has to do with the wrong resolution and stuff). so i thought maybe i will just delete my old config so it will create a new one. that should fix it. but it didnt... my mouse was now almost as big as my whole screen when i started the game, the resolution was even worse than before, and instead of the main menu, everything went black after the bohemia logo vanished. so i deleted the new config and used the old one again. i opened it with notepad++ and tried putting every number that seemed to be for the resolution and stuff to my correct settings. after doing that, i had the dwarf again. i already tried reinstalling the game, but that had the same result as deleting the config. oh, and one wasted hour can somebody PLEASE help me, i really enjoy dayz, but this weird error made it almost impossible for me :( i dont know if this helps, but my monitor resolution is 1366x768 rotteck
  11. rotteck

    please help me, dayz not working

    i dont know, i just thought it would change everything to the standards. i never edited anything in the config file or in the dayz folder. oh, i forgot about that subforum, sorry i think the next admin will move my post there
  12. rotteck

    DayZ Postcard I made

    i think fraps can do that, but im not sure, because i never did it. but there are definetely programs that can do it
  13. rotteck

    DayZ Postcard I made

    i guess you took a screenshot, maybe next time use a programm to do that, it will result in better qualitiy other than that it looks very good
  14. rotteck

    Sharpen your Axe (NEW)

    Hi guys, i found this feature and want to share it to you :) (its not in the changelog) dont know if it has any positive/negative aspects... maybe slightly more damage ? this also works with the splitting axe have you find other items this can be used on ? like knifes ? it doesnt seem to work on machetes tell me what you think rotteck
  15. rotteck

    How to survive a shitty situation!

    i like it, its funny :D
  16. rotteck

    By far the best thing added since launch

    by the way, foregrip is coming:
  17. hi guys, just found this. this guy was named at dayzgame.com, that he will be leaking stuff http://imgur.com/a/mino9 every kind of shit going to be added in next update :D - pm-63-rak - flaregun - tents - packed tents - new textures for boars, deers, cows - rabbit snares - teddy bears (container with 1 Slot) (omfg :D ) - gorka mil. upper Body part - new rabbit - mackerels - new improvised backpack textures holy shit. im excited right now. tell me what you think rotteck
  18. rotteck

    These sounds make me paranoid

    also the "gate-opening" scared the shit out of me when i was at the mil. base near vybor in my early days of dayz :D sat at least for 30 minutes upstairs the camo-building and aimed at the stairs. but nothing came up. however there were even more "gate-opening" sounds, and "can-opening sounds" etc.
  19. rotteck

    Green Mountain (and other) Ambient

    i would also like some kind of different ambient sounds for different locations like: - strong wind ( <- ? ) if you´re on a runway/airport - every step makes an echo if you walk in a church oh, and i also really like this idea:
  20. looks awesome :) did you create that website ?
  21. rotteck

    Weapon sway solution?

    i dont think its gamebreaking, you can play perfectly with that bug. and you can also shoot/kill perfectly with that bug. you just need to now how
  22. this :) guns were designed to be functional, and easy to use, not to look cool (altough i think that most guns just look awesome. is this just me ? :D )
  23. rotteck

    Animal Locations

    they are not pointless, and its not random :) it seems to be random (in the new experimental there are i think 80 different chopper locations, but only at 3 there will spawn one :o ). and as already said the animals also have spawn "areas" where you will always find them, except for if they wandered of, or got killed
  24. rotteck

    The 5 Rules Of Dayz...

    huh ? where is the guy that should say alpha ? hm okay, i will do it, even if i dont think so... 1. alpha 2. alpha 3. alpha 4. ALPHA 5. ALPHA !!! :D
  25. rotteck

    Random Questions

    4. important are atm the buttstock the handguard (they will increase or decrease accuracy depending on their kind and condition), and maybe the bipod, when prone 7. no, i think it doesnt matter if you crouch crawlor stand. oh, you can also move slowly while restrained (only while standing obviously) by pressing the movement keys w, a, s, d the compensator should work, it should have the same effect on the mosin as the deployed bipod while prone had