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Everything posted by Lobar

  1. Lobar

    Can't find any servers after game crash

    Problem solved : Completely turning off the firewall fixed the game crashing (even if the executable was allowed to communicate). Hope it will help some of you ;)
  2. Lobar

    Game freezes

    Problem solved : Completely turning off the firewall fixed the game crashing (even if the executable was allowed to communicate). Hope it will help some of you ;)
  3. Lobar

    Can't find any servers after game crash

    @exurok : have you fixed the game freezing ?
  4. Lobar

    Can't find any servers after game crash

    We got screwed then haha.
  5. Lobar

    Can't find any servers after game crash

    Personnaly I would not do that. That's counterproductive.
  6. Lobar

    Can't find any servers after game crash

    Same problem here, but it also freezes when I click refresh. But they have millions of dollars to hire more developers now right ?
  7. Lobar

    Game freezes

    Same problem here with build 0.30.113953 standalone (01.05.2014). Everything worked well before. When I click on "Play" in the start screen, or "Refresh" in the server page (where no server shows up anymore now), the game freezes and is not responding. I've experienced this on two different PCs (win7, 250GTS and win 8.1, 780GTX) with Steam. 1. game not responding : 0% CPU, RAM : around 400 MB and doesnt change. 2. Reinstalled multiple times 3. Not at all. It happens from the new update of the game. 4. Also 100 times 5. Sure, and it is also the same conditions as when it was working. 6. No. But after the problem, I've tried to suppress game's profiles in Documents. Does not change anything.
  8. Lobar


    Same problem here with build 0.30.113953 standalone (01.05.2014). Everything worked well before. When I click on "Play" in the start screen, or "Refresh" in the server page (where no server shows up anymore now), the game freezes and is not responding. I've experienced this on two different PCs (win7, 250GTS and win 8.1, 780GTX) with Steam. Help please :( Edit : running it with admin rights does not solve the problem.