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Everything posted by dayy

  1. dayy

    Remove night-time for now, until it's fixed?

    Gamma is fixed, tried it yesterday xD All u see is black and white
  2. dayy

    HEEEELP - Advice for a friend.

    I...I dont get it XD
  3. dayy

    Your DayZ embarrassing moments.

    We were watching a couple guys on top of the police station, waiting for the right moment to open up. Adrenaline pumping (it had been a while since I had killed someone) I mis fired, forcing us to retreat so we wouldn't end up with M4 rounds in our faces, derp.
  4. Gotta know where to look xD I found my first one in just outside Elektro
  5. Here are tactics I use, and I have survived for at least 4 weeks now Always stay in cover/concealment Have a scout Take hold of a key point, get attention to it, than retreat to cover (allows u to kill potential enemies as they would move to take u by surprise) Check rooftops Use a gun as a last resort finally, (just tried this) make subtle contact with any other snipers... This story may enlighten you who dont understand. Two of us are on sniper hill (elektro) one guy is on the top of the school building (tall part) We see him long before he sees us... He spots us, and sees that we could've killed him, but didnt. He quickly does the friendly dance, I give him a thumbs up. My partner points at the guys in the police station, the guy on the school gives us a thumbs up... Long story short, the guys camping the police station didnt last long. Always check your six, and always triple check your gear/plan before getting into any contact.
  6. Patrolling the Elektro border is hard work, especially when using the naked eye. I need a better way to spot illegals messing about with my citizens, so, in other terms, where can I find a pair of Binoculars.
  7. dayy

    Hero vs Bandit rap battle!

    Hero, cause heroes are right no matter what we do. Dont argue, we never make mistakes, nor do we ever use unfair judgement. Arguing with a heroe, is like arguing with Jesus, you just dont do it... (for those of you who take this literally, I am being sarcastic)
  8. dayy

    Favorite Form Of Banditry?

    Nice Buck you got there, how much did he weigh? As for banditry, I run the border for Elektro, anyone who doesnt present a passport, will be detained, or shot if seen running away.
  9. dayy

    ;) Hard-Hats

    Don´t want to be an Alpha reminder, but I believe there are at least three warnings from the moment you click the steam page... THIS IS ALPHA IT WILL SUCK, our only purpose is to help the devs make the game... If you can´t deal with that, just wait a few months for the game to go beta, than you enjoy it a little more.
  10. dayy

    Press vests and anti-stab vests

    My assault vest saved me from a single mosin round... My press which I found later, let me survive 2-3 SKS rounds...
  11. dayy

    your choice in weapons?

    Blaze for myself, as of right now, I find it very trustworthy. In addition, I carry a magnum, amphibious and a 1911, I plan on trading with the next friendly survivor I find.
  12. dayy

    Your worst moment

    What was you worst moment in dayz? Mine, I was eating some delicious tactical bacon in Elektro, next thing I know, I hear a creepy voice go, 'bye bye little boy', BOOM, a 1911 goes off in my face ;(
  13. dayy

    Your worst moment

    Wasnt so much as the act (I play hero, dying is normal) as much as how creepy the guy sounded xD I shit myself...
  14. dayy

    So how do you loot?

    Elektro is no longer a bloodbath, I live there now... Silently keeping watch over my citizens... (zeds :P )
  15. dayy

    Your worst moment

    Today I was with my friend, he had a blaze, and I had an M4.... We were in a TS channel, all of a sudden, I hear HOLY SHIT GET DOWN!!! I drop, and I see a group of 4 guys walking along. There may have been a chance that they were friendly, that doubt was removed when a newspawn went up to them, asking for help... Use your imagination, you all know what happened next.
  16. dayy

    Describe your dayz experience in 1 word

    Fear... I have never been afraid of foreign footsteps till now
  17. Hi my bud and I found an M4A1 with a prisitne acog and 60 round clip :) Would return it, but we love it now, and you'll have to fight for it back... Point of this post: We were on a low pop server, and were looting Elektro. My bud was scrounging the pub when we came across that beauty in the bedroom in back :) There was no body, sooo either somone left it 'highly doubt' or it somehow spawned there. Anyone else found something similar or heard of this??? Is it a new spawn...Or something else...
  18. dayy

    Your most frustrating moments.

  19. dayy

    Your most frustrating moments.

    Today I learned that zombies are no longer a one shot with a fireaxe...
  20. dayy


    What is this social interaction? As for singleplayer. There was thread where someone suggested a series of tutorial like singleplayer missions, set when the chaos began. In this, your NPC friend would teach you the basics, from shooting, to looting. The suggester also said that the missions would end with your buddy teaching you to fly... Then your shot down (bloodied hand, ofcourse) voila, ur in cherno.
  21. dayy

    Call Out SheepDog402

    30$ can make ANYTHING work
  22. dayy

    I tried to be a nice guy...

    I was riding gunner, having blast ;) When we went down, my end was on the outside, I unstrapped myself from the safety seat, and helped anyone near me get out... You from Bear Squadron? If so, read my sig...
  23. dayy

    Call Out SheepDog402

    XD, it was a spam topic before me and my vending machine probs... MODERATORS CAN I ASK FOR A LOCK PL0x
  24. dayy

    I tried to be a nice guy...

    They shot down our Osprey when we were passing Cherno, we had picked up a survivor group, and were blazing some zeds... Out of the 35 that were aboard, just me, and three other marines survived... All the bodies were hung with notes taped to them....
  25. dayy

    I tried to be a nice guy...

    You guys all need to chilax, and help find the Bloody Hand... THEY EXIST