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About retr092

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    On the Coast
  1. retr092

    Mosin Nagant Rangeing and Sniping Tutorial

    Thumbs up to vile, that method sure works! Im 100% sure if we could use that method on the place you were, the ranges would be under 200 meters, for sure! This is just plain stupid imo! 1st off: The ranges you are crounched from your target on both sides, are nothing near the ranges you say, it may be correct in the game, but it sure aint over 200 meters, Im sure if you crawled to the house and multiplied your body lenght, you would not get more than 200 meters, prob more like 150... So the system is waaay fucked. It looks like 200 meters, but if you zero your rifle at 500 meters you hit... thats just wrong. 200 meters should be 200 meters. 2nd: Aslo that mil system dosent work, becausimoe in every shot you take you had to make assumtions, and it dosent work, if you put 100 meters in all your shots, you would be dead on, im 100 % sure, because the zeroing in the game is not correct with the actual range! So trying to learn people a mil dot system which are right irl, isent working in the game, its all about making the right assumtion based on luck. As 100 meters zero you hit everything almost dead on under a range that is 400 meters in the game, not what the gun shows you. And dont lecture other people in things u dont know, a mil dot scope is 6 mils from every quarter; watch and learn: Here is a real mil calculation sheme: http://www.mil-dot.com/media/1001/user-guide-010.jpg From a guy which owns guns and actually have studied inner and outer ballistics, which in your world go under the frame "sniping". I guess u tried to learn people to hit with the mosin, and btw, your pronatiation of mosin is incorrect :P But just dont drag mils into it... Get your own system, because obviously your way of explaining mils wouldt apply if the ranges would actually be right and the zeroings would be right, then the real mil dot system would be right.