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Everything posted by motoforumist

  1. Hello, I've got one realistic and logical suggestion to make: Please, tune down the crouch speed. As of now, the crouched running speed and the standup running speed are almost identical, which is clearly unrealistic and somewhat flaws the gameplay. Even the crouched walking is near the same speed as the standup walking, which also isn't realistic. For anyone who does not agree with my suggestion because of anything - just crouch and then try move as quickly as possible. After you determine your max crouched speed, just standup and begin to run (just run, don't sprint). Which one was faster and how much it was faster?! When you see for yourself, you will probably agree with me. My proposition is to set the value of all crouched movements vs. all standup movements like 0.6 / 1 (60% vs. 100%). I think this will be realistic and will improve the gameplay without changing too much. Thank you devs and keep up the good work. Day Z standalone shows much, much promise!
  2. motoforumist

    [STANDALONE] Lower the crouch running speed value

    Don't talk if you didn't know me. I bet I can beat you at any sport, all day every day. My suggestion is proper - running is ALWAYS faster than crouching movement, so this SHOULD be the same in the game, if Dayz pretends to be realistic. I was trying to point this flaw to the devs, not start offtopics with some random hater who starts insulting right away.