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About Dragor69

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  1. Dragor69

    New Spawn points?

    There seems to be a reshuffle in spawn locations/frequencies. Getting a lot more on south coast again.
  2. Dragor69

    New Spawn points?

    Anybody else notice the new spawn points? There was a sneaky 2mb update.
  3. Dragor69

    Why do you push?

    Me and my team rush all the time. a= its fun. b=it works...most of the time. Nothing like a stand off in the blue door building in Berizino.
  4. Dragor69

    Fully Kitted M4?

    it will have been swapped out
  5. Dragor69

    Is Spy Infiltration wrong ethics/cheating

    Nice, i would have done the same :D
  6. Dragor69

    Is Spy Infiltration wrong ethics/cheating

    I agree. Its impossible to stop it.
  7. Dragor69

    Is Spy Infiltration wrong ethics/cheating

    Why would it be BS. its not that hard to do.
  8. Me and my friends came across a group/clan who were recruiting anyone and everyone in Komerovo. They were geared up claiming to be heroes. However after spending 20 mins of fresh spawns running in trying to overwhelming them with their fists they result in killing any freshling on sight. However by this point a friend of mine who sits next to me on his laptop had joined their group and even joined team speak. After a day of embedding in and becoming really friendly he had their entire clan on steam. So my spy goes to work... He tells me they are in Cherno. 8 of them messing about near the fire station. So i go to work. I head to cherno with just a shotgun and 15 rounds. Using my spy i gain their exact numbers and position and begin my assault. It is dark at this point and i easily sneak up and take one of them out and make a hefty escape. They regroup and my spy informs me they are holed up in the FS. So again and sneak around...and kill another. I keep doing this until only one of them remains. They cant understand how this one person, a ghost they say can get the better of them. I do this again a few days later when they are near komerovo. This time im using a mosin. It doesnt end well for them. What do you think? I feel this would have mixed views.
  9. Dragor69

    Can we please have guns hitting where we aim at?

    Add the fact that you supposed to be a survivor so you are not going to be proficient at shooting. I have experience and my grouping are 10 cm at 100m prone. I cant even keep the rifle steady stood up. Its shoot and hope.
  10. Dragor69

    Can we please have guns hitting where we aim at?

    This is wrong also. A gun will only hit where you are aiming if you have zeroed the weapon for that distance. If you knock that weapon then you could lose the zeroing. Done this many times on range days. Only once its zeroed correcting can you adjust the sight for range (page up/down). So running around elktro searching every building for loot is not going to keep your weapon perfectly zeroed. Source: Grunt
  11. Dragor69

    Logging Out

    After searching the forums and reading peoples ideas for combat logging solutions I thought id post my/others idea here. 1. Once you press log out your character goes into the logging out pose, This could be arms held out or the old terminating crouch pose. This would prevent guys from logging out as if you sneak up on them or if they just stand there without communicating waiting to log out. 2. If a player ALt-F4 or unfortunately d/c's then the server should put them into the logging out sequence. 3. Once you enter the pose you can use your mouse to look around. However any buttons pressed will result in you canceling the log out process. This should help if unforeseen events happen. 4. Somebody posted that a flare or equivalent sound should be heard when a player logs out locally. This helps if a guy tries to hide or is hidden then you know hes left. I heard somewhere that they are waiting for a system to be instated. I just hope its something like this.