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Everything posted by purpple

  1. purpple

    Q&A with Lead Animator Viktor Kostik

    Hello. Thx for this opportunity. Are you going to animate every use of every single items of the game? (for exemple removing bike elmets to eat or drink?) Are you going to animate the player face for every states like eating, drinking, talking, being hurt, tired, sick, hot, cold...? (+zombies faces when idle alerted or dead) Are the animations "tied" to the new player controler, if so, how many percent can we expect to see when the new controls are shipped? Will there be a different animation for arrows, bolts and different caliber bullets (localized?) impacts on zombies and maybe on players depending on their movements as they get shoot? And to finish, are animators going idle after a hard day work? ^^
  2. Hello everybody, I have a question (did search for it but can't find any proper explaination), here it is : - imagine on a private or public server (i think it does not matter) that a team manage to pick up all the loot on the map and stock it in tents, if i come on this server, will i be able to find any loot ? I know if you touch or move loot in tent, it keeps timer up to max. I remember Mr Hicks, saying, i think, that number of loot is limited on the map, either canned food, weapons, etc, so if there is only 3 SVD on the map (even if server keep restarting) and those 3 SVD are inside a tent, will i be able to find one on the map ? Thx for reply everybody, i really need to understand this game mechanics. Cheers.
  3. Ok, thank you sqeezorz. So that's mean they do that for a reason, isn't it ? Which is ? Thx.
  4. purpple

    Storage information - Stockpiling time frame?

    Whay you mean by that ? Thx.
  5. Can anyone explain what means this server description please : BlueWaffleAttackForce.com #1 | UK 3rd person | 6hr Wipes ? Wipe what ? Containers ? And why they do that ? Thx.
  6. What's a "global rarity" please ? Thx.
  7. Ok ok...i read it a long time ago ...thx anyway guys. If nothing as changed, everything in tents/barrel/backpacks does not affect what can be found : Eugen said : "Each item in persistence binary also carries a lifetime value, Aka the time in seconds it can stay on the ground before expiring. Tents and backpacks/cases have the value greatly increased while other items diminish in matter of hours. Thus the loot caches should only happen with tents/cases/backpacks. While the system cleanes these items, it quickly starts restocking the original spawn points (memory points on buildings). Items in tents/backpacks/player inventories are not part of the calculation!" So, ok. We can find loot, even if there is a tent with 10 svd's in it, i still can find one ! Understand my concern about loot economy in the game, because if nothing as a lifetime, if storage containers (tents, barrels, future containers) does not decay overtime, what the point to connect to a private server, if we can't build another camp on it, if i cannot find nothing to store loot ? Everything, especially storage container must be maintain to avoid decay over time (making loot inside from pristine to ruined) with, lets say some rare grease from animals (male dear ?) to polish tents for exemple or something like that. My point is that i really hope there will be something done to make the game what it should be : an hardcore survival game, and not a game where we all stockpile weapons in tents to go to PVP, a game where we need to find stuff to maintain other stuff. Thx.
  8. Thx Sneakydude for this long post, but, i'am sorry, first i'am not really good in english, second, some of your sentences are really hard to understand^^. I understood like 60% of what you said ! Please clarify for me i'am 6 years old^^ ! Thx.
  9. Ok, so if we want, we can store 100 svd, 1000 tactical bacon, 50 akm etc, is that correct ? What is the maximum numbers for tents and barrels on a server ? If tents and barrels are limited, why the rest of the loot is not ? Do you have an official source for your information please, thx.
  10. Hummm, you think ? Thanks to try to understand it with me, but we need a proper explaination (BatyAlquawen ?^^) .
  11. purpple

    Stable Update 0.61.136770

    Hi all. Yes, Same here, on both 32 and 64. Random crashes. Never had a single crash since 3 years ago (appart from the old one when you quit game). Sry for my rough english.
  12. purpple

    Trek trolley

    Hello everybody . Would be cool to find things like that in the game. You'll need to find : 2 wheels, the metal frame, and perhaps a thing like a hook to attach it to you. Voila, suggestion done, byebye, and thx for all the fish !
  13. purpple

    DayZ start button (icon) "play" -dont react

    Ok Colin. I admit i'am trying to get help and i don't give any specs about my computer and so on.... ok, sry. But giving those kind of method is quite...hum very extreme.... Ok, for those having this problem : check your firewall first (i should have done that...but why...it was authorized already...so.i..did not) because the problem came from mine : EsetSmartSecurity. I've just tried to disable it and everything is ok now. It seems that the dayz.exe as changed since last update...so i erased the dayz.exe in firewall and launched game and authorized again the new .exe. Works ! We can close topic.
  14. purpple

    DayZ start button (icon) "play" -dont react

    Ok, thank colin. I'll help the team by posting error if there is one. Thank you.
  15. purpple

    DayZ start button (icon) "play" -dont react

    Ok, Colin. But, for me, i can see dayz.exe in task manager (both experimental and normal) and i cannot kill it. Can you explain more specifically what you want us to do please ? Cause we can't kill the process, computer is totally freezed. I mean, i can kill it if i launch the game and go back straight away on desktop and open task manager, then i can kill it, but if i try to click on play or open server browser, game freeze totally my computer and i have to ctrlaltdel to restart. Thanks.
  16. purpple

    DayZ start button (icon) "play" -dont react

    Hi all. I've got the same problem here and when i look ur screenshot, Colin, i can see a battleye folder. Is it normal that i don't have it in mine ? Perhaps it would explain why it's freezing ? Thank you.